A Glimpse Behind the Curtain


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South Central MN
Being new to an activity usually involves a few points in which the enthusiast learns something about his or her newfound interest - something that is the equivalent of peeking behind the Great Oz's curtain and seeing the truth.

My first one occurred when I got Craig Coussins' "Bonsai Master Class" book at the library. Unlike other bonsai books I've seen, it focuses on heavy and aggressive tree manipulation, including hardcore carving, creating bundled whips in a graft around a wire frame, creating rocks from fiberglass, etc. Frankly I'm not sure I like those ideas. Maybe I'll come around with a few years under my belt. I think the last straw was a show tree being prepared in which a jin was taken from another tree and glued & screwed onto the show tree. Yeah, that's the mirror of phoenix grafting but it bugs me way more.

The other was embedded in an article about decandling, in which the author mentioned traveling professionals working on their clients' trees. Again, something about this insults my sensibilities. It just seems that true bonsai is working with the material you are "given" and creating living art. Grafting and carving, wiring, are all in the bag of tools but adding something truly fake or paying someone else to do it doesn't sit well with me.

If that's your thing - go for it, but for now I'm not interested.
Are you purposefully trying to start a flame war or...?
As I get a little further into this I see strong opinions in either direction. Myself I really like some of the creative things, some more then others. I would consider sitting with someone to finish a tree if I ever have one that needs real expertise. And honest if I had one today that needed to be ready for show it would get handed over to a commissioned pro. The reason for that is in the middle of looking at getting a different property there simply would be no time or concentration. I think overall there is a time where you have to understand others time, money and life situation which often depicts what they do. It does not mean I would or not do any of the things you mentioned as I have already stated I enjoy some of the creative things. Just how I think and feel today - who knows what tomorrow brings? ;)
Sorry, but I learned along time ago that making decisions based on
preconceived ideas of what you supposedly like or dislike only limits
the range of where an Artist can go !!!

An "I'm not going to do this, or that, because I don't like something"
attitude, will in the end only hurt you yourself... because you have
decided on setting boundaries for yourself, instead of allowing any
and all options open for you to not only explore and be able to bring
out the best in the tree before you, but also, most importantly the
best in the talent that you yourself might be hiding within.

I have never "glued a piece of driftwood" to a tree of mine... but,
I would damn sure do it if I felt it brought out the best in the tree !!!
Which is what we are all here are supposed to be doing !!!
Bringing out the Best in the Tree...

I get so sick of always hearing snobby attitudes of how someone is
somehow better than something here at B-NUT !!!

Judging by the 99 point 9 % of the trees that I have seen posted here at
B-NUT, there are virtually none of us that are to good for anything !!!
So, perhaps we should get our heads out of our asses and get back to
working on trees ???

Just my 2 dimes ...
Yeah...... THIS might be one of those threads....

***Starts looking for cover***
Yeah...... THIS might be one of those threads....

***Starts looking for cover***

You know what the sad part about this is ???

This stupid thread about NOTHING will get more views
and replies, than the majority of the post that actually
have trees...
Kinda shows what is most important here at BNUT ???
I guess my post did not make sense, it was really meant to cautiously give a person a broader perspective and think about what they type :eek:
If you look up the definition of "kung fu," the original meaning really has nothing to do with martial arts. It was meant as a reflection of how well one does something, of experience gained over a lifetime. You can have great kung fu in cooking, fishing, martial arts, or bonsai. It's all about the journey.
A rebuttal, sure to stir up more trouble

Whooo-weeee. This is why we are all allowed to be new at things. Ha hah I kind of think it's funny when people say something online and all heck breaks loose. Sorry if this is a touchy subject folks! I debated on even responding, but I made this bed and will lie in it. Plus I think I need to defend my right to post what I want- nobody was harmed, after all.

Sorry, but I learned along time ago that making decisions based on
preconceived ideas of what you supposedly like or dislike only limits
the range of where an Artist can go !!!

My ideas weren't preconceived at all. Before I learned about the subject of my post, I didn't know it existed. After I learned about them, I did. Therefore not preconceived. AND my post indicated more than once that I may change my mind in the future. That's a lot healthier than saying "I will never do that". I look at it this way: there is no reason that I can't choose to like/dislike/approve/disapprove of anything I choose. The catch is that I don't have the right to try to force my views on someone else.

I get so sick of always hearing snobby attitudes of how someone is
somehow better than something here at B-NUT !!!

I hope you aren't addressing me directly! I'm too new to this to be better than ANYBODY. To be fair, I can see where saying I don’t like or agree with a process could be taken to mean a critique on those who use that process. That wasn’t my intent.

And finally, what's the problem with having discussions (and disagreements) in this forum? This IS the General Discussion section, and we should be able to discuss process and opinions as long as they are civil. Flame wars are for people who aren't able to have a civil and rational discussion, disagree when necessary, and respect the fact that they might disagree without being nasty or personal.
Flame wars are for people who aren't able to have a civil and rational discussion, disagree when necessary, and respect the fact that they might disagree without being nasty or personal.

I too am all for disagreement, but not when the other person doesn't have respect enough to just accept what you want to do and move on.

Fee: $0.02
Moving on

I too am all for disagreement, but not when the other person doesn't have respect enough to just accept what you want to do and move on.

Fee: $0.02

Moving on. Happily and quietly. Gonna go play with my woody. Branches, that is.
Moving on. Happily and quietly. Gonna go play with my woody. Branches, that is.

Hey now, I wasn't referring to you. And uh, you may want to reword that (where's the LOL emoticon?!)
This is proper and good fun the way it should be - and I for one was not bashing you and I am certain nobody else was - It was just strange timing because we are having "mild" situations on other threads.

Welcome to B-NUT! And stay active! You can and will learn a lot here! :D
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