$35 Japanese Maple project

I love the large base and the tapper & movement of the trunk. The bark becomes mature too 👍
Not too shabby for $35... and about 10 years 😀
Dude... it's the journey that matters!!!
... and now you've got me thinking what I could flip it for... see if the year over year rate of return on the initial investment is beating my IRAs 🙏 :D
Re-potted today. Clearly, maple roots really love akadama based soils ( though they grow just fine in other soils, as well, they develop a ton of feeder roots in Akadama). As the rootage strengthens and ramifies, it'll slowly get exposed.
have you already decided which branch will make the new trunk line/crown ?
I was thinking of this branch, on the pics, which seems to be a nice continuation of the trunk ->
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I've been thread grafting multiple spots on the long upper trunk, but none took last year, so more were started recently. I want the tree to be taller than what you have in your picture but do believe the tree will eventually move back to the left.
ok, it will be interesting to see how it evolves in the future (your artistic choices) 👍
Glad I came across this, dealing with an identical root problem. Great turn around
ok, it will be interesting to see how it evolves in the future (your artistic choices) 👍
Unfortunately, the branch you propose to be the next section of trunk comes off the back of the trunk and there would be a large chop scar directly in the front. I'm trying to avoid that be starting some new grafts above the branch you like. The tree will still be compact but a bit taller than what you've drawn above. Hopefully, we have a good growing year and these grafts take so I can start to refine the apex 🙏.
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