
  1. Fishtank307

    I've always wanted a larch

    So today I bought nine... Group planting of Japanese larches! Plan is to plant them on a slab next spring. Little pinecones! This is going to look lovely in Fall!
  2. Jacob Jaimes

    Jade Forest

    Nothing extravagant but here is a Jade forest I've created from a clearanced bunch purchased from Wally World. I let the individual plants dry like cuttings & wired them down in a cedar box crafted with my dad. :D
  3. Michael P

    Slab planting problems

    I love forests and single trees on slabs, but have never had much success with this style. I've searched the forum, but can't find the information I need. There are two major problems: 1. My climate is very hot and dry in the summer (Dallas, Texas). The soil dries very quickly, is very hard...
  4. gallina1594

    Jade Forest

    I was given a 10 lb bag of Jade cuttings a year ago. I sorted through the bag to find the most unique branches, and branches that had matured to "bark". I propagated the cuttings in cactus soil for 3-4 months. I have them set in their positions, and their roots are stable! Next step, getting...
  5. Andrew Robson

    Beech forest in the making

    Deciduous trees are slow to create. Unlike a yamadori conifer, which can be designed in as little as a day, deciduous trees are designed and built slowly over a long period of time. Here is a Japanese Beech forest that I started almost 3 years ago. I wasn't in the habit of taking pictures...
  6. 10-brink

    small trident forest -styling help

    hi, looking for some advice for my trident maple forest. I'd like to keep it this general size and develop better branching. what should I trim? should i re-arrange the trees? four are in a line with one sitting behind. currrent front: back: here it is in leaf
  7. M


    hello im new to this page i found it by looking up how to make muck. i tried on with terracotta clay sphagnum moss and peat and just as a test i put a small desert fig into a muck ball and left it out. even watering everyday the ball has gone rock hard and i dont see the plant living. do i have...
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