nursery stock

  1. Syedabrar

    Mugo pine from nursery stock

    Saw this mugo at the Lowes today, priced at $120. Its pricey for me, any ideas if it will be a good bonsai specimen, new to bonsai world.
  2. Baker

    Hinoki Cypress Nursery Stock questions

    Hi everyone! I am pretty new to bonsai. I just joined this forum community. I have accumulated 4 trees that can be safely called developed bonsai, 3 potted into bonsai pots that are in training to become bonsai, 2 cuttings growing furiously, and a porch full of nursery stock. I guess you could...
  3. K

    Multi-trunk Japanese Maple 'Little Princess'

    Hey everyone!👋 I thought I would make a poll to determine the best possible front/style for this Acer Palmatum 'Little Princess' I got for 60€ from a local nursery! Since I'm very new to bonsai, I'm not entirely sure if it's the best bonsai material, but the nebari seemed promising and the...
  4. James W.

    Black Hills Spruce nursery stock

    I bought a potted Black Hills Spruce (Picea glauca var. densata) from Lowes last weekend. It appears to have been dug recently and just dropped into a pot. The soil is fine sand/silt and washes away easily (and weighs like it is solid rock). Can I re-pot this tree into good bonsai mix now? or...
  5. T

    3rd tree, Norway "Little Gem" Weeper Progression from Nursery Stock, Any Advice, Criticism or Comments are Welcome

    Hi, I am new to bonsai. I have bought 4 trees so far from the nursery. This is my most recent. Nothing too exciting but its my only tree that looks like a tree right now haha. Let me know what you all think. I may also post pictures of my Boxwood, Hot Wings (Tartarian) Maple and Wells Weeper...
  6. GreatLakesBrad

    Picea Abies - Nursery Stock styling and (lack of)skill-building

    Have been on another Ryan Neil kick lately (goes in cycles during the last two winters when time is had to view 1.5 hour vids). Notably, the Fraser Fir nursery stock styling session. Despite acknowledging this not being the best time of the year to work this species (gathered from Bnut this...
  7. Fishtank307

    A. palmatum 'shishigashira'

    Hi everyone! I just came back from a tree nursery with this rather large Acer palmatum shishigashira. They had a lot of japanese maples for 'garden use' in stock and I remembered this cultivar being used for bonsai. It was on sale, so I didn't really hesitate. The base and cultivar was what...
  8. micahmcgrath

    JWP Nursery Stock

    Recently acquired this JWP 'Glauca' from a local nursery and I am very new to JWP's so I am hoping for some guidance. The tree only ran me about $75, so seemed like a decent buy and I was itching to learn more about the species. I did basic work uncovering the nebari, only working the first 2-3...
  9. Tbwilson33

    Nursery ficus. Chop? Air layer? Looking for advice

    Hey everyone, novice bonsai guy just looking for advice. I found this at a local mom and pop shop for 35 dollars and thought why not? Decent size trunk on it. I just bought it thinking of trunk chopping it and trying to root some cuttings but I just started thinking I could air layer the top to...
  10. B

    Schefflera rescue

    So I came across this schefflera at a home depot that was neglected and covered in pigeon crap. I know it sounds weird but I kinda felt bad for the thing so bought it. I took it home and cleaned up the base a bit so I could see what there was to work with a little better. It's pretty gnarly...
  11. wwtigraww

    Arbutus Unedo

    Got this pretty baby as present, Arbutus Unedo Atlantica, aka small strawberry tree. Love the curve at the base and the bark will be red when aged. Anybody have experience with them? I'm in South Ireland, so warm ish winters with very rare dipping to minus 2 or 3 Celsius. I was going to put it...
  12. Taxus


    First steps
  13. D

    first old gold juniper from nursery stock

    My first styling of a juniper I am hoping to make it into an informal upright. I did Shari on front of trunk and jin on the branch above. There was another branch below the branch I did the jin on and tied them together. I don't know if I should have waited to do the jin and Shari. if anyone has...
  14. T

    The $1.00 Treasure...

    While Houston was flooding today, we were touring garden centers. Unfortunately most nurseries were closed but the Lowe’s wasn’t. While I was walking around disappointed that I couldn’t find a small ficus to fiddle with, the hubs goes and finds this. I have no idea if it’s good or not, but it...
  15. Gsquared

    Starting a new Blue Atlas Cedar

    I picked this up at my local Home Depot for $49.99. I’ve never worked a blue atlas because they are usually much more expensive and thought this was a good one to start with. Obviously ground grown and probably local. Yes, I did dig down as far as I could to make sure there’s no ugly surprises...
  16. Hartinez

    Nursery Stock Thread. For fun. and I just like pictures...

    Seeing if I can a good thread going showing before and after results of Nursery stock trees. If a thread like this already exists, than I can't seem to find it. Im about 7 yrs in and though I've dug several yamadori at this point, much of my collection comes from nursery stock. For myself and...
  17. Hartinez

    HD Pinus Nigra

    Hi there. Im on Bonsai Nut often, but rarely do I pose questions and/or chime in on threads and discussions. Ive decided that needs to change. Im going into my 6th year as an enthusiast and have a nice collection of trees in all stages of design. Nothing Id call a masterpiece just yet, but...
  18. PeaceLoveBonsai

    Crape Myrtle (Lagerstroemia) - Where to go from here?

    This is a crape myrtle (CM) I picked up at local nursery a little while back: I love the bark and nebari looks good, I thought... After consulting w/ the GREAT @Stickroot , I decided to heed his advice and chop it back...keeping only the small trunk untouched, thinking I might make it a...
  19. RileyJFDB13

    Rosemary Repoting, Is it possible??

    From everything I have read everywhere the general consensus is that its darn near impossible to repot a rosemary or cut off thick roots without loosing the plant. This is extremely unfortunate as they have amazing trunks and live veins when very old. But in saying this there has to be a...
  20. Castanea

    Bald Cypress - CHOP

    I want to begin working on a bald cypress by purchasing nursery stock and chopping it low. I live in VA, hardiness zone 7a What is the best time of year for me to do this? Thanks
  21. heisenberg

    Nursery pot questions

    When you have a pre-bonsai growing in a nursery pot, do you perform any manipulation of the plant (wiring, pruning etc), or just let it grow? Do the soil/substrate requirements differ for a pre-bonsai vs bonsai? How about fertiliser requirements? Cheers!
  22. ColinFraser

    $35 Trunk

    I picked up this japanese maple at a landscape nursery on my way home from work this evening . . . at a reduced price because it's damaged ;) So am I - we should get along fine.
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