1.5 years of bonsai, 63 trees, I've come a long way!

Lovely, it's always nice to watch a video of walking through a nice garden. Thank you for sharing.
I am so jealous of you being able to leave your trees outside all year round. Very nice job! I am a bonsai newbie also (8 months) and I have about 50 trees, it ain't fun moving them inside in the winter.
Very nice. How’s that watering system working out? Dependable?
The video even has a live action of the lizard climb-about.
I didn't even noticed the watering system, been wanting to get one for the summer, how do you like it and if it's decent can you please send a link or what company makes it. Thanks
I didn't even noticed the watering system, been wanting to get one for the summer, how do you like it and if it's decent can you please send a link or what company makes it. Thanks
Not my video. But I can recommend Gardena smart watering system. Works fantastic with lots of opportunities.
I just got 4 of these kits for $8.00 each on the clearance shelf at HD. 14 drip units in each pack.
wasn’t planning on doing this yet but couldn’t pass this up. Might want to check your Local HD. Mine were about 80% off.
The home depot kit is generally different than the ones on Amazon. I started with an Amazon kit and it works well enough but it's not compatible with home depot parts. But the kits are easily extendable from Amazon as well. All of the kits look more or less the same, but look for the kits with the thicker tubing.

Thanks for the kind words folks!
I guess everyone approaches things in their own way.. I've been 'practicing' bonsai for five or six years now and I have two trees in the early stages of refinement and maybe four more that have promise for the future. I'm a bit of a perfectionist and most trees don't cut it for me. Not to mention, I don't think I could care for the number of trees you have with my work schedule. But kudos to you!
I just got 4 of these kits for $8.00 each on the clearance shelf at HD. 14 drip units in each pack.
wasn’t planning on doing this yet but couldn’t pass this up. Might want to check your Local HD. Mine were about 80% off.
I forgot the link
It’s a conversion kit but has everything I need to create a system
Well Sock, looks like you've stepped in it. You have a volume of trees that could take all your time including eating at your work bench. You need to take a vow of abstinence from buying or collecting any more for a while because the maintenance of what you have is going to increase over time as the trees evolve to higher levels of fineness. You are going to find that some trees are getting away from you because you have too many to pick at and keep up to snuff. The nicer the tree, the more often you need to play with it. Weeds in the pots won't seem like a problem until you let some go to seed and they are everywhere. You need to keep that population down because it's just like growing stuff anywhere, -if it likes where it is it will try to take over, and usually does. Great start!
You may need a clinical psychologist to address the roots (dad pun) of your obsessive compulsions. I’ll be using your example to justify my meager participation in this hobby to my critics (my wife).

Lets do the math:
“1.5 years” = 78 weeks.
63 trees / 78 weeks = 0.8 trees acquired per week on average.

I don’t think I grocery shop that often.
I don’t think I grocery shop that often.
Oh.. But you have the math wrong. If you go grocery shopping. Do you come home with just one items? Now.. WHen you go to a nursery.. Why would you then come home with just one tree?
Pretty impressive 👍
Have any kids?

No kids and no wife = yes I can manage this so far! I get to pick and choose a project I want to work on, and I have worked 90% of these trees so far at least once, maybe more than that because I'm new and I obviously like to do too much too quickly.

I also tend to throw my trees into small pots early, and then I'll move them to something bigger if I just want it to grow. I'm also a teacher so lots of free time!
Well Sock, looks like you've stepped in it. You have a volume of trees that could take all your time including eating at your work bench. You need to take a vow of abstinence from buying or collecting any more for a while because the maintenance of what you have is going to increase over time as the trees evolve to higher levels of fineness. You are going to find that some trees are getting away from you because you have too many to pick at and keep up to snuff. The nicer the tree, the more often you need to play with it. Weeds in the pots won't seem like a problem until you let some go to seed and they are everywhere. You need to keep that population down because it's just like growing stuff anywhere, -if it likes where it is it will try to take over, and usually does. Great start!

I weed constantly! South Florida means trees grow fast and the weeds do too! Complete removal is impossible as the wind carries them into the pots regardless.
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