bald cypress

  1. S

    Spring bald Cypress trunk chop/report/light pruning/root work.

    As you can see from my previous posts in this forum last September, I had picked up two severely distressed bald cypresses from a local nursery for a song. Thanks to all who gave me such excellent advice on how to revitalize them! ( Place them in morning sun, and leave them alone thru the...
  2. Barbells and bonsai

    Upright bald cypress leader selection

    Looking for advice on carving for an upright style bald cypress/leader branch selection. It seems all other potential leaders are removed besides the main but I’d like to make sure before doing so. I’ve also heard the leader should be roughly 1/3 the diameter of the trunk and straight. My...
  3. Barbells and bonsai

    BC 1

    My first Bald Cypress/yamadori. This will be a progressional thread starting with collection.
  4. Barbells and bonsai

    Yamadori line up

    One good part of the cold snap was the chance to take a photo of the BC’s I’ve collected this season with a better backdrop.
  5. Barbells and bonsai

    BC 6

    Smaller than my usual but has a cool hollow trunk that can be seen from both sides. Normally I stump cut them but this tree is for my brother (is his 1st bonsai) so letting him make the styling calls and he wants to leave it alone.
  6. Barbells and bonsai

    BC 5

    This was in clay/shell and hard to dig but reminds me of a mini “twister”. I usually choose trees with pronounced knees but this one only has a couple small ones growing off flutes.
  7. Barbells and bonsai

    BC 3

    Planning to cut about a foot off the top. Will post updates
  8. C

    Identification help: Bald Cypress or Redwood?

    Hello, Does this appear to be a bald cypress or a type of redwood? This was in Chicago, zone 6a. Thanks for your input!
  9. Barbells and bonsai

    Pre hurricane Helene

    Should be fine, not expecting any damage but we’ll see.
  10. M

    Bald cypress pre bonsai and nebari

    Hi! Very new to bonsai. I've got an established shohin Chinese elm that I've been working on. I ran across this bald cypress pre bonsai from someone locally that I'm thinking of picking up. Question: the roots at the bottom that are exposed, will that cause strong nebari? What can I do to help...
  11. bendem

    Help please ... Bald cypress mites or ???

    Hi - I hope someone with bald cypress expertise can please help me out. I have several pre-bonsai BC trees, and some of them have leaf damage as shown in these pictures. Thinking that mites were the likely cause, I've already sprayed Avid three times about a week apart. Since then, I've seen...
  12. Bald Cypress

    Bald Cypress

  13. Bald Cypress

    Bald Cypress

  14. Bald Cypress

    Bald Cypress

  15. Bald Cypress

    Bald Cypress

  16. Bald Cypress  knees

    Bald Cypress knees

  17. Bald Cypress  knees

    Bald Cypress knees

  18. Bald Cypress  knees

    Bald Cypress knees

  19. bendem

    Bald cypress weak growth & yellow tips

    I've got a half dozen bald cypress trees that I repotted and trunk chopped this spring. Five of them are doing great, but one has considerably less vigor than the others. The tree that's lagging behind has weaker growth, plus the terminal bud tips are coming out yellow. It also had the latest...
  20. LeftHandLuke

    Bald Cypress Repot Root Rot Help!

    I had planned to re-pot my bald cypress when I was certain it was coming out of dormancy but as the clock continued to tick, just this evening after work, I slipped it from the pot for a quick look at the roots. Stink-o-rama black root rot layer about a half-inch thick (not pictured). I keep...
  21. Damart81

    Bald Cypress Chop Height

    If this was your BC would you chop it to create more taper? Just collected it and potted, it’s a little over 2ft tall. Haven’t worked with smaller BC before but wanted to keep it smaller.
  22. Barbells and bonsai

    Possibly dead BC

    Hello, hoping for some advice or even just a diagnosis. I collected two Bald Cypress trees this season. The first tree seems to be doing okay but the larger one I am worried about. It was recommended to me that I not water every day since this can cause root rot. I tried this tactic but the...
  23. Damart81

    First Yamadori Bald Cypress Project Questions

    Hello, I have had this bald cypress yamadori for about a year and a month now. I let it do its thing for a year and now ready to start guiding it with a design. It just started pushing some buds, so I have a couple of questions. I am doing a flat top design but considering different options...
  24. Barbells and bonsai

    Bald Cypress yamadori

    Hello again from South Florida, I collected a bald cypress today from swamp property a friend owns. I’m new to bonsai and only have one other tree so far, a black olive. I watched videos regarding repotting after wild collection and tried to follow their examples. My soil is a mix of 80/20...
  25. bendem

    help ID bald cypress problem

    Hi folks - I've got around 20 bald cypress trees that are each two years old. They all get a lot of water (they're currently in shallow tubs). All of them look good except for this one that just took a turn for the worse. I moved it out of the tub for these pictures. Any guess what the...
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