new and need advice

  1. Sparkkat

    New to bonsai - Ficus

    I just got this Ficus from Home Depo.. is this moss Ok to have in the pot? I don't even know if its real, its very dry. is it supposed to help keep the plant moist? Im very new to bonsai and so far i only misted and watered the soil, not enough for any water to come out of the bottom though. It...
  2. dr.tenebris

    Silverbell (damage tree turned bonsai??)

    Just had some wonderful luck at work noticing a damaged tree, the owner said he wouldn't be able to sell it but also "the tree is already dead it just doesn't know it" without tlc it's doomed but I have hopes of recovering it. It's got some damage as previously stated on the trunk (and to the...
  3. ForeverRaynning

    Complete newbie - growing from seed (UK, zone 9a)

    Hello everyone! So I’m completely new to this. Never had any real interest in bonsai before but my grandad gave me a bonsai growing kit he’d recieved the other year (he’s 90 and has an absolutely amazing green thumb with veg and flowers, but said he won’t get much use out of the kit at his...
  4. Phishstix

    Are these workable?

    I received a shipment of trees from Bonsaify a few days ago and am hungry to work them. They’re grown in San Fran, and I live in Calgary.. quite a difference in where the trees are growth wise to where my trees are currently. My in ground trees are just starting to have buds swell or leafing out...
  5. Troutnut

    New to bonsai, got 3 hopefuls

    Hi all, I’m brand new to keeping trees. Ive accumulated a wild amount of plants this spring & have placed particular focus on my three bonsai-to-be trees. I repotted all of them into pond baskets with well-draining substrate—a mix of espoma’s bonsai soil with organic soil that I enriched with...
  6. L

    New to Pines. First Mugo Pine.

    This is my first pine it’s been a couple of months since thinning it out and trimming buds down to 2 per branch. Today I did some major chops to create taper and also did some wiring to creat some style. The lower right branch will most likely be a sacrificial branch after the trunk thickens up...
  7. C

    Help with Ginseng Ficus!

    Hi! I’ve had this focus for over a year. I took it to a garden place to get it repotted and since then, it has begun to worsen. The person who repotted it placed it in this pot but with compact houseplant soil. I, who know nothing about plants, thought it was perfect. But after doing research, I...
  8. J

    Chinese Privets Collected Last Summer

    New to Bonsai and not sure what to do with these Chinese Privets I collected last summer. We had to cut down a couple 80ft dead pines, while cleaning and burning the pines I found these two trees. I put them in pots and couldn’t tell if they were alive or not. I brought them in for this freezing...
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