
  1. Lawrencek

    Repotting Chinese elm for first time, advice needed.

    Hello all, someone might recognize me about a year ago I bought my friend a Chinese elm bonsai and I posted a thread on this website about if everything looked ok because the trunk had a odd bend to it (advertised as broom style) and the soil looked dislodged. I got some good feedback on here...
  2. Mr.Dr.K

    Novice: Chinease Elm. Advice and thoughts?

    This is my 1st and only Bonsai which was gifted to me about 2.5 years ago. At first I didn't know much about the species of tree, pruning etc... but managed to keep the tree alive and healthy. I don't have pics from when I 1st got it, but it has grow significantly. After reading a little on...
  3. JamesBondsai

    1yr old Pinus Mugo Pumilio - Help!

    Please help ☺️ Hello all, I'm very new to the world of Bonsai and have been growing a Pinus Mugo Pumilio from the seed. I've got a 1yr old seedling and I'm looking for guidance. (I'm located in Southern England, for seasonal reference). I planted it towards the end of Autumn 2020 and simulated...
  4. JaiDoubleU

    Someone Help My Bonsai!

    Hello, I have inherited a bonsai tree that I don’t think is doing well. It’s leaves look healthy, but it’s not very shapely. I'm hoping someone help me identify what it’s suffering from (if anything) and provide tips on how best to care for it. It appears to have been pruned rather harshly at...
  5. Bonsaiish

    Styling a Senegalia (acacia) burkei - advice needed

    Hi all! First time poster here… I bought a black monkey thorn from a nursery 10 days ago. The tree was in dire need of some TLC so I decided it should come home with me. (When my husband saw it, he said it’s the ugliest thing he’s ever seen). I repotted it in a plastic container with bonsai...
  6. dragunrot

    Cryptomeria advice

    Hello! This is my first post here, just wanted to get some opinions. I recently purchased a few Cryptomeria 'Radicans' (couldn't find the regular species apart from seeds) and was wondering if anyone has any experience growing them in arid climates? I've seen several cryptomeria as garden and...
  7. N

    Help with prunus serrulata

    Hi! I am fairly new to bonsai and have started a prunus serrulata from seed. I am looking for some advice on what to do next. I am heading into fall soon, and then winter. During winter I will store outside under cover of snow (I live in Canada BC). It has grown substantially and is over a foot...
  8. Rivian

    First satsuki, advice wanted

    I bought this 7 y.o. satsuki a week ago, its in pure kanuma right now I believe. I would like it to grow larger, is it advisable to put the rootball into a bigger pot and fill in the difference with vermiculite/bark/perlite mix right now? If you look at the close-up, you can see many dead aerial...
  9. Trigobontree

    New Flame Tree. What do I do now?

    I just unboxed this guy today (hence the folded leaves in the photo, but he appears to be bouncing back nicely). As with all of my acquirements, he’s in “quarantine” right now, and then will be going in the greenhouse after a slip pot into boon mix once he recovers from shipping. I can’t find...
  10. I

    Newbie styling

    Hello everyone! I am brand new to this whole process. I recently picked up some nursery stock of carpet juniper and boxwood and styled them. What do you think? Both of them started off as bushes, and the boxwood was a bunch of branches sticking out of the soil so I just clipped the ones I didn't...
  11. C

    Ficus Microcarpa help

    I currently have two ficus microcarpa. The first is tiny and I've had it since the fall. It seems to love my apartment conditions so I made a much larger investment on a second one. The new one is about 25" tall out of the pot, so something fairly large that I desperately want to keep alive...
  12. JuniperSol

    Advice for my Brazilian Raintree

    So I am a recent owner of a Brazilian Raintree. I’ve been doing my best to take care of it (keeping it under a large grow light while it was indoors [moved it outside today in the shade to integrate it], watering when needed, fertilizing, etc.) but want to get some advice. I’ve attached photos...
  13. C

    Will this branch survive?

    Greetings! I am very new at bonsai and definitely need some specific advice. I was wiring a branch and the tip of the wire twisted under the bark and completely removed it as I wound the wire around the branch. I realize my mistake there (should have left some slack on the wire where I started)...
  14. P

    Just got my first Bonsai (Desert Rose)

    Hello everyone! My friend just gifted me with my first Bonsai. He gave me an Adenium (Desert Rose). I want to take really good care of it, but since I'm really new into this world I would like to ask a couple of questions, since one website says one thing, and the other says the opposite. 1-...
  15. B

    Brazilian Rain Tree Growing

    I have a Brazilian Rain Tree that was hurting when I got it a couple of months ago but has since recovered nicely. The tree is growing like crazy I’m just curious if I should let it keep going the way it is or prune some growing tips a bit or maybe try some wiring? I would like to get it into a...
  16. JosephErnest

    What are these little things?

    Hi. Apologies if this is a very dumb question. I've had this Juniper for about a year and a half. I'm a beginner bonsai-er. I've just noticed these little bud/cone things appearing. I tried to google for an answer but can't figure it out. I think it's pretty healthy but... maybe not. Is my tree...
  17. legobonsaipianoman

    Japanese Maple from Wal-Mart Advice Needed

    Hi everyