No one here is disagreeing, but you have to convince Bill, not the choir.

Even without much social media hype the event was packed, they even had to regulate incoming crowds by noon on Saturday. I would recommend emailing Bill or Diane at their international bonsai email addresses. Response can be immediate, or none but I am sure they read everything. Let them know what you loved or hated about the event. Feedback is helpful. Please, everyone complain about the lack of AC. Last event someone literally died because of it.

I doubt they will change the venue or the venue will change building infrastructure but some event companies DO rent portable AC blowers. Thing is, weather in September in Rochester is a gamble, it could be cool or it could be super hot. Maybe that monetary donation for photography rights can go to AC expenses….
Contact Herc Rentals with your portable ac rental needs. Our portable air conditioner rentals are perfect for commercial uses.
As a vendor I’ll pay an AC fee for our corner of the room to have some cooling. or
Here is a form which I have gotten good responses at as well:
Squeaky wheel gets the grease!