Howdy, I'm happy to share this pot I pulled out of the kiln yesterday. The red color comes from copper being reduced by the kiln flame. After playing with this glaze for the last year I dialed in where to place pots to get the desired reduction.
I think it would work great for a Japanese...
One of my other hobbies (very new to bonsai) is wood turning. A few years ago I rough turned this bowl out of a box older that fell in the back yard. I liked it so I sealed it and never finish turned it. Sometimes it's a huge coaster for my desk, sometimes its catching cashew shells. I included...
So today was the day I finally got around to something I have been putting off for awhile. It was definitely time for this jade to get a decent pot . So that led me to dragon tree to pick out a pot! If Anyone Is in mid to south east Florida should know about place , Robert was extremely helpful...
I am new to bonsai growing and want to make sure that I am doing everything right for my bonsai. I am 99% sure that is a Juniper Procumbens nana. I just bought the bonsai for my desk at work and realized that the pot does not have a hole in the bottom to let excess water out. I am going...
I am new to bonsai growing and want to make sure that I am doing everything right for my bonsai. I am 99% sure that is a Juniper Procumbens nana. I just bought the bonsai for my desk at work and realized that the pot does not have a hole in the bottom to let excess water out. I am going...
You go to a hair dresser to have others fix that dead beaver on your cranium.
You use a lawnmower to mow a lawn.
Leaving things to the professional(s) equipment is always best.
I wanted to get a mail-order brid.. ehrm.. Japanese black pine into bonsai soil and out of the potting soil. It...
So I found a great mulberry stump that I want to collect come the winter. I also would like to get my Japanese maple out of its nursery pot when the time comes.
I see a lot of people beginning training from collected trees and nursery pots into cedar boxes. I understand that these boxes are...
I just received this awesome Thor Holvila bonsai pot in the mail, but it only has one tiny drainage hole. I don’t have pictures yet, but you can see the hole in the second to last picture here: It would offer barely any drainage and I...
I was struck by this pot that was posted by Harry Harrington on his Facebook feed today. The pot is by Pierre Rousseau.
(image credit, Harry Harrington)
I'm trying to get a feel for what look "right" when it comes to matching trees and pots, so I thought it would be fun to play around in...
I am currently looking to pots, which won't look good, just for training and allowing a tree to grow whilst doing some work on it, such as chop and grow or getting it back to health.
I feel that the root work, to fit it in to a nice bonsai pot can come after all of that.
I found mostly...
American Bonsai has a new product called BonsaiBags(TM). linked below:
I ordered one with a pot from American Bonsai. It arrived a few days ago.
Has anyone had the opportunity to use this product? or anything similar?
Hello all,
I have recently acquired a beautiful Japanese maple and given it's size I am hoping to soon transplant it into a smaller pot. I understand how to trim the roots properly, but am looking for a good mix to plant it in. I know that plain old potting soil is not what you want, but as...
Acer palmatum katsura decided to force my hand on the repotting front. It's was marked for a repot but I guess late frost finally got the better of the Czech pot.
03134467 by Jerry Norbury, on Flickr
Well ready for a repot.
03134473 by Jerry Norbury, on Flickr
I broke the rest of the pot off...