What's interesting is the Tamarack (Larix) survived just fine (shown in the pictures earlier in the thread). They are pushing growth as if nothing happened. They were treated exactly the same way and placed in the exact same substrate. But I agree, my trees had very little in the way of cold protection, and it seems likely that it was the cause of the trouble. They will have proper winter protection under a cold frame and I'll heel them into the ground this fall. Heat pads will have to wait until I'm more settled. But likely within the next few years.
As stated earlier, I've sourced some good pressure treated lumber to build a small cold frame. I've also sourced and ordered 72 L (nearly 20 gallons) of pumice. It will arrive within the next few weeks. It took a while but I was finally able to locate a retailer within my province who can ship to me at a reasonable rate. They also sell other substrates like Akadama and Lava rock. So I'm quite thrilled about that.
I won't be collecting any trees this fall. My plan is to prep all of my materials and be ready to go for spring 2023.