32 year old Acer Rubrum

So this is an early grower and ready for a repot. In another life I was a woodcarver with a woodcarving bench. Clamping a few sticks to the bench make a wonderful tool for working on the bottom of the tree. Gravity boots!! Can you notice where the holes in the pot show in the root ball?

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Great idea! Guess there is a height limitation of what you can work on...or a taller bench.
@ABCarve driving to work today it dawned on me, that your maple had yellow fall color. As far as a i can remember ruburm turns a brilliant scarlet red (its namesake) around me. It might be the most beautiful tree in eastern PA in that season. Does yours typically show yellow coloring or is it red most years?

Acer rubrum was named for the color of the flowers, not the leaves. Depending on the local race, autumn leaf color can be anything from yellow, the most common, to orange to red.
Acer rubrum was named for the color of the flowers, not the leaves. Depending on the local race, autumn leaf color can be anything from yellow, the most common, to orange to red.

Actually, I looked at a few photos, and even the flower color is not always red. I guess the trees did not read the "official" description. Go figure.

@ABCarve This is the best red maple I have seen as bonsai, really nice.
Of course Leo knows haha. Very cool, i had no clue. Maybe all this time I have just assumed the yellow leaves belonged to norway maple or something similar.
Actually, I looked at a few photos, and even the flower color is not always red. I guess the trees did not read the "official" description. Go figure.

@ABCarve This is the best red maple I have seen as bonsai, really nice.
Leo, I read that its named for the buds, and petioles.
Nice tree. Many years great horticultural skill showing here. Personally loved trunk character of other front;).
I think there are different rubrums as well. Mine have the 3 pointed lobe leaves ,smooth grey bark ,red flowers and stems and fall colors are always red and orange and pinks with a little yellow. But Ive seen other so called Rubrums with heavily serrated 5 lobed leaves.Really different. Either case a wonderful American Bonsai and thankyou for the tip on leaf reduction.
Exceptional work. By far the nicest A. rubrum I have ever seen. It has been difficult for me to imagine that a tree that grows like a weed could be so magnificent. I will be tagging some in my yard as soon as I can.
Im just wondering if what many people label Red maple or Rubrum could really be swamp maple (not the same) .Those are always yellow fall color and the leaves are very similar to yours.They have that grey flaky bark when older. too.
Do you know the botanical name? If so would you please post it here.
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