new to bonsai

  1. Thesonoflars

    Help with Trident Maple

    Got this tree from Brent Walston @ Evergreen. I am thinking of trunk chopping next Spring just above the first branch and letting that be the new leader to create taper and then let it continue to grow. Is this a good idea? Any suggestions in preparing this tree to become a worthy bonsai. Thanks...
  2. M

    New Bonsai Chinese elm

    I went to Garland's in Corvallis (can't recommend enough!) And bought a Chinese elm in a pot. Looks to me to be about 5 years old (I could and probably am so WRONG). I enjoy the trunk which is why I bought it but upon further inspection it looks like it was planted quite deep in the pot? I...
  3. M

    Green Bottlebrush (callistemon viridiflorus)

    Hello once again! Sorry if I am flooding the forums with questions. I'm new to Bonsai and everything is new and exciting! I picked up this shrub at a nursery, total impulse buy because I thought the bark was pretty and I enjoy the general look of the tree I was wondering if anyone has ever...
  4. M

    Dogwood scrub

    Hello! I picked up this dogwood scrub at my local nursery for $2. It was growing roots out if the bottom of it's container and is my root bound. Am I okay to root prune it now in Oregon? I feel so bad for the little guy, he's trapped!! Any advice would be helpful. Thank you
  5. EmptyLake

    I'm new to bonsai. ID and best care.

    So i bought it today and i kinda know what kind it is (label) but when i googled it said that the specie has many subspecies so i can't really look up any care guides. Thanks in advance!
  6. L


    Hi, I'm new to bonsai trees and have no experience with them whatsoever. My father just brought me home this bonsai and I'm trying to look up some information on care etc. However I have no idea what kind of tree it is, there was no tag or anything with it just the price and 'small bonsai'...
  7. B

    Starting on my 3rd Bonsai HELP

    So I'm giving a go on my 3rd bonsai and I'm not really sure what to do with it. It's a Dwarf Alberta Spruce. I cut some branches away including dead branches and small branches. Not sure what to do with the top yet. Any ideas? Image examples help a lot! Thanks!
  8. R

    Identify this bonsai please

    Just picked up my first bonsai today have no idea what species it is. Noticed what appeared to be scale insects on it but once scraped off no fluid so should be dead. The edges of the leaves appear to be an opaque white so lack of chlorophyll?? Please help!
  9. Csmdad

    Very super absolute beginnings

    Hi all. So I'm super-super-super-new to bonsai. I mean when I say new, I mean the "I don't even own a bonsai tree" type of super-new to bonsai, but hear me out. For the past 2 months (well... all of Nov and now over half of Dec) I've been studying bonsai. (Not totally "pinterest-study"...
  10. D

    Acer palmatum deadwood

    Hi, I'm in south UK zone 9 and recently bough a neglected Acer palmatum over rock repoted 2-3 years ago on river pebbles? I'm thinking to continue strengthen it and repot in early spring on akadama and kiryu removing the fern but I'm afraid is beyond salvation! What would you do? particularly...
  11. F

    Ginseng ficus w/ falling yellow leaves - fungus / pests?

    Hi folks- I recently got my first bonsai as a gift from my gf, a ginseng ficus. After I first got it & repositioned it about a month ago, about 25% of the leaves turned yellow and fell off which I understand to be somewhat normal after relocating a tree. However, it's still continuing to lose...
  12. A

    Please help identify my bonsai tree

    Hello, I bought my first bonsai tree about 2 months ago at a fair. The only instructions I received were to water it twice a week and not expose it to extreme sunlight. But after two months its pine needles are turning yellow and I don’t see much growth. I’ve been searching online to see what...
  13. Andrew R.

    Is this tree dead? Is there any hope?

    Hello- I am new to bonsai and would greatly appreciate any advice on this tree. I believe it is a Chinese sweet plum (Sageretia theezans) and I've had it for about seven months. I've had some minor issues with it in the past such as leaves dropping and browning but I was able to get it to...
  14. O

    New to the site + Question about collecting trees

    Hello! I have been stalking the BonsaiNut forums for quite some time now and it has now come the time to join the community. The resources available on the site are insane, especially since you can get info from all different perspectives, which really sold me. I'm very excited to continue...
  15. K

    Beginner needing help.

    Hello everyone, I’m kinda new to bonsai...well by new I mean I suck at keeping them alive. I’m trying to start over and I recently got a Brush Cherry. My question is, I obviously want to make it grow larger and was wondering if I should repot it into a larger pot or let it stay in this...
  16. M

    Sapling sprouted alongside my tree

    Disclaimer: I'm totally new to bonsai trees - this is my first tree. I was gifted a bonsai tree (tag just said elm, but I'm not sure whether that's accurate) a few months ago, which I've been taking care of. Since I'm very new to this sort of thing, I was wondering whether anyone might be able...
  17. C

    Yellow colored water draining out from Bonsai?!

    Hello Bonsai Nuts, Im a newbie to bonsai, found my first (and only still) Juniper Bonsai while browsing a random nursery i found and It was love at first sight. Since then Ive been doing my best to learn everything I can to take proper care of my little Bonsai, and i was doing pretty ok i...
  18. M

    New to Bonsai - Indoor Ficus Ginseng Tree Help.

    Hi, I am totally new to Bonsai in general and have acquired an unknown age Ficus Ginseng Tree. Recently, the tree has dropped its leaves (both old and new) even the smallest knock will make them drop. The stems are becoming rather bare (see images). I read online that this particular...
  19. ekim046

    Nursery Satsuki Azalea Bonsai - 3 YR prog. + Tool Giveaway

    Hey folks, This I'm still pretty new to bonsai and after numerous moves over the last few years, this is one of the oldest bonsai that I have. I purchased it for about $35 at a local nursery as an azalea shrub and have worked on it (and made many, many mistakes on it) and this is how it looks...
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