[2018- ] Pomegranate II - My big root cutting


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This tree was actually a root of my big pomegranate when I noticed it couldn't fit in the pot I just cut the root and plant it to see what would happen to it. well it sprouted and it is doing great.

This one was repoted this year (maybe I shouldn't have) but it starting to show signs of growth too.

I would be grateful for any design insights about it
The "cut" shown in the above picture is from a root I removed, I initially had the soil higher to cover it but it went down with my first few watering, I will attend to it next spring I guess



I feel this guy has good potential but not sure how to drive it from here other than "let it grow"

Yep, I'd let it grow a while. Then later you can choose which branches you want to keep. I see several more buds around the other side. Eventually you can carve and hollow it out some but you won't want to do that until you see where your branches come from and it's had a while to grow strong. I imagine @bonhe will have good advice to offer you. Good luck with it!
Tree had an "Accident" dog Knock it down and it the substrate fell so I had to "repot" it again today without touching the root off course...

I hope it will recover
Tree is doing well however bark was damaged on this side and still peeling off ?

Any hopes it will heal
Anything will heal given enough time. Looks like it will take a long time to make any bonsai out of this so there is still hope.
Another option for stump bonsai like this is to carve some of the dead part out to make a hollow trunk tree. This will still take many years to become bonsai.
Anything will heal given enough time. Looks like it will take a long time to make any bonsai out of this so there is still hope.
Another option for stump bonsai like this is to carve some of the dead part out to make a hollow trunk tree. This will still take many years to become bonsai.
Thanks for the reply

Do you think carving would be a better approach? I've never carved before so I am a bit intimidated

Re time: yes I am aware it will take time but time will pass anyway so better do something I enjoy with it. And it all depends on what one means by 'bonsai' I think you are referring to a 'show ready' tree or something like that. I don't have the skills to build such a tree and that's totally ok with me. All I want is something I would enjoy.

Again thanks for your insights
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