
  1. Viggoman

    Kojo-no-mai Messy First Work

    I finally got around to do the initial work on this Kojo-no-mai cherry blossom I bought during the fall sale. The roots where a complete mess, and I had to spend 1.5 hours to make any sense of it. They were tangled like crazy, and many of them unfortunatly seemed pretty unhelathy due to the...
  2. A

    Repotting Dwarf Jade soil!

    Hi .... so I've neglected repotting my jade over fear of it dying! I've had her for about 4/5 years so DEFINATLEY due a repot - (please don't come at me for not repotting sooner) it seems to be doing fine,it still creates new leaves and new branches. i just would like it to be abit fuller than...
  3. C

    Is my serissa ok?

    I've had this serissa for 3 years indoors. I got it in a 2" pot and put it in Pro-mix potting soil as advised by the nursery owner. I repotted it for the first time in February in a standard bonsai mix. A few days later most of the leaves turned brown and shriveled (not crispy) which I think was...
  4. proninyaroslav

    Trunk bending and repotting in one season, is it safe?

    This is the Chinese juniper "blue alps". It has not been repotted by its previous owner for about 4 years. This season I decided to replant it (since the soil contains quite a lot of organic matter) and change the style by bending the trunk a little more downward in this area using guy wires...
  5. YoungGrampa

    Too late to repot?

    I had planned to repot this about a week ago but life had other ideas. Its a field-grown magnolia that was dug up and put in this container probably 6 years ago. Most of the original root mass was left intact in the original field soil with a course bonsai mix underneath and around all edges...
  6. The Warm Canuck

    Maples, How much root reduction to reduce bleeding?

    I have some JM's that I'll be re-potting from grow bags to shallow wood grow boxes this spring, and wood like to do some hard pruning / trunk chops at the same time. I'd like to keep as much root mass as possible but don't want the trees to excessively bleed either. So, how much root reduction...
  7. littletreefarmer

    Yamadori on Slab Order of Operations

    Good Morning Everyone, I'm in the process of planning out a major slab composition for a collected Pitch Pine and I have thought of a few questions during planning. I collected the tree in question Spring of 2023 so I have another season until I will be thinking of repotting at all, but I want...
  8. V

    Help With Sprout

    I have planted a Colorado Blue Spruce, and just the other day it finally sprouted. The soil is nice and damp and the sprout looks very healthy. How long do I wait until I repot it? This will be my first grow, along with two other seeds that seem to be a few days behind the Blue Spruce...
  9. Deep Sea Diver

    Blue Atlas Cedar rehab - Inherited tree

    This Blue Atlas Cedar bonsai is one of the many trees owned by my Father in law. It was a full cascade then.. A couple years before Dad passed this tree (amongst others) was given to his oldest son. My better half and I repotted it over five years ago. Since then hadn’t seen the tree. A...
  10. Carapace

    I've repotted my Scots pine seedling in early october. Is it a problem?

    Hi, I just got a small scots pine seedling and the soil it was in was very mucky and wet, so I bare-rooted it (I know it isn't supposed to be good but I didn't wash the roots so there still is some mycorrhiza on them) and planted it in good free-draining soil without cutting any roots except a...
  11. Carapace

    A little help with my japanese quince and a prunus incisa oshidori?

    Hi, I am getting a a very japanese quince and also a japanese cherry blossom "oshidori" and I have read somewhere that these plants should be repotted in the autumn. I am not really chasing flowers next year, I want them to grow well and get established and also avoid diseases that usually...
  12. L

    Repotting Japanese pines in summer???

    So, I was watching YouTube and a new BonsaiQ video popped up on my feed. A little over halfway through the video, the guy says that he repots Japanese pines in the middle of summer when it’s hot. Kinda blew my mind to hear that. Has anyone here tried doing that as their regular practice? If so...
  13. Carapace

    Opinions on a Dan Robinson idea about thickening the trunk?

