
  1. D

    New Trees

    I have a few questions about my recently acquired trees. For context i live in Nashville Tennessee Zone 7b current soil temps are around 46F i acquired a juniper procumbens nana from bonsai boy in NY. I have tested the soil and recieved a ph of 5 is this low for this species? if it is should I...
  2. D

    Just received my first two plants, needs help!

    Hello all, I am very excited to be documenting my bonsai journey. I have just received my first two trees. One a Dwarf Kingville Boxwood from Brussels In northern mississippi, the other a juniper procumbens nana from Bonsai boy in NY. They seem too look great with moist soil upon receiving. My...
  3. BonsaiOnTheBrainTX

    Boxwood First Styling

    Ok so this is my second attempt at styling a Boxwood from nursery stock. I picked up 2 in spring earlier this year. The first one went so terribly that I decided to leave the 2nd one to grow until a later date.…. I essentially ended up with a little 5 inch twig with a few branches. I pruned...
  4. Brain Treez

    Buxus microphylla cultivar? (and does it really matter?)

    I saw these two unlabeled shrubs at a local nursery for $15 each and instantly knew they'd be good for bonsai. I'm reasonably certain they're Buxus microphylla, but can anyone help with the cultivar? Compacta? Japonica? Koreana? The leaves are very small, glossy, with almost a plastic-like...
  5. jbhampton31

    43 yr old Boxwood 1st bonsai pot

    I have a few of these old 43 yr old boxwoods (not sure the cultivar name) with major exposed roots. I know not everyone is a big fan of that style, but I really like them. These trees are as old as I am and have been kept in a greenhousen in nursery pots by an older club member. I bought 4 of...
  6. Apex37

    Neea Buxifolia #1

    Picked this up from Wigerts and haven’t made a thread for it yet. I think this can make a nice little double trunk shohin. Total height right now is about 10”. Front: Back: Base (about 2.25”-2.5” - hard to tell without taking it completely out): Some design ideas, let me know what you...
  7. J

    Harland boxwood cutback

    Question: When and how should I cut this back for the best shot at either back budding or growing shoots from the cut points? Background: When I purchased this about a month ago I cut it way back, leaving a leader on each branch to be a little safer. But all that did was make those shoots...
  8. M

    Boxwood - side-of-road-adori

    Driving home today and saw a root ball out of the corner of my eye. This handsome boxwood had been dug up and tossed in a ditch and I couldn’t see it go to waste. Soooooo many people in the south (I’m in Birmingham, Alabama) had their boxwoods hit by temps in the 80s during the day and down...
  9. Weaponman

    Boxwood slant literati

    I got this 40+ year old boxwood yamadori rescued from an old seawall on a lake about 2 years ago. Base is massive and partially rotted away. I cut hard to try and get backbudding down the trunk a bit with not much success. Needs wiring down and building an apex. Any tips or thoughts?
  10. G

    My First Buxus/Boxwood initial styling

    As a beginner, I keep trying to find some trees that have potential to be a bonsai frpm nursery stocks. Some days ago I found a boxwood (I assume it's a buxus sempervirens) and today I applied it's initial style. I'm planning to change the pot at the beginning of the spring and apply some angle...
  11. AnutterBonsai

    Boxwood Wintergreen “Winterstar” $13 find!

    Today I stumbled upon this great piece of material that I just couldn’t resist buying for at a great price! As you can see, starting at the nebari, it has those roots to the side that I loved because they don’t look, to me, too big of an issue and instead “anchor” the powerful and barky trunk...
  12. N

    Developmental Indecesion re: My Wintergreen Boxwood. Need Suggestions!

    Good afternoon, my brothers and sisters in the art of bonsai. I am making my first thread on this forum, in need of advice regarding which direction I ought to take my newly-acquired "Wintergreen" Boxwood tree. I recently acquired this tree, along with a Serissa Japonica (which is doing...
  13. Alaskanrocket

    How bad is this boxwood styling?

    Hi All, So this is my first boxwood, as well as my first attempt at styling/training from Nursery (aka shrub) stock. Im still a little leery of my wiring technique so I chose to use string. Is this a bad method? Things Ive read on Boxwoods.... They Train easily, they don't train easily. They're...
  14. I

    Boxwood Problem?

    Hey all, I'm having an issue with my little boxwood. Some of the leaves on the branches are starting to diem attached is a picture. I don't know if maybe this guy is too high up in the pot and I need to cut it down to get those roots below the surface or what it is. Any advice would be great!
  15. N

    newly collected boxwood

    hello all, i recently acquired a small boxwood shrub from my neighbor as a gift, as he was replacing his shrubs with azaleas. received it bare rooted, potted into a pond basket with some home made soil (one part lava, pumice, de, and pine bark mulch respectively) the tree had a nice thick...
  16. TestedPuddle

    Boxwood trunk dilemma

    Hey everybody, I’ve been a long time lurker but for some reason never decided to make an account. But I’d like to get some different ideas on what to do about the trunk on this boxwood that I acquired not too long ago (see photos). as you’ll find, it’s got two nice thick trunks that split about...
  17. Ruve

    Hello all, new here, check out my trees

    Recently I acquired this obsession, I mean hobby, a few months ago. I'm an avid researcher and have a particular personality. I present my trees as they are currently for your viewing pleasure. I have a few that I've worked on and some that are awaiting my guidance. I'm particularly enjoying...
  18. M

    Recently collected Japanese boxwood after-care.

    Hi all, am I very new to bonsai so forgive any mistakes I might have made. I recently collected about 8 of what I think are Japanese boxwood. And was wondering if anyone could give me any tips on how to make sure they stay alive and well established. Here is a bit of context. I collected them...
  19. S

    Boxwood Advice for Older Boxwood

    Heyo, I am relatively new to bonsai and purchased an old boxwood transplant from a vendor in Colorado in mid-October (I live in Southern Nevada). I transferred from the nursery pot into the training pot pictured. The first picture shows the form before trimming and wiring. I figure I'd play...
  20. Drekula

    Japanese Boxwood: Double or Single Trunk?

    Hi Everyone, I am brand new to bonsai and have fallen in love with boxwoods. I have read that boxwoods are very slow-growing, so when I saw a tree this size at a local nursery, I was excited. I am seeking advice on my end design for this bonsai. Should I keep the large first branch and create a...
  21. Schmikah

    My new boxwood that needs some work. Any ideas?

    I just picked up this guy last Saturday from one of the guys at our local club (KBS). I picked it up cheap so I can live with it needing quite a bit of work. Obviously its been let go pretty much since it was collected, it was yard-adori according to the original owner. Obviously the roots are...
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    Too much?
  23. fucious70

    Boxwood Design Guide. 1 trunk or 2

    My first boxwood. I saw it sitting by itself and was totally drawn to it. I pruned off the top but puzzled on which direction I should take, 1 trunk or 2. For 2 trunk, I plan on cutting at the red line. Have the larger branches all lean towards the right. That vision makes me feel like a...
  24. J

    Bonsai Material Acquired... What Now?

    Hey guys! I stopped by Lowe's today to ravage the houseplant section, but found my way to the garden center and snagged these beauties for $3 each! I'm so new to bonsai that my plan was to stick with "pre-made", but the more I learn about the hobby, the more I'm itching to work a tree myself...
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