
  1. Bu-Jetjet

    Shohin JBP

    Brought this neglected little guy to the office so I can do some maintenance work...
  2. J

    Unknown shohin tree

    Hello there everyone, this Februarya friend of mine gave me this little tree. We don’t know what it’s called as he found it in his garden. It look like a pretty interesting tree to me. I think i would like to develop it as a small shohin bonsai. I’d like to ask if anyone knows what tree it is...
  3. T

    Dwarf Maple Shohin Styling Advice

    Hi All - I picked this dwarf maple up Saturday after walking by it several times over the course of the day. I saw something in it or at the very least something I'd like to work on and improve. I've got some ideas for where to take it but I would love some advice or suggestions! The main...
  4. Clorgan

    Lovely little Potentilla

    Ordered this shohin potentilla from Shoka Bonsai - I love it! Think it's got a lovely trunk line, great nebari and looks super healthy. And it came in a beautiful pot! Really pleased with it and excited to see where it can go. No immediate plans, but I can see this becoming a favourite of mine...
  5. SeanS

    My (ex) Pom-pom Cotoneaster

    I bought this small cotoneaster back at the beginning of Feb, purely because it was cheap (R150 - $8) and because I’d seen some cotoneaster bonsais on Bnut and wasn’t sure if they were common or not in South Africa, so thought why not! TBH back then (even if it was only 2 months ago) I didn’t...
  6. I

    Quince tree

    I had one of these last year that I bought for my wife, which she killed, and it’s sad because it was a lot better looking. (I think, because this ones leaves look slightly different, look at this) Here’s a beautiful silhouette pic of my stick Now I don’t want a tall skinny thing, but I...
  7. thumblessprimate1

    Small Nishikigawa

    I've started training this maple about 3 years ago. It was a grafted cultivar. First season I ground layered it. The second season of having it, I put it on a board. No nails to spread out roots, just screwed to a board and left to grow. Third season, I skipped work. Just too busy with things...
  8. B

    Dying Chinse Elm?

    My Shohin Chinese Elm was thriving this year and one day when it got really hot I wasnt home and wasnt able to water it. Afterwards the tree foliage started to wither followed by all the leaves dying and falling off a week later (progression from healthy to dead below). The tree is in full sun...
  9. Fishtank307

    Birch bonsai in the making

    I collected this downy birch (betula pubescens) in March from a field. I planted it in a mix of akadama, lava rock, perlite and composted cow manure (sounds weird, I know). It grew extremely well! I'm not planning on pruning it, just removed some suckers and recently also some of the larger...
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    Shohin Mexicana Ficus in training.
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    Shohin Mexicana Ficus in training. ( pretty sad wiring )
  12. Brian Van Fleet

    The Shohin Tree Thread

    Like “The Tree Thread”, this is a new thread where, if you comment, you have to post a picture of one of your Shohin trees (8” or less in height), in a Bonsai pot, and ideally in a display format. You can post the same tree multiple times, in different seasons, different arrangements, or with...
  13. Brian Van Fleet

    Shohin Shimpaku Air Layer

    The parent tree was also from Evergreen Gardenworks, it has a thread here called Crazy Shimpaku. As purchased in 2013: Here was the air layer:
  14. Brian Van Fleet

    Shohin crabapple, ‘sargentii’

    This one came from Evergreen Gardenworks in 2016. Good movement for a small crabapple. Here is a shot from it as received.
  15. I

    Tree suggestions for my “pot” please

    I had this awesome chicken soup that gets cooked in a coconut. After emptying all the nuttiness out I figured it will look interesting if I planted something in it. I’m just not sure what’s gonna work. Of course I need to stabilise it somehow so it doesn’t roll around. What kinda tree can I...
  16. defra

    Berberis thunbergii

    Ive been on the look out for a berberis for a while now but all the small ones i came across were multiple shoots coming up from the roots But today i was Lucky! Single trunk taper and hopefully some nice roots. Not the healthyest of the bunch but ill provide it with great care so i wil get...
  17. Saddler

    Shohin Maple Trunk

    I wired this trunk while still on the parent tree and removed it about three years ago. I’ve had it at a friends the whole time and missed repotting it every year. I’ll repot it next spring. This fall I want to cut it back to the primary branches and grow the leader out to thicken the top...
  18. defra

    Zelkova nire

    Saturday on noelanders i bought this small zelkova nire i bought it because i saw a good informal upright tree in there Also were does nire stand for? As the buds are already swollen up It does need to be repoted soon but also means i need to give it some extra winter protection i hope to...
  19. cockroach

    Roach's Junies

    I currently only have three shohin sized Juniper chinensis. I may get more in the future if I spot something nice at the right size and price. Here is my shohin literati. I got it in 2014 and grew it to make sure it was healthy. In 2015 I wired the whole tree like this. After it had grown like...
  20. Micci

    Willow fig shohin, 1st chop ever

    Hey there community! Ive been into bonsai for 1.5 yrs now and this was my first shohin attempt on a willow fig. My sensei couldnt watch shen i cut his beauty but when i went back to see him in a few month, it was a happu specimen
  21. markyscott

    Shohin black pine from seed

    Here’s a 10 year old seedling cutting I purchased from the grower about a year ago: It has a very nice twist near the base and I was motivated to build a shohin black pine from this tree. Issue is that the branches aren’t low enough to pull off a shohin. It’ll need a key branch at the...
  22. Fishtank307

    Shohin Siebold's crabapple

    I just got this tiny shohin crabapple (Malus sieboldii). The previous owner chopped the trunk 3 years ago. It's growing very vigorously! The top has a nice taper and there are a lot of branches to work with. The scar is still very visible, but healing nicely. The branch at the top will be cut...
  23. boguz

    My small Bougainvillea

    Hi guys. Last week i got this bougainvillea from a nursary. I made some little cuts, tried to keep its natural shape. Do you have any ideas Thanks
  24. RileyJFDB13

    Sumo Olive

    Bought an olive for 15$ And ended it ended up being two seperate trees and this is one of them. Because of all of the branches in one area it created a natural swelling but it makes a nice sumo style olvie. I plan on makeing a dead wood feature out of the long portion for interest but...
  25. petegreg

    11th Floor Shohin thread

    Told myself to make this thread to add and share some of my in a time and their development. Cork bark elm, spent some time to find the best front and do the cuts to remove reverse taper... acquired in 2015: before the first haircut:
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