
  1. Lawrencek

    Does this look like a good/decent soil to you?

    We looked for pre mixed soils on eBay and Amazon was actually pretty hard I'm in the UK probably easier in the US; eventually we found this seller with a really good reputation called 'Ash Bonsai'. And bought a repotting kit for a bargain price.what I wanted to ask is does this look like a good...
  2. S

    Way to save or propagate a ficus ginseng bonsai after serious root rot?

    Hi! I have a little dear ginseng bonsai that got serious root rot after a heatwave then likely too much moisture. Its leaves fell off, and I recently noticed the bottom of its single trunk had become hollow, and it started to tip over. I tried to wipe off the gooey hollowed rotten trunk, it...
  3. Alvaro

    What kind of pine tree is this?

    I wasn’t sure where to put this post I’ts my first time posting here. I need some help here, a friend gave me this tree that collected and I want to know what kind of tree it is, from what I read and the description I found in this article, it is a Limber pine -“This species of conifer can have...
  4. Lawrencek

    Repotting Chinese elm for first time, advice needed.

    Hello all, someone might recognize me about a year ago I bought my friend a Chinese elm bonsai and I posted a thread on this website about if everything looked ok because the trunk had a odd bend to it (advertised as broom style) and the soil looked dislodged. I got some good feedback on here...
  5. CapeCodBonsai1

    Yamadori Hunts In New England?

    Hello everyone, new to bonsai nut forum. I am wondering if anybody in the New England area are planning Yamadori hunts this spring. Preferably with permission from land owners. Hoping to find my first Larch. I would love to join you or your group!
  6. Wild Black Cherry bonsai

    Wild Black Cherry bonsai

    Collected in 2020
  7. Crape Myrtle

    Crape Myrtle

    38 inches tall - 30+ years old My father planted this tree in the back yard in the early 90's. It was slowly dying. I fertilized it for a year and eventually collected it when it seemed to be healthier in 2021.
  8. M

    Yamadori Chinese Elm

    Dug up this chinese elm from the woods in Central Florida today. Here’s the plan with it: What do y’all think?
  9. LunaticTree

    Collection of various Coniferes

    My English is not to good, but I will try my best! Last year I managed to collect some Austrian Black Pine Seedlings, as you can tell, some of them are a bit bigger and some are super tiny. All of them do pretty good and they all have good healthy roots so far. I am not sure yet where I will...
  10. the_ungawa

    Tree Identification Help

    Hello Bonsai Nut, I am new to the forum as a poster, but I have lurked off and on for some time. I am not new to bonsai, but I have not kept up with my studies or maintenance of my trees beyond watering, fertilizing, and repotting. I have recently become motivated to "come back" to taking it a...
  11. Mr.Dr.K

    Novice: Chinease Elm. Advice and thoughts?

    This is my 1st and only Bonsai which was gifted to me about 2.5 years ago. At first I didn't know much about the species of tree, pruning etc... but managed to keep the tree alive and healthy. I don't have pics from when I 1st got it, but it has grow significantly. After reading a little on...
  12. Apex37

    Bonsai Releaf - Japanese Larch

    Just wanted to share the latest video by Bonsai Releaf. This guy has some of the best bonsai videos I've ever seen. Between his vision, the editing, and the music selection, it inspires me to want to work on my trees and learn more. My only wish was that he had more videos, but with the editing...
  13. M

    Chinese Elm vs Drake Elm?

    Hello all, I live in central Florida and throughout my years living here, I’ve noticed an abundance of Chinese elm trees in landscapes and in the wild. The trees have the orange flaky iconic bark that Chinese elms possess and the small leathery elm leaves. The trees max out at about 30 feet...
  14. KleinM

    Neglected Ficus Natalensis

    Hi guys! So I have this Natal ficus and it was severely neglected. No pruning or repotting has been done to it in over 10 years or so. It was very pot bound in a small circular pot (the surface roots are hardened of in a circular pattern) and was potted into its current pot at the beginning of...
  15. M

    New Forest-dug Acer Rubrum/Red Maple/Swamp Maple

    Check out this beautiful Red Maple I just dug from the swamp. Stunning nebari and a leader branch already set in for me. Can’t wait to see where this goes! Trunk is about 6 inches wide at the base. Tips on styling are always welcome. Especially regarding those big cuts!
  16. KleinM

    I started a YouTube channel

    Hi all! I started a YouTube channel in September called Klein Bonsai. I decided to make YouTube videos for three reasons. One: To document my trees and see their progress as they (and myself) grow in the coming years and 2: All the bonsai YouTube channels are from the Northern hemisphere and it...
  17. P

    Help! Dying Bonsai (Serissa) -- drying, crisp leaves

    I made a post here 2 weeks ago (photo included) : It has been 2 weeks since this last post and now my leaves are very dry and crisp. Should I remove the leaves? Trim in any form? It has gone through a lot of...
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    My ficus microcarpa Bonsaiis ready for festival season
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    Ficus traingularis made in to cascade style Bonsai
  20. M

    Juniper Help

    Hey guys. I recently found what I believe is a red cedar aka eastern juniper in the woods in florida and I dug it out because it had nice features. I should’ve done more research on juniper before I drastically pruned it, because it turns out that juniper does not back bud on branches if...
  21. J

    Korean Hornbeam needs help....

    Hi All, I have this beautiful hornbeam which is over a year old Korean Hornbeam tree. After I moved to a new place, I had placed the hornbeam near the window south facing and I believe the tree has been scorched in heat with lots of sunlight. The leaves were all burnt so I had to plucked the...
  22. KleinM

    Beware of stolen bonsai!

    Someone broke into the Eastern Leaf nursery and stole about 40 trees. Some of which Jason has worked on for 10 years. Really makes me feel sick that people would do something like this. If you see any of these trees for sale, contact them immediately please.
  23. N

    Help with prunus serrulata

    Hi! I am fairly new to bonsai and have started a prunus serrulata from seed. I am looking for some advice on what to do next. I am heading into fall soon, and then winter. During winter I will store outside under cover of snow (I live in Canada BC). It has grown substantially and is over a foot...
  24. M

    Yamadori Oak Styling

    Dug up this oak a few months ago and it’s bursting with beautiful new foliage. Do you guys think this is suitable material for a good bonsai? Maybe if I chop it low and start a new leader? I dug it up because I thought the nebari was beautiful and there was a little taper at the base.
  25. BenBSeattle

    Seattle Bonsai Auction by the Puget Sound Bonsai Association

    Hope to see some the local Seattle and Pacific Northwest Folks at the Auction this year.
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