I came across this Northern Red Oak in a neighbor's yard, It's between 8 and 10 feet tall, the main trunk is approx. 4 inches in dia. and the second trunk is about 1.5 inches. These are joined as the photo shows and this part is mostly punky and rotten. I'm wondering if... or thinking rather...
I got this blue atlas cedar on a deep discount and am wondering what the next steps should be. I cut off the top ~6-10 inches late this summer and am wanting to ultimately cut at the blue line. Does anyone agree/disagree? Would it be too early to chop it this spring? I’m also wondering if I can...
I'm trying to prepare for this ahead of time and I want to add it to my calendar so I will know when to do the deed.
When is the best time of year to do a trunk chop on a Dawn Redwood. Also how do you do it? Do you cut it straight across it or do you cut it at an angle?
I did one on a dawn...
I purchased my first Trident Maple. It’s about 5 ft tall with no movement in the trunk. The base is about an inch and half thick. The first bud is about 6in up from the base. Ive had it a couple weeks and I’m just letting it acclimate, I haven’t repotted or looked at the roots yet. I’m...
Unusually, there has never been an annual field growing thread here on bnut. Since there's so much emphasis on chopping and collecting right away, I thought I'd start one myself. There's a ton of information out there on youtube and on practitioners websites that I rarely see posted here. I'm a...
Howdy y'all,
I've been growing these from seed for almost 5 years now (4 flame trees, 1 jacarda and 1 silk) and I'm curious to the community's opinion on whether or not they're ready for a trunk chop? One FLAME seems to be naturally back budding as is and one SILK I also let get waaaay too big...
What time of year is best to top prune/trunk chop a deciduous tree that has already reached desired trunk girth and has an established branch that can be used as a leader? I imagine it’s not late winter/early spring because I don’t want the explosive growth that you generally look for when...
Hi guys,
I saw this liquidamber (sweet gum) and couldn’t resist its unique trunk shape. Im satisfied with the current trunk thickness and am thinking of doing a trunk chop to start developing more taper after the first bend.
This is my first deciduous tree and I want to make sure I’m doing...
Consolidating all of my bucida spinosa/terminalia molinetti tree progressions and work into a single thread to keep things less spammy.
I appreciate and welcome any constructive criticism, questions, suggestions. The poll is for the first tree.
This is my 2nd biggest one, has kind of a long...
Spring in central Wisconsin is coming up soon. I have an Austree Willow bonsai that is starting to grow leaves a little early maybe. Spring and warm temperatures are about a month or 2 away, where I can move it back outside. Is it okay that leaves are starting to sprout on the tips of branches...
Recently got this Stewartia Monadelpha and would love your advice as I’m thinking to achieve taper by doing a trunk chop, so would you do a whole saw diagonal chop below the 2 leaders? Or would you take leader #1 only? #2 only? Or just leave it and let ramification take care of the visible...
I have been doing a lot of yamadori, but I usually always keep a few branches and leaves or buds. However since I now wish larger trees, I was wondering if it was possible to do a trunk chop low down near the base of the trunk?, so I just dig up a stump (on deciduous trees only). I hear it is...
I have quite a few Japanese black pine growing in the ground in grow bags. I haven't heard anyone discuss the nuances of what to cut, when to cut, or how to cut to encourage the fastest base thickening and keep lower growth healthy. I have heard to not trim or cut back to encourage rapid...
So I've finally beaten my compulsive urge to buy nursery material with severely underdeveloped trunks and C grade branching that I end up lopping off anyway. *cue applause*
Not that this little crab apple's trunk doesn't need developing, in fact that's precisely why I'm posting. I picked it up...
I collected this maple tree earlier this year in Michigan about 1/2 a mile from Lake Michigan in a large forest. It was definitely not planted by people and neither was anything remotely near it. My best guess is that it would be an Amur maple but honestly it’s leaves resemble a sienna glen...
Had a ugly S shaped elm that I chopped over winter. The thing grew like a weed (had zero branches after the chop) and I finally did the first prune. I’m hoping a bud will break near the first bend to form a new apex so I can chop it lower. What are your thoughts?
I have this fig tree for several years now, it is about 5 years old. Is it getting too large for my house at about 5 feet tall and I want to turn it into Bonsa tree.. I am planning to repot it into bonsai pot with Bonsai soil which I have decent experience with, but I am in doubt when...
I have collected this maple in Maine wilderness last October. I believe it is red maple but I am not sure. It has survived the winter well and several days ago I repotted it into bonsai pot with good bonsai soil. I watered it little bit and left it in part sun location. It is doing well...
I am pretty new to pines and would greatly appreciate some advice and help with a game plan for this tree. It is a grafted Miyajima, jwp supposedly 9-10 + yr out. I purchased it on ebay last spring. I potted into this pond basket right after I received it, as it was shipped without a pot. It had...
I am wondering if I can trunk chop a lilac that I collected last spring. It has grown wonderfully after I collected in. This was right after collection. The trunk looks small but it is about 1.5 inch thick at least and has amazing bark on it. I want to chop back to the red line or lower to force...
Got a few trident chops I need to finish carving. On the first chop, the callous has stopped rolling over. The second one I haven't worked yet. Should I go ahead and reopen them both now, or wait until spring after the first flush has hardened, to speed healing?
Also, should I remove the dead...
Hi, I have recently collected this tree (2 days ago, it was now or never) from a forest near my grandads house. I have potted it up in a plastic pot with regular potting soil (all that I have available) and given it a deep watering. In the photos you can see where I have cut the tree in order to...
Hey BNutters, recently the trunk chop on my chinese elm finally budded. I set an initial leader but since I can't decide on what I want to do with all the extra budding, I decided to let bonsai nut make the choice for me! You can submit any changes or styles you'd like to see it in and vote on...
I couldn't find a whole lot online and what I could find was about our American Sweetgum and people having little success with air layers. I have a decent amount of this trunk I'm planning to chop and thought I could possibly air layer it off.
Anybody else have success with this or thoughts?