A little concerned. Cork bark elm

Mike Corazzi

Reaction score
Lincoln, CA
Tree seems healthy but just wondering about the bark coming off.
The "hole" was unsightly but not sure if any concern.


Other side of trunk

bark hole.jpg

Some of that bark above the first "hole" was loose and a ...touch... and it came off.

under bark.jpg

The tree is just popping leaves right now.


If this looks okay, I won't do anything, but if not I guess I could....patch it...with putty or something..


That's the part that would normally wick water. Brush the media away from the base of the tree when it is not in a show and glue the bark that came off back in place. I won't tell. You may want to buy me lunch or maybe just send me some money from time to time, but I won't tell. Promise.
That's the part that would normally wick water. Brush the media away from the base of the tree when it is not in a show and glue the bark that came off back in place. I won't tell. You may want to buy me lunch or maybe just send me some money from time to time, but I won't tell. Promise.

Do I have to use ELM -er's Glue?

Actually, it's moot. My concern was from that top pic. The one with the opening.
The bark immediately above it was loose and kinda wettish looking and I thought exposure to air would be better than a damp crack. .... IN THE BARK you dirty animals!
So I didn't bother to pick up the piece that fell off.
Ergo.... no gluing.
Nor nailing. Although I have heard of nailing a damp crack.
...............................................................................................................................................................(now look what you made me do) :eek:
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