Hello! I am new to Bonsai, and i just bought this juniper! It came with this pot, and i know i have to re pot it because of the sticking-out baby roots. After that, i'll wait a month to fertilize it with 10:10:10 solution because of the summer coming. It is about 3 years old, do you guys...
During fall-winter 2016 I collected roughly 100-150 live oak acorns from a friends property located a short drive from the sierra national forest. I have been unable to determine the exact species of oak but so far the closest match is the Coast Live oak. Leaves have sharp pointed tips and the...
Having done some pruning of 3 chinese elms this weekend, there are a few things that come up and I wanted to ask about.
Its 1 thing to have read a lot about pruning, styling, etc etc, but its another to do it yourself and I find myself not knowing which to keep and prune.
For starters...
I am currently looking to pots, which won't look good, just for training and allowing a tree to grow whilst doing some work on it, such as chop and grow or getting it back to health.
I feel that the root work, to fit it in to a nice bonsai pot can come after all of that.
I found mostly...
Or.. not so much ;) haha
I've been looking around the web for a few weeks researching the how's and what's of my jade I got last summer.
It wasn't happy in the room with a western window, and dropped quite a few of its leaves. And the remaining ones were starting to go soft. So, I moved it to...
Bought this yew at the box store, not a good time to do work on them I think,but wanted to practice. Got inspired from Rob C.'s 5 year progression on one of his yews.
Took alot of foliage off to see what's doing.
Made a jin, and tried to see the tree with in.
And that's what I came up...
I went out yesterday and bought this juniper and did a little pruning on it but I didn't want to get too carried away without asking for some advice...
I purchased an english boxwood from homedepot today. I figured it would be a good chance to practice some pruning and wiring techniques and I won't be too upset if I end up killing it or it looks terrible, but you have to start somewhere. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Repot...
Went to home depot today and bought a alberta spruce. It cost about $9. I began to prune and thin it out a bit but not sure where to go from here. I figured it would be a good chance to practice some pruning and wiring techniques and I won't be too upset if I end up killing it or it looks...
Just bought a juniper from homedepot today. It cost about $9. Along with 2 other plants but I will post them elsewhere. I figured it would be a good chance to practice some pruning and wiring techniques and I won't be too upset if I end up killing it or it looks terrible, but you have to start...
I just bought this brush cherry from a local nursery. I repotted it 2 days ago with a basic bonsai soil and some basic bonsail fertilizer pellets since the soil it was in retained waaaay too much water and was definitely going to drown it. I like in nebraska and it gets hot and muggy so I leave...
Hi there,
I've recently started my first bonsai project. I started with a small Sawara False Cypress that I picked up at a small shop outside of my hometown; I would say it's about a year old, but I'm no expert so that may not be true. I have successfully trimmed the roots and repotted the...
So, new to this whole bonsai thing, I know bonsai are made from larger tree/bushes. One would cut a tree back until the proper size for a bonsai. (And hope new shoots would spring from the cut off area area correct?)
I went to my local nursery and they had some Japanese maples, and I thought...
So, I have been reading and re-reading Vance Woods article/write-up on mugos, and I have a question, that, by my reading, is not directly addressed in this otherwise absolutely excellent piece.
I bought two mugo-pines, nursery stock, of the variety 'Varella' (according to the nursery), last...
Hey guys! So first time bonsai guy here looking for some tips on care for my Japanese juniper bonsai. I was given a bonsai starter it for christmas year and Im super excited. So I repotted it when I first got it on christmas then again just today because there was a large amount of roots showing...
New to the forums and beginning to expand my Bonsai collection/knowledge and hoping to get some advice.
I picked up a 5 Gallon "Christmas Tree" - Monterey Pine (Pinus Radiata) from the local OSH (Nursery) and re-potted in a 15ish gallon container with a mixture of pebbles, pine bark, sphagnum...