A Box of Naturalistic Penjing 4 G52.

Seems the Path been Forked.
One Big Black Pot per Tine.
Traveling Back, Word.
To the Handle,
Sorce Group Mine.

I'm going to put these 3 together.

Of the double...
Obviously...there is the straight post with The knob. I've pondered removal...
But committing this to Penjing...
I will keep it where it stands..
And carve a whole in that knob.
The spread at the base is wide..
And dead on the side facing the other tree, with a thick callous..
Looks real creepy.

And the theme of this group will remain...

"Finding a Safe Path Through"

Of the big tree in the double.

Obviously again...the ramrod straight left branch. It has to go, which is, special thanks to @mattspiniken , why I am going to group these.

The single tree has a lot of foliage right, where if snuggled up close, and tilted a bit left, can create a nice apex.

Like this...
Going around the tree right will have that big bent trunk looming over your head.
Through the middle will be rooty and dark, a dangerous place.
To the left, the original path, you have to go over, or under, the big old trunk.
And Maybe there will be a cliff near.

What's worse than no Tropicals in winter?

Cold Rain in Spring!

I like them and curious to see what you do with them!!!

Did you get the slab yet?
Here's the other 2fer.

I bought it for the movement in the small trunk.
Saw some monks playing chess on that old stump recently. 20170709_083726.jpg
The other side....and you can see the flaw in the nebari on the other....though wide one way...the side view is just ghastly.

So I figured this would make a good end of this composition......

Either on the left....20170709_083818.jpg

Or the right....

Got some doodling to do.

@sorce from those pics I vote RIGHT!!!

but I can tell the pics are from a different angle and height so I don't see what you see.

Plus I think your FVG's are less scratched than mine
Plus I think your FVG's are less scratched than min

You gotta get the ones with the wiper blades for that humidity!

I think the whole thing will look good from either way.
Which wouldn't sucks!

@sorce ,

two suggestions -

[1] Try a plant with finer branching and smaller leaves.
Greater illusion.

[2] Get a nice piece of hardwood, simple block and carve
an angular / rectangular or squarish shape to contrast with
the beautiful stone material.


Good Day
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