air layer

  1. K

    Syzygium Brush Cherry got too large; air rooting OK?

    Syzygium Brush Cherry got too large; air rooting OK? I didn’t get back to Florida due to a prolonged health issue; Heart Attack. She got way too tall and there’s no leaves for 2 feet from the bottom, it’s now over three feet tall. Things grow fast in Florida. Would I get new growth if I cut...
  2. Imzy333

    Ground layering aftercare advice needed

    Hi need advice if I had done the right method of ground layering. The tree in question, Deshojo Japanese maple. Currently it is end of spring in Sydney, Australia. I am hoping to start a new nebari journey. If anyone has advice for aftercare of ground layering I would be grateful for any tips on...
  3. BonsaiOnTheBrainTX

    P-Air Layer… Pear Tree Air Layer

    I started this air layer 51 days ago off of a massive hollowed out Pear Tree in the backyard. I used clonex rooting hormone gel, sphagnum moss, plastic bag, 1mm wire, and some foil. I checked it after 4o days and didn’t see any roots. It’s also been extremely hot here so I opened the plastic...
  4. T

    Air Layer Young Maple

    I think the graft on my Shin Deshojo is unsightly. I’m in Minnesota (Zone 5b) and wondering if I could safely take an air layer above the graft and grow roots for an autumn chop and repot now (early July). Or is it too late and the tree too young/small?
  5. BonsaiOnTheBrainTX

    First Trident Maple

    I purchased my first Trident Maple. It’s about 5 ft tall with no movement in the trunk. The base is about an inch and half thick. The first bud is about 6in up from the base. Ive had it a couple weeks and I’m just letting it acclimate, I haven’t repotted or looked at the roots yet. I’m...
  6. E

    Air layer japanese cherry

    Hello All! I airlayered a japanese cherry, and i'm bit worried about its condition. On the day removing from mother tree: Todays condition: What do you think, is it just recovering from transplantation or something more serious? Thanks!
  7. J

    Japanese maple - Advice - Deshojo

    Hi there, I just purchase a Japanese deshojo maple. I am looking to airlayer it, so that I can start growing into a bonsai down the road, but I am unsure what to do b/c this maple was grown tall. Right now it sits around 6’ and is very straight. I don’t know if I should wait till it grows...
  8. Apex37

    Trident Maple Air Layer Just Callousing

    I started this air layer back in early March and have checked it twice since then. So far I can only get a callous but no roots. Any suggestions on what I could be doing better? Maybe I should try an actual soil mix or mix some in akadama with the sphagnum moss? Would scarring the callous be...
  9. L

    Lorax7 Arakawa #2 progression

    Started a second air layer on the parent plant from which the Arakawa #1 layer was harvested.
  10. ForeverRaynning

    Best time and method to air layer European Beech?

    I’ve tried looking online and on the forum but its still quite confusing. General advice is airlayer after the new growth has hardened off. However I also hear/see people have air layered before then (ie February) and had success. Does anyone know which timing is best? Its still frosty here...
  11. Carapace

    How to propagate Coast Redwoods?

    Hi guys, I recently got 10 little coast redwood seedlings and I wanted to know what the best way to propagate them is, cuttings? air layers? ground layers? These are really rare and expensive (the transport is really) plants over here and I want to multiply them to give them to my friends. If...
  12. C

    Katsura Maple for Air Layers

    Been wheeling this beauty in and out of my sunroom using a dolly for about 3 weeks now to protect it from the cold. Can't wait to throw a bunch of air layers on the branches this May and hopefully get a bunch of trees to work on. After I get the branches air layered I might go for broke on a...
  13. H

    Japanese Maple.. what to Air Layer/Remove

    I got this Japanese Maple last year and didn’t see the interior until this winter. It needs a lot of work and I could use any suggestions regarding where to airlayer (left side large branch/trunk has 2 limbs with movement I’d like to keep) or what all needs to be done. Red is air layer (or chop...
  14. C

    First post: Should I repot or air layer this first?

    Hello all, I am at the tail end of my first bonsai winter! I just picked up this Katsura maple from a nursery the other day and I'm a little stumped on what to do first with it. These were the options I have cooked up in my head. Any thoughts on these as well as new suggestions? 1) The soil...
  15. SmallTreeGuy

    Will this Elm Air Layer up high?

    I have been eyeing a specific branch on one of my large Elm trees for a couple of years and luckily it is above my studio so I can reach it with a ladder. When spring comes around, I’m planning on air layering it to get a pretty substantial trunk with some interesting movement. Attached is the...
  16. F

    Juniper Being Stubborn on Layering & Possible ID

    Hello, I have identified a Chinese? Juniper with fairly good traits that I have been attempting to air layer for the past two years. The previous summer, I managed to strike roots on 1/5 of my attempts, but it had already begun to brown off and has since died. This fall, I attempted ~10...
  17. AlexoftheCastle

    Help ROR Ficus bring sexy back, guidance/input please.

    Inherited my dads ROR ficus approx. 11 y.o. with the tree left to grow freely. Fear of killing the tree its been Semi-neglected the last 4 years, it's been great practice learning trees habits, and basic bonsai techniques(Thank you bonsainut community!) The lack of balance and unruly growth is...
  18. czaczaja

    Olive Air Layer Advice

    I am planning to air layer my olive in spring and looking for some advice whether what I'm planning on doing is viable. I want to put the layering pod up as high as possible under the branches to end up with a nice short trunk on the layered tree. This will leave me with a tall trunk to later...
  19. RJG2

    Neagari bougainvillea

    Root exposure (slowly) in progress. Progression posts are scattered over here (but I'll try to summarize in this thread): Current (@sorce pot):
  20. R

    Japanese Maple (Acer Palmatum) Air Layer + Ebihara Progression

    Hi, Long time lurker, first time poster here 👋 Just wanted to share my progression with a Japanese Maple air layer + Ebihara that was started last year. May 24, 2022: July 31, 2022: August 6, 2022 - Air layer separated August 19, 2022 April 7 2023 - First repotting
  21. czaczaja

    Sourcing material from forest

    Looking for peoples opinions on sourcing material from forest. Either by digging up seedlings or air layering mature trees. I live close to several forests and have an opportunity to get Oak, Ash, Pine, Maple, Yew and many other local species. I'm curious as to what people think of the 'ethics'...
  22. Clicio

    Air layering Corkbark Elm suggestions.

    This Corkbark Elm is too tall and straight, so I have been wondering what to do. 1- chop it down. 2 - air layer it. 3 - making it a weeping elm. My preference is to air layer it (on the green line), and after cutting the layer chop it down to the first branchlet (blue line). But... Suggestions...
  23. Bonsilot

    Air Layering Thick T-Intersection Olive Branch

    I'm looking for advice on how to best airlayer a large T shaped branch on a European Olive (see photos). Questions below. Any tips or info on how long it will likely take would be greatly appreciated too. Here's my current plan: Make cuts on the branch at the red lines shown in the photos...
  24. Baku1875

    Dwarf Barbados cherry air layers and future chops!

    Alright, thanks to BNut homies i identified this thing, and after dragging this tree out of the shady corner of my yard, it's time to seek out some of its potential. Here Air layer time Canadian peat and perlite mix and some sphagnum on top Two air layers ready to grow, might do another 2...
  25. LeftHandLuke

    Bald Cypress Air Layer Size?

    My neighbor has a huge, healthy bald cypress in her backyard that's scheduled for removal in about a year. She told me to knock myself out if I wanted to grab an air layer. My goal is to get one or two on there ASAP with the plan to collect them within three to six months. How big can I go in...
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