Hi guys. Longtime lurker on bnut but friends with @PA_Penjing and he said people have been looking for one of these..
Sold a few things on the fb auction and wanted to sell my shindeshojo jm I bought from Brent a few years ago and wondered if there wasn’t a better home with someone here. I’d be...
I currently live in hong kong, the weather has been getting significantly cooler by the day and windy. I notice my maple has its leaves turned red recently but some of them after turning had either shrivelled or started to curl on the tips. I havent but the tree in harsh direct sunlight. I do...
I repotted my maple around the start of spring and reduced roots (quite a bit, say to 50%), but not the foliage. I have recently noticed a yellowing of the trunk, and the leaves have distinctly darker green veins on a lot of the leaves. Is this Chlorosis? or simply stress on the roots?
I also...
I was looking through the forum and looked through many threads. I could not find a close match as I was looking for a general guide on identifying maple cultivars (certainly a very tedious task). I came across this when looking for planters on a website for local buy/sell. The owner does...
I was messing around and wanted to shorten a maple that I have it is about 3.5 feet tall so I tried an air layer. I know my timing is suspect. I did the work at the end of July. After 1 month I can see several substantial roots. I figure I have about a month and a half before first will start...
I recently chopped a new maple a few inches above the final chop location. I've heard from videos and the forum that it's common to do a rough chop first, wait a year, and then do the final chop at the angle you want and (usually) pretty close to your selected new leader.
Does chopping in...
Purchased this tree in a bit of haste when first getting into bonsai (outside of owning an indoor ficsus). I was attracted to it because of its apparent vigour/twin trunk, only to learn multiple reasons why this wasn't perhaps the best choice. These include vertical growth, node distance, leaf...
Hey everyone, little background on this maple. Hey traded for an Alberta spruce in late April of 2021. I didn’t think anything of the maple at the time as I still had some maples that were waking up. Now that we are in the very last few days of spring in the PNW. I believe there is something...
Here’s the progression of a shohin clump I have on the go. I air layered a cluster of 5 branches from a nursery tree during the 2020/21 growing season.
Here’s the section I layered
Here’s the tree separated and growing nicely
Yesterday I did the initial cut back and wiring. I’ll repot...
Time to start a thread for my biggest JM.
This is standard acer palmatum I picked up from a local garden nursery in July 2020 for ~$14 (R200). In the following August as the buds were swelling I trunk chopped and repotted the tree, and wired the primary branches. I chopped much higher than my...
So I have a little cork bark JM that I picked up from Brent at Evergreen Gardenworks. I'm thinking it's going to need a trunk chop due to how far up the first branching starts. I'm not sure air-layering will provide much and not even sure I can do successfully with it being this young.
I've read...
This was my first purchase from Brent at Evergreen Gardenworks and I can't say I'm disappointed! Trees came in super healthy and honestly bigger than I thought. I could use some advice or care tips from here. This is tree #1. This guy has nice movement and then it's pretty straight till about...
Just picked up this Ryusen as I thought it might have good potential. These seem really vigorous! It was weeping down past the bottom of the pot and couldn't see any structure so I trimmed off branch ends to the soil line to open it up a little. There is a tree in there somewhere. I know the...
I recently got an unwanted Japanese maple from a garden. I dug it up before the buds started swelling in spring. I heavily pruned and washed the roots. I potted it up in a holed basket (with lots of drainage holes on the bottom too) in pure attapulgite (cat litter). I placed lots of sphagnum...
Came across this guy on eBay for about $150. I thought branching, nebari, and all look to be there, just wanted other's opinions if it's worth the price. Obviously would require a lot of work as this isn't necessarily a bonsai, but I see potential.
Hello, everyone.
I just joined and and wanted to ask the community a few quick questions:
I got this maple yesterday, it's planted in regular dirt (I think) with some kind of spongy black rocks (almost like perlite) with an orange coating, on top of the dirt. It is 7 years old, according to the...
Looking for some opinions on this little guy I picked up this winter. It's got this big ugly knot on top and the branches are less than ideal. Its got a great and base tho! Thought I would get some opinions before I proceed. Chop most the top off or work with what is there?
Hi all,
With spring fast approaching up here in southern Ontario it's time I start making some hard decisions on this pygmy. I picked it up at the end of last season at my LGC called Lakeside, hence the title name.
The tree has two main dominant trunk lines so I've used Peter Chan's paperbag...
I know it’s not even near for what a bonsai is. Not even 5% there yet, but i just wanna show a cute little plant i have. I don’t know why but this kiddo just make me so attracted to it. Does the trunk movement retain when it grows? Mmmm... but i guess not ‘cause if i grow it to thicken the...
Just picked up this guy for $30 at local nursery. I had a hard time not getting about 5 maples with them being 25% off, but they're getting a bunch of new ones next week, so I'm going to wait till then and probably get more.
Anyway, I was trying to get some recommendations on styling.
Where should I cut back to on this field grown Trident maple? The top where it was cut back by the previous owner has a fair amount of inverse taper and I am unsure of where the best place to start a new leader would be.
So I purchased a small maple about 3 weeks ago and I'm not sure if it was a bad graft, or I just can't keep it alive or what but it's already dead. I watered it about every 2-3 days depending and was in about 6 hours of direct sun. It never actually budded or shown any signs of new leaves coming...
We got tired of our fledgling maples etc tossing out roots wherever and decided to see what could be done.
29 trees later we think we’ve got the basics. Now we are only hoping these lil guys will take the pummeling they received!
Here’s just a few shots of the trees. Not necessarily the...
Has anyone tried superglue to seal bleeding maple wounds? Tried cut paste last year but that was no good, did not hold back the liquid.
Or can I just let it bleed? Its a 2 inch diameter cut, maybe a bit wider even