
  1. M

    Balanced fertilizer for ficus?

    Hey all. I have a ficus religiosa and ficus benghalensis both planted back in November. Just looking for a balanced fertilizer and was wondering if you all can recommend specific brands. Cost isn't really an issue. Thank you in advance!
  2. IckyGuyBonsai

    Some "too little" fun

    Been trying to sift through all my random, unorganized, and sporadic photos of my trees (anyone want to share if they have a specific schedule for photographing individual trees to track progress?) and decided to share a short progression of this Ficus "too little" that I've been messing around...
  3. Alaskanrocket

    Indoor greenhouse action

    Im rapidly running out of room because I hoard Ficus cuttings.
  4. A

    How to get this ficus microcarpa to backbud

    I am new to this. How can i get back budding in the circled areas?
  5. Ficus Microcarpa

    Ficus Microcarpa

    Found this tree growing along a fence behind an apartment building I lived in about 6 years ago. 7 inches tall.
  6. Viktor’s bonsai

    Stunted ficus

    I have a ficus microcarpa stump that I chopped back a few months ago, it’s not sprouting any shoots nor suckers. I could see some whitish callous tissue though on one of the ginseng like roots when i excavated the soil a little bit; which tells me it’s creating new roots. Any thoughts on why...
  7. Jdoran001

    Ficus trim and style

    I’ve got this ficus I think it need a trim and some styling not sure wheat to do with those long branches cut em back or wire. Any thoughts or opinions would be much appreciated
  8. L

    Lorax7’s 2023-2026 ROR Contest Thread

    Just growing the roots out long first. I haven’t attached anything to a rock yet. (The bougainvillea in the first photo is not in the contest since it’s not in Rosacea or Moracea, although I am planning to ROR it also.)
  9. H

    Not Ficus Retusa?

    I got the following tree labeled a “13 year old Ficus Retusa” however I am quite sure it is not and could use confirmation before I request a refund. The leaves are not correct and the “aerial roots” to me appear to be just buried branches (poorly also).
  10. R

    Ficus microcarpa maintenance tips

    So I've recently acquired this ficus microcarpa. I really like it's current form but I want to thicken the trunk a bit more as well as develop the aerial roots more(maybe make them a bit more thick as well).I'm looking for detailed pinching, pruning, maintenance tips for this one. All advices...
  11. M

    Pot size and when to prune for ficus seedlings

    Hello everyone, I'm very new to bonsai and I am growing 2 ficus benghalensis and 1 ficus religiosa trees from seed that I would like to eventually bonsai. I have been trying my best to read articles and watch videos on this, but still confused about pot sizes. I planted these on Nov 10, 2022...
  12. Nefreia

    Identifying a Crassula and a Ficus

    First and foremost, I've finally decided to come out of the shadows. I've been stalking around this site for about a year now, made an account a month ago, and here we are today. And second, I'm new to the bonsai world and trying to learn what I can as I go. I currently have two plants that I'm...
  13. G

    My new tree

    So I went in for a small focus or Fukien tea to throw in my office and left with this guy after the shop owner dropped the price and I assume it’s been there for a minute. Got great features from the front. Nice taper towards the top it just needs a good cleaning out of the randomness up top...
  14. M

    Please help identify this plant

    I purchased Ficus Benghalensis seeds from F W Schumacher Co ( One of the seeds from the package grew into this plant shown in the pictures. I see that the leaves look a bit different from the others and it has this yellow pollen/flowering. Could anyone help identify if this...
  15. chuckwc1

    Ficus & Snail Terrarium

    This is a small bio active terrarium, with a tiny ficus forest. It has 5 land snails from my backyard, that have been doing well for the past 7 months. A bit unconventional, but very fun. The ficus are not very well developed, but I’m hopeful that I can slowly improve them.
  16. Sammy V

    Intro.. this hobby escalated quickly!

    Hi everyone! I'm technically not new, I had a Juniper in college and promptly killed it.. or it may have gone dormant for the winter, and I thought it died. :confused: Just got back into it full force, after passing a roadside bonsai stand 150 times over the last 2 years. It's a 3 year old...
  17. Storm_Lord

    White mould on ficus soil - how to get rid?

    Hi everyone! A couple of months ago, I posted about my Ficus dropping leaves, and you all gave some excellent advice. I repotted the tree, as suggested, and it seems to be good and healthy again. Thanks! One problem, though: over the past couple of days, a whitish mould has appeared on the...
  18. Storm_Lord

    Ficus dropping leaves - yellowish with black spots - please help!

    Hi everyone, I have been caring for a Ficus for a few years now. In the last week or so, it started dropping leaves. A few of these leaves are yellowish, while others have brown or black marks on them. I've attached a few photos. The tree doesn't seem healthy, and I'm not sure how to fix...
  19. G

    Ficus tiger bark where to cut to reduce internodes space

    I been used to Elms and Maple where I can clearly see where the "previous" node is so I know where to cut to force the growth on the previous node, but how can I know on a ficus? Doesn't seem to have any "visible" node, is it on any leaf similar to the Elm ?
  20. glass_shark

    My pride and joy ficus, about a year into training. any tips are appreciated!

  21. H

    First styling of this ficus ginseng I’ve had for 6 years

    First image was on June 19th. It has really filled out. Today I’m checking the wiring because some of the wire looks to be biting in.
  22. F

    Can I get you to focus on this Ficus?

    Hello all, I recently picked up this Ficus from a big box store. Traditionally I'm not a fan of the ginseng variety but when I seen this one my impulses got the best of me. Normally I have the good fortune of not being a very impulsive person but we all have our days. It was going cost me next...
  23. Backwardsvg

    wanting to get a ficus

    Hey there, I want to dip my toe in ficus bonsai. I am looking for something that is pretty low work, can survive indoors well (outside in summer). Something that I can just cut up for fun and practice on. Fast growing and strong would be great. (Am I making up a unicorn tree haha) I don’t like...
  24. Apex37

    Ficus Work

    So these we’re my very first bonsai that I’ve been working on when I first started bonsai last year. Lots of work to go and made a few mistakes, but they’re better than nothing. I’ll try and stay on top of getting before and after photos, as I’ve come to realize I’m really bad at taking photos...
  25. AnutterBonsai

    Office Bonsai - Brussel's Golden Gate Ficus

    So we recently got moved to a new section in the building where I work and we have this big window that has perfect light! I noticed it looked too bare, so I went ahead and decided to have a nice pleasant "indoor" bonsai type perfect for it. Settled on a Brussel's Golden Gate Ficus. wired it...
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