trunk chop

  1. Apex37

    Advice on Styling S Shaped Ficus

    I've had this ficus for about 3 years now. It's been in the pot it's in for 2 and very pot bound and needing a repot. I was thinking of doing something drastic and doing a trunk chop to the first main branch. It's been growing so a-typically that I'd like to get back budding lower. Any...
  2. Trigobontree

    From an S curve to a…?

    Hello All, I have this Chinese Elm with an S curve that I’m not a huge fan of (and the roots are a mess). How and when should I “fix” it? I’m thinking above the red line is just firewood, too much of a reverse taper. Is the blue line a good place to trunk chop? And if so is it worth trying to...
  3. QuantumSparky

    Chopping Trunk in Stages

    I recently chopped a new maple a few inches above the final chop location. I've heard from videos and the forum that it's common to do a rough chop first, wait a year, and then do the final chop at the angle you want and (usually) pretty close to your selected new leader. Does chopping in...
  4. Apex37

    When to Trunk Chop?

    So I have a little cork bark JM that I picked up from Brent at Evergreen Gardenworks. I'm thinking it's going to need a trunk chop due to how far up the first branching starts. I'm not sure air-layering will provide much and not even sure I can do successfully with it being this young. I've read...
  5. RoadManDenDron

    The ugliest trunk i could find (prunus)

    I went out in search of ugly (another thread) I was disappointed in what I went out for which I think is what led me to this After what feels like a lifetime I finally found something that definitely fell out of the mould of the clones I keep rummaging through I expect its not the 'cup of tea'...
  6. X

    How to ensure survival of Olive Stump

    The next-door neighbours had dug this 20-year-old olive out of their garden and threw it in the skip. I saw it and took it in. It is about 6in diameter at the base with some roots intact. It has no leaves on it as the top has been chopped off completely. I'm in UK and new to Bonsai. I have read...
  7. woodkraftbonsai

    Big Box Store Japanese Maple - chop and root prune? Or just chop?

    Found this maple at Home Depot and couldn’t pass it up due to the price. Had to chop most of the branches off to get into the suv for the ride home. It was balled and bur-lapped in the pot. I pulled it away a bit and just under the clay soil there is some root flare. I will probably ground/air...
  8. G

    Trunk chop after defoliation

    In general, is it wise to do a trunk chop after defoliation (a planned trunk chop obviously) so the regrowth energy doesn't get wasted on parts of the tree that are unwanted? I've recently defoliated a tree and am intending on chopping it around half way. Above the intended cut there are a lot...
  9. R

    Field developing conifers

    Hi, I was wondering what techniques can be used to develop taper in field growing conifers. trunk chopping to a new leader is what I’m using for deciduous trees (to develop taper whilst field growing), does this technique work with coniferous species? How would you deal with candles/growth...
  10. HENDO

    Chopped BC Beast Growth Question - remove any new growth now?

    Hey All, This might be a stupid question... My chopped BC are starting to explode. Before it may be too late I wanted to ask if it is the time to start removing/managing any new growth - if not, when is the right time? Here is the tree with the most growth so far. The reason I am asking is...
  11. nmilewski

    Collected Privet advice and feedback

    Hey all, I collected this privet from my brother's property this morning, and I'm really excited about it. I'm almost 2 years into taking bonsai seriously and have collected many trees. Most survive. I'm learning a lot about styling but think this is my best material collected and don't want...
  12. Syltis

    Advice going forward with a new Picea Abies (Norway Spruce)

    Hi! I am fairly new to bonsai and to this forum. I am loving the hobby though, so I'm mostly working on getting more trees to put my hands on. I recently went looking through nurseries for Norway Spruce (Picea Abies) and this was the only one I found. I wanted a more developed tree I could...
  13. G

    Can I prune back this oak while there are still leaves on it

    Hello, I am wondering if I can prune back this oak while there are still leaves remaining on it this time of year in the uk and also to where you would recommend pruning back to thanks
  14. electronfusion

    Styling Advice for Young Cherry Tree

    Below is my rainier cherry tree, which I acquired spring 2019 from a local nursery and immediately trunk chopped. It's been growing vigorously since and just lost its leaves for the winter. Next spring I plan to air layer it off of its dwarfing rootstock and possibly rework the chop site. A...
  15. L

    My Ficus bonsai trees are dying. The both came in poor condition. Almost no leaves left. Can I cut them into a stump for new growth in the spring?

    I got a Fukieon and a Too little weeping fig bonsai trees this year. They came in poor condition and have gotten worse. There are only 2 leaves left on the Fukieon and a dozen on the fig in no good grouping or form. I was wondering if I could trunk chop them into stumps and get new growth next...
  16. GreatLakesBrad

    Trident Surgery - Feedback Welcomed

    My first major surgery on a "sort of more ish mature" piece of material. Trident Maple incremental trunk chop, heavy root prune, and repot. These wash basins are of course for future growth and not meant to be aesthetically pleasing. So happy that the tree is doing well this spring and...
  17. JustinP

    Leggy Ficus

    Greetings y’all. I’ve been muddling through this bonsai hobby for a number of years, and I’ve got a question about this ficus microcarpa. I’ve had it for fifteen years or so, slowly working on a banyan style and as you can see, it’s way too leggy. I want to prune it waaay back, but am frankly...
  18. kilgore

    trunk chop a red buckeye

    hey folks... new person here! with a question for the more knowledgable bonsai enthusiasts. i have a red buckeye in a pot in my yard, about 2-2/12 feet tall, only a few years old. it has a nice thick trunk with a pretty root system and i'd like to just chop the whole thing down and see what...
  19. T

    When to Repot, Trunk Chop Live Oak and Desert Willow

    I picked up two trees this weekend at a giveaway and am curious when/how to best transition them for training. All of my other pre-bonsai material is still in the growing out phase, whereas these are plenty tall but lack lower branches and much girth. I'm not sure if they were field grown and...
  20. D

    Trident maple trunk chop problems

    Hello all, I have a trident maple growing over a rock that I trunk chopped three seasons ago. No buds appeared after the first year. The second year I tried some grafting that did not take. This is the third season, and I’m at a bit of a loss. I know the tree is still alive because of the...
  21. B

    50+ year old landscape boxwood trunk cutting

    I found a 50+ year old boxwood that was intended for someone's yard, but never got planted. This thing has some height to it, and I want to scale it back. It has multiple trunks with a rather large main section where the trunks meet. Can I get away with chopping all the trunks at once, or would...
  22. Gsquared

    Has anyone ever done a severe chop on a copper beech?

    Wondering if anyone has reduced a large beech with a major chop? I saw one at a nursery and it doesn’t really have any branches on the lower part of the trunk where you’d want them. Root base and flare are good though. The first branch is about 16-18” up, so that would be the lowest to chop you...
  23. Cosmos

    Nursery ginkgo - good base, where/when to chop?

    Bought this ginkgo today. It sort of winked at me as I was browsing trees in the pouring rain, being small enough to fit in my car and 1/3 the price of the taller, less interesting ginkgos on offering. My instant feeling was "good wide base, not perfect (a bit of reverse taper) but interesting...
  24. music~maker

    Acer Palmatum - Looking for feedback/ideas

    Hey everyone, I just defoliated one of my maples and decided it's time to ask for a little input. This started out as a trunk chop experiment from pre-bonsai stock that I got back in 2009/2010. I've learned a ton from the process and would definitely do a number of things differently if I were...
  25. O

    Can You Trunk Chop a Larch (Larix Laricina)

    Can anyone tell me if you can trunk chop a larch below the first branch? and if so when? Thanks Chris
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