
  1. Jiipsea

    Boxwood Help! Leaves brown/red/yellow

    Hello! My boxwood up until this point was thriving. All of a sudden his leaves started to turn brown/reddish. I noticed today some tips are a little yellow. I moved him out of direct sunlight because it seemed it was a light issue but I was just guessing. Please let me know your thoughts...
  2. M

    Dogwood scrub

    Hello! I picked up this dogwood scrub at my local nursery for $2. It was growing roots out if the bottom of it's container and is my root bound. Am I okay to root prune it now in Oregon? I feel so bad for the little guy, he's trapped!! Any advice would be helpful. Thank you
  3. D

    HELP: Kingsville Boxwood Is dying?

    Hello, I received this bonsai tree as a graduation gift and, when I left for college and left it at home with my family it started yellowing and lots of the leaves of shriveled up and dry. I have no idea what to do but I really want this tree to survive. I think I have been overwatering it and...
  4. tatersandonions

    Collected boxwoods

    Hi all, I recently dug up a couple boxwoods from a neighbors yard. Here they are after chopping and potting: After a little more pruning and sloppy wiring: Unfortunately, some of the bark was damaged digging it up. How long will it take to heal? I know boxwood branches thicken slowly so I...
  5. Sn0W

    A Box Full Of Roots

    I picked up 3 boxwoods from a nursery a couple of weeks back. They'd been left exposed to the elements on top of a hill out in a field for god knows how long and had suffered some severe die back and yellowing of foliage. They weren't priced and were sitting next to some healthy looking boxes...
  6. peh3

    Styling advice for a common boxwood

    Hello, I got myself a common boxwood a week or two ago and attempted to style it a bit. So I cut off a lot of the top to get a better look and I'm unsure how to continue. So I figured I might aswell ask here since people give great suggestions. It looked like this: And I reduced it to this...
  7. cdefoe

    get a load of this boxwood, a thread about my boxwood

    greetings, this is a thread about my boxwood. it's a korean wintergreen boxwood, if the tag on the nursery container is to be believed. please get a load of my boxwood: what i think will be the front. i think i can still wire the branch on the left and adjust if upwards to create a more...
  8. Sn0W

    Big Boxwood Potting

    This evening I managed to save 3 big Boxwoods from some guy who was extending his driveway. 2 have been chopped over a month ago and 1 is whole. 1 of the chopped was dug up last month and chucked on the piles of earth where he'd also dug his lawn up. The ends of the big branches are dead but...
  9. jazzaero

    Boxwood issues

    A couple months back I wanted to experiment after taking a local bonsai class. The teacher really stressed planting into inorganic substrate. I went and bought a boxwood and some shale to give it a shot. I chopped the plant up, without knowing what I was doing, and replanted into the shale and...
  10. Clicio

    Weird leaf from Boxwood trunk

    I am very baffled with this; well below the trunk of this boxwood a new strange leaf is sprouting. I made sure it is growing from the trunk, near the rootbase. As a comparison I shot the picture with a regular leaf from the same boxwood, which is completely different. Any hints? Picture below ->
  11. KLefty

    Arizona Bonsai

    Hello. I'm new to bonsai. I picked up a couple trees, repotted them, but haven't worked with them much yet. One is a Japanese Boxwood. Ya see, Arizona summers are hot and dry. Winters can be cold and wet. I know that dudicious trees are supposed to be outside to go through the natural cycle of...
  12. Ryan H

    I like big boxwoods

    Hey bnut, After a suggestion, I thought I'd throw a project out there I have been working on with two big boxwood started from nursery stock. They both started from the bush in the first pic and were chopped wayyy back. Obviously very much a work in progress. Suggestions welcome R
  13. aframe

    JAPANESE BOXWOOD - 45 min birthday gift

    $2.50 last minute bday gift.
  14. ColinFraser

    Boxwood - Live Oak Style

    I recently brought home a new project from California Bonsai Studio - a prebonsai boxwood. Here it is cramming into my hatchback: And at home with my coffee mug for scale:
  15. M

    English boxwood

    I purchased an english boxwood from homedepot today. I figured it would be a good chance to practice some pruning and wiring techniques and I won't be too upset if I end up killing it or it looks terrible, but you have to start somewhere. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Repot...
  16. cbroad

    Buxus microphylla 'Grace Hendrick Phillips'

    Hey everybody, here's a Grace Hendrick Phillips boxwood I've had for a few years, haven't really pruned it or done anything other than repotting a couple times. IMG_20160322_175546 by cbroad posted Mar 23, 2016 at 10:55 PM IMG_20160322_175505 by cbroad posted Mar 23, 2016 at 11:42...
  17. Mike123

    Kingsville given to me, Ideas?

    Club member gave this to me. He's moving and needed to thin out his collection. Wanted to know ideas on the front, angle of tree, pot and anything else you would suggest with this tree. Thanks, Mike
  18. 2015-06-12 06.47.51

    2015-06-12 06.47.51



  20. Church Boxwood

    Church Boxwood

  21. Back side

    Back side

  22. Church Boxwood

    Church Boxwood

    I purchased this Boxwood 2 years ago from a member of the Santa Cruz Bonsai Kai. He informed me that someone from church had given this to him when it was removed from around the building. When i received it all the growth was just on the left had side and there were three more branches that...
  23. Big Urban Yamadori Boxwood

    Big Urban Yamadori Boxwood

    The other side!
  24. Big Urban Yamadori Boxwood

    Big Urban Yamadori Boxwood

    I collected this tree from a home built in 1898 in old town San Jose about 6 months ago. Took me three hours because all the roots had grown under the side walk and of course the owner did not want the side walk damaged. Its about three feet tall and the base is 6 to 7 inches wide...I look...
  25. Collected Boxwood..Urban Yamadori

    Collected Boxwood..Urban Yamadori

    Will style and wire in the future
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