    So I was watching an interview of Dan Robinson by Maria Walton from the PSBA Website youtube channel (The interview ). I know that Dan doesn't repot his trees, but he said something interesting about not repotting them, he said (at min. 57.03) that because the roots don't have the space to grow...
  14. ibakey

    Sacrifice Roots?

    Hello folks. I was listening on a podcast not too long ago between Jonas Dupuich and Andrew regarding growing out nursery/ garden centre or field grown material and Jonas mentioned something very interesting that I was thinking about all week. He mentioned that he had a friend Tom who wondered...
  15. S

    Problems after repotting

    Hello Guys, My favorite cotoneaster bonsai seems to have a problem after repotting. I don't have any idea what can be causing the leaves tips to dry and dieback.(See the pictures) In 9 years I was Repotting it several times, take care of him as usual, no problems at all....until now. Please Let...
  16. N

    Newbie Here - Potting Question...

    I have a Australian Willow that I will be potting as soon as there is more root. What would be the best size and shape to put in. new root goes up about 4". PIC BELOW Thank You in advance
  17. Nicks_Bonsai

    Italian Cypress Repotting

    Anyone know the best time/how to repot an Italian Cypress cupressus sempervirens? I'm UK based Iv heard different conflicting answers and not a whole lot of info online apart from indoor cypress 🤔 Thank you in advance
  18. electraus

    Is it safe to repot a juniper on the same year that I’ll be grafting new foliage on it?

    Hello everyone— After a considerable amount of practice using cheap nursery stock, I’ve decided to take on the challenge of grafting different foliage on my collected Utah juniper. Despite the bizarrely cold weather we’ve been having throughout CA, I imagine it’s a little too late for scion...
  19. A

    Was repotting a mistake?

    Hi. I have bought my first proper bonsai from a nursery online, from Germany, a Japanese white pine. It took 5 days to receive it in Romania, where I live (both countries are in Europe with similar weather). When I got the pine it was in good condition: I noticed that the soil was very...
  20. S

    Podocarpus - over watered what should I do?

    Hi All, I bought a Podocarpuslast year, protected for the winter and it seemed to be fine, but recently the leaves have been turning brown in different areas, I pruned it and it seemed to be making a recovery and new leaves began to grow, another month in and one entire branch is now beginning...
  21. blainsai

    Back to nursery pot 4 more size. Help

    Wife got me my 2nd tree from the same old lady and her van on a St. corner. It’s a healthy little tree but I want more tree. Can I just use a cheap black plastic pot that all my other gardening plants come in. Like a 1 gallon? Or do I need something fancy like I see on Also...
  22. D

    Fig tree (ficus carica) to be made into bonsai

    Hello, I have this fig tree for several years now, it is about 5 years old. Is it getting too large for my house at about 5 feet tall and I want to turn it into Bonsa tree.. I am planning to repot it into bonsai pot with Bonsai soil which I have decent experience with, but I am in doubt when...
  23. D

    Next steps for maple bonsai

    Hello, I have collected this maple in Maine wilderness last October. I believe it is red maple but I am not sure. It has survived the winter well and several days ago I repotted it into bonsai pot with good bonsai soil. I watered it little bit and left it in part sun location. It is doing well...
  24. Lawrencek

    Repotting Chinese elm for first time, advice needed.

    Hello all, someone might recognize me about a year ago I bought my friend a Chinese elm bonsai and I posted a thread on this website about if everything looked ok because the trunk had a odd bend to it (advertised as broom style) and the soil looked dislodged. I got some good feedback on here...
  25. Mr.Dr.K

    Redwood/Giant Sequoia repotting?

    Hello. I was hoping i'd be able to get some advice on if now is too late to repot a Redwood or a Giant Sequoia. I'm hoping to stop by my local nursery within the next week and see if they have any young stock of one of the species. I have seen the Giant Sequoia there in the past with roots...
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