
  1. RJG2


    This is my first ficus (from Wigert's), and I'm not feeling inspired at all. No taper. Any suggestions? So far, the only things I can think of is the following chop (first notch halfway, then when mostly healed finish by air layering the top), or wrapping another container around the trunk and...
  2. Clicio

    Brazilian Rain Tree - BRT - from seed, a progression

    I decided to create this thread to record the progression of a BRT from seed, one from a batch of 20 or so. Some culled, most given as gift. I sowed in sand in the winter of 2018, it sprouted in the beginning of October. After 10 days it was going well. Shade, humidity and watering. In...
  3. Clicio

    Three tips on Jaboticabas

    A native of the wetlands of southern Brazil, Jaboticabas are one of the most sought after fruiting trees for bonsai in tropical countries. So if you like them, here it goes: 1-) They love wet feet, as much as Wisteria, and their roots can never dry out or they die. A wet tray under the pot...
  4. J

    Did I let my Ficus get too Cold?

    Hey Y'all, A couple of days ago, the sun was out, the birds were singing, so I thought it would be a good idea to water my "Tiger Bark" (we think) ficus outside. Mind you, it was about 52F, and I had remembered reading somewhere about "above 50F" (oops. should have researched more) was safe for...
  5. B

    My delonix regalia (flame tree) is losing its lower leaves. Any idea why?

    Hi, all. The lower leaves on my delonix are turning yellow in the center and then falling off. However, this is only happening to the leaves on the lower limbs. The leaves on top look very healthy and seem to be thriving. Right now I use rainwater to water mixed with bonsai pro fertilizer...
  6. MattE

    Tigerbark ficus ( progress thread )

    Well grabbed the courage to propagate my ginseng ficus. I see such a nice future bonsai in this. I put it in a 40 percent organic and 60 percent bonsai mix. Rocks on top are just to hold it in place better. I did about a 50 to 60 percent defoliation. Everything I read says if it has no roots it...
  7. B

    Should I be doing any work on my delonix/Flame tree and/or Fukien tea now? Pics below. New to this and clueless.

    Or should I wait until sometime next year? I plan on transitioning the delonix to outdoors once the weather stays consistently warm, if that helps any. Thank you!
  8. Forrestford

    Big, too little forest

    Just wanted to have a place to put my project so I could get tips/advice and to share my ficus too little forest. The end goal is a crazy jungle with lots of aerial roots and roots over rocks. I went to a nursery and found these ficus too little stock at 2.99 each. Nothing too special little...
  9. B

    Indoor lighting - is this a good artificial light for tropical/subtropical tree seedlings? Will it be good as they mature?

    50W LED Grow Lights with UV IR,Shengsite Upgraded Full Spectrum Grow Lamp Bulbs for Indoor Plants, Seedling,Vegetables,Flowers and Fruits,Hydroponics &Organic Plants If it helps I am using this for my Delonix Regia seedling...
  10. B

    When should I start to fertilize my 2 week old seedling?

    It is a Delonix Regia that I am keeping indoors until the weather permits otherwise. This is the first tree seed that I’ve planted. Also, what kind of fertilizer should I use and should I put it in another “pot”. This one came with the kit and I’m not sure how sufficient it is. I have...
  11. Aaron the Great

    My first Ficus

    I finally got my first Ficus. I'm guessing that it is a Ginseng Ficus but with this being my first ficus I do not have any experience with them. I guess I could watch Nigel and see what he says. :D I was at a local nursery and they had it marked for $7 so I grabbed it. The pot says that its...
  12. T

    The $1.00 Treasure...

    While Houston was flooding today, we were touring garden centers. Unfortunately most nurseries were closed but the Lowe’s wasn’t. While I was walking around disappointed that I couldn’t find a small ficus to fiddle with, the hubs goes and finds this. I have no idea if it’s good or not, but it...
  13. cockroach

    Roach's Fici

    Thought I would start a thread I will periodically update. Not regularly. Sporadically. I have a few ficus that now have pots or will be getting soon. Some that I need help choosing a direction on and some that are just starting out. The first one is my Literati cascade. I like this one. It...
  14. milehigh_7

    Bahama Berry (Nashia inaguensis)

    Thanks to member @NewWorldBonsai for this little gem! The species is new to me so hopefully, I don't kill it. I picked it up on his eBay site. If you have never done any research on this tree, it super cool! As you can see in the pictures the leaves are tiny and shiny, the trunk is quite rugged...
  15. H

    First Schefflera

    I found this tree buried in the back of a mom and pop nursery. Paid $12. I felt like I was stealing it. I'm still deciding on an overall height. There are a lot of aerial roots on the upper sections of the branches. Not sure if I want to lose those. Thinking I'll keep them. Hoping to get it...
  16. cdefoe

    ficus microcarpa

    greetings, this is my ficus microcarpa. i just started getting into bonsai after attending the local club's spring auction in june. i have been practicing on some pre-bonsai material i've picked up at the auction and local garden centers. i've been doing a lot of reading and video watching...
  17. Culper Woodhull

    Terrarium for Ficus Bonsai?

    I have an empty 55 gallon aquarium sitting in the garage and I've just discovered terrariums while surfing the web. They seem really cool and since I like bonsai, I was wondering if I could plant 2 ficus bonsai opposite each other in the aquarium? I have a plan to make a "miniature pond" in the...
  18. gallina1594

    Giant succulent

    My girlfriend acquired this tropical plant arrangement from a friend at work. Her friend said that the plant use to be her fathers (friend is in her 40s). The trunk on this thing is massive:eek: what do you guys think?
  19. PeaceLoveBonsai

    Flowering Hibiscus

    Had the opportunity to hang out with @Stickroot yesterday and grab some great stuff. Being the great guy he is, he threw this one in at the end. Not only did it flower this morning, but my wife loves it, which sort of makes up for all the trees I brought home! Thanks again Adam, you're the best!
  20. Aiki_Joker

    2.5" Bougainvillea Air Layer Cut Too Soon? :0/

    Hey everyone! I hope all is well. Looking for advice on this if possible. This was airlayered for only 3 weeks and I got impatient!! :0/ Does anyone have any tips for survival? I'm working and living in Oman and nights are above 30C here days are upto 40C in this shaded plant room where it is...
  21. philart

    Indoor Bonsai

    Have any or you read Brooklyn Botanic Garden's book "Indoor Bonsai", published 2002? I'm curious the thoughts of the membership here and experiences of people growing indoors, especially those growing year round. I read the book about a year ago via my local library, then recently picked up...
  22. cockroach

    Shohin Fukien Tea

    I decided to repot my shohin Fukien Tea as it was no longer showing signs of thriving in its pot. Once, I removed the tree from the pot it was neither root bound or suffering from any root afflictions so I put it down to a poor soil mix it had been in for can't remember how long. After A...
  23. JoeR

    Dwarf Barbados Cherry

    So at the Winter Bonsai Silhouette show I bought a dwarf barbados cherry prebonsai from a vendor for what I think is a good price. I have been thinking about purchasing one from wigerts for some time. Anyway, I bought it saturday and I noticed today that the leaves drop very easily when...
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