
  1. CarsonH

    Acer Buergeranum Thoughts & ideas

    Hey Everyone, Its my first week with this tree and needing some help on what should be done this year. Those photos above are the 4 different sides of the tree. The tree is living in a 16x16x5 Andersen flat. This will be my first year with this tree and need some advice on things I...
  2. mwar15

    Maple wound healing?

    I acquired this maple a couple months ago. The Previous owner said it was a triple trunk and he cut off the two outside trunks and left this one. I am wondering if I can graft over this to help it heal? or can i just give it time? or should I bury it to help it heal? or just cut my loses and...
  3. Cory Johnson

    WTB Elm and Maple pre-bonsai

    Living in orlando it's hard to find any elm or maple (pre)bonsai in the area that are somewhat affordable for someone working a minimum wage job like myself, anyone know of some good places to look or does anyone have any they would be willing to part with?
  4. Grant Hamby

    Arakawa Maple from Cutting

    I want to document my whole experience with this tree, so I may as well start now. Plus, with advice from all of you, hopefully I can keep this tree on the right path! I got this one from @Stickroot, cutting-grown. Here it is when it arrived: And a few days ago, color starting to show: My...
  5. Grant Hamby

    Knobby Trident

    Just thought I'd start a thread on this trident I picked up on the FB auction. It's got some issues, but I'm excited to see where I can take it. The obvious issue is the lack of taper in the upper section. I've been searching for a new leader to cut back to. Here is my first idea...
  6. ConorDash

    JM Acer P Pruning Advice

    Hello all, Feels like a while since I showed up on the forum at all. I had surgery recently and thats been.... fun. So I've not been doing much of anything. I think the time has finally come to do something, and that is give my trees a little care, I'm hoping ive not missed my opportunity for...
  7. Grant Hamby

    Shishigashira Air Layer Project

    I got this tree when I first started bonsai (last summer) from a local nursery. That was before I knew about weird grafts and long boring trunks, so this spring I tried to air layer it. I watched the Graham Potter video a couple times and then went to work. It's fall now and nothing but callous...
  8. Stan Kengai

    5 foot tall shohin Trident maple

    Back story: I got this tree in 2010 from a bonsai nursery. It had been grown over a tile (poorly) and had almost no taper, but the shape of the trunk and fat roots intrigued me. Having been out of bonsai for several years and wanting something approximating mature, I put it in a bonsai pot...
  9. ConorDash

    New Acer Palmatum, beginner advice

    Hello, I just bought an Acer Palmatum, Green Maple a few days ago from Kaizen, Graham Potter. It's an amazing looking to my eye, and really great tree for its price, quite unbelievable. I simply wanted some advice from the Maple experts on directions to go with it? It was only in transport...
  10. jomawa

    Technical Question - Maple, Sun or Shade?

    I've broadened the question beyond just vine maples, which I am specifically observing in nature, and thus my question. I realize the standard/common/default answer is shade and it matches what we generally see, that is vine maples grow under an evergreen forest canopy. OK I get that, but I'm...
  11. S

    Should I just let this maple keep growing?

    Does this maple need some pruning work or should I just let it keep growing? I'd like it to be thicker but I also would like to see more lower branches.
  12. ColinFraser

    Upgraded Trident Maple

    So I bought a Trident at the California Shohin Seminar last weekend (it's obviously not Shohin sized though). I'm excited about this tree and looking forward to working with it. I was impressed with the trunk's taper and movement, and despite some flaws, it's definitely one of the nicer pieces...
  13. parhamr

    Progression of Acer macrophyllum C

    April 2012 Seedlings collected in Portland, OR. April 2014 This was a larger pot with way too much sand and bark compost. June 2014 Repotted. May 2015 January 2016 I repotted this tree into a 7-gallon grow bag with diatomaceous gravel and pumice. For aesthetic purposes I trimmed...
  14. parhamr

    Progression of Acer macrophyllum B

    April 2012 Seedlings collected in Portland, OR June 2014 Potted in pumice, perlite, and composted bark. July 2014 March 2015 The tree received osmocote, humic acid, and granulated azomite. January 2016 I repotted this tree into a 7-gallon grow bag with diatomaceous gravel and pumice...
  15. N

    Fat Japanese Maple, where to chop?

    Just picked up this fat kashima palmatum. The top is a jumble of options, I plan on trying for some cuttings. I bought it with the intent of some sort of sumo, but I'm not sure how far I should take it down. Thoughts on where to cut? I'm not afraid of starting from a stump, as that was the...
  16. BLOODGOOD #1 042815

    BLOODGOOD #1 042815

  17. Acer palmatum #1; possible front

    Acer palmatum #1; possible front

    as of 3/21/15; beginning redesign of trunk above 2nd movement; will go into a training pot.
  18. Trident Maple Fall 2013

    Trident Maple Fall 2013

    Trident maple in fall color, 2013. Tree was acquired at our local club show/sale in May, 2013. Previous owner developed it from nursery stock.
  19. Acer Palmatum

    Acer Palmatum

  20. Acer Palmatum

    Acer Palmatum

  21. Acer Palmatum

    Acer Palmatum

    Just before Defoliation
  22. Maple just after Defoliation

    Maple just after Defoliation

    Acer Palmatum...4 days after defoliation...still need to remove the die back area and clean up the top.
  23. Maple just before Defoliation

    Maple just before Defoliation

    Acer Palmatum June 1st
  24. Frozen Japanese Maple

    Frozen Japanese Maple

    Frozen Japanese maple in Dallas-Fort Worth, TX
  25. Japanese Maple

    Japanese Maple

    Japanese Maple Acer Palmatum species. Unknown Cultivar. Derived from a major trunk chop and in development since 1994
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