
  1. JLee9706

    Over or under watering...?

    So I think one of the recent heat waves (113-117*) and smoke in the air (El Dorado Fire) had me over watering for a while. But now I can’t tell if I am i over watering or this is from previous under water from the sudden heat. This is happening to two of four of my junipers. One that is not...
  2. Clicio

    I don't think a drip line system works for bonsai.

    Watering bonsai is sometimes compared to quantum physics or an esoteric concept. When watered from above with a fine spray hose nozzle and plenty, and more than once per session till water pours from the bottom holes, this is a proved and true method to provide both water and oxygen to the...
  3. M

    Japanese White Pine

    Hello guys, I am relatively new to bonsai, I got a Chinese elm about a month ago and have managed to take care of it well. I went to a garden centre yesterday and saw this beautiful JWP that I got not realising how different it was to the elm. I have been researching all night and can not...
  4. StreamGrove

    Watering help in SoCal

    This will be my first time caring for plants during summer here in Los Angeles. We are already getting heat waves in spring hitting 90s. I have my plants in a full sun area under a shade canopy I made that has a white 50% uv cover, and a 80% on the back to blockout afternoon sun. I will be...
  5. Yugen

    Liquid fertilizer killing moss?

    I was wondering if anyone experienced moss dying from continual liquid fertilizer application? The fertilizer I use vacillates between fish fert and a 10-10-10 chemical 2-3 times a week at concentrations higher than stated on the packaging but way lower than I've seen seasoned enthusiasts...
  6. T

    Chinese Elm leaf question

    Hello all. Short time lurker, first time poster. Was gifted a Chinese Elm for my birthday last September and somehow managed to get it through winter. Chuffed with myself I decided to repot at the start of this month as the old soil was regular compost. Repotting seemed to go well, nothing...
  7. L

    Willow Tea

    I made a batch of "willow tea" ... Basically it's new growth from a willow tree soaked in water.. I made it to root some cuttings I took.. It made me wonder, would this be a good thing to add to bonsai water? Half of bonsai seems to be the development of roots. You would think hitting them...
  8. L

    Japanese Black Pine browning tips

    Hello all, I have some experience with bonsai, 3-4 years, but no real training. This Black pine was a new addition this winter and recently it's begun having brown tips. I have never had a pine, but from my research they lose their old needles very slowly, but at the same time once they show...
  9. TurkishTree

    Procumbens nana juniper, need information.

    I bought a Procumbens Juniper yesterday, Firstly I need to know about watering. Second can it live in balcony? Third about the fertilization. Please help me to learn these
  10. S

    Target Soil Moisture Level for Juniper Procumbens nana

    Hello, I am new to bonsai growing and want to make sure that I am doing everything right for my bonsai. I am 99% sure that is a Juniper Procumbens nana. I just bought the bonsai for my desk at work and realized that the pot does not have a hole in the bottom to let excess water out. I am going...
  11. S

    Help Watering my Juniper Procumbens Nana

    Hello, I am new to bonsai growing and want to make sure that I am doing everything right for my bonsai. I am 99% sure that is a Juniper Procumbens nana. I just bought the bonsai for my desk at work and realized that the pot does not have a hole in the bottom to let excess water out. I am going...
  12. Clicio

    Terracota pots - They dry faster

    There is a myth around here that terracota pots (for seedlings, saplings and training plants) are way better than plastic pots. My observation so far is: Given pots with the same size, draining holes and volume, with the same substrate and plants inside, but plastic X terracota = terracota dries...
  13. Clicio

    Overwatering, small needles and automated watering systems.

    As read in Bonsai Tonight: "*Over watering yields longer needles – less water yields shorter needles." So one prepares her/his garden to a system that automatically waters the bonsai when needed. The 50 or so Pines like dryish soil, but we don't want them do die, right? At the same time, we...
  14. C

    Yellow colored water draining out from Bonsai?!

    Hello Bonsai Nuts, Im a newbie to bonsai, found my first (and only still) Juniper Bonsai while browsing a random nursery i found and It was love at first sight. Since then Ive been doing my best to learn everything I can to take proper care of my little Bonsai, and i was doing pretty ok i...
  15. Joelshack2362

    Got from clearance section!!

    Hello I'm rather new to bonsai and have a general question. I got this tree from the clearance section and it had dropped most of its leaves. I have had it for about two weeks and it seems to be growing back rather quick. My question is with fall coming up should I just let it go it's natural...
  16. BeebsBonsai

    JBP watering

    hey all, How long do you all wait between waterings of your japanese black pine during the heat of the summer? I think im waterinng a bit much now that the growth has hardened off and I just wanted to see what you guys do as far as watering them. Its 90 here all week and i have been...
  17. Ryan H

    Clover as a Companion??

    Hi all, On different page I came upon the idea of using clover as a companion plant for bonsai in order to add nitrogen and prevent water loss from inorganic soil in arid climates. I live in Phoenix and was wondering if anyone has tried/has opinion on the subject. From what I have read, a...
  18. Ryan H

    Privet Help Please

    Hello! New to the forum but not to bonsai. Recently bought the Chinese privet below and seem to be having problems with the correct water levels? Maybe? Have had the tree about a week and notice some leaf wilt, tips are graying, some small drop. I know they tend to like higher humidity so...
  19. jordystokes

    Watering with ice cubes???

    This is my first winter, so please excuse any nonsensical thoughts, misconceptions, or just plain ignorance. :) I read a lot of posts and blogs in preparation for winter. In one of my readings it said that you should never water a frozen tree or water when the temperature is below freezing...
  20. Angela

    Acacia Advice, Please?

    Hi there! So I'm not sure if there's a forum for this, so sorry if I'm messing this up ... This is my first ever bonsai. My parents got it for me. It's an Acacia, though I'm not sure what type -- it has thorns and the bark of the trunk has an almost feathery texture - it's soft and if you...
  21. Smilefreak24

    Looking for advice for my New Bonsai's

    Hey Bonsai Nut's! I just got into Bonsai's a few months ago when I purchased Hawaiian Umbrella and a small Bougie. Unfortunately, the bougie started to droop severely and drop leaves and after 2 weeks of attempted revival, I donated it back to the sanctuary (I didn't want to do it any more...
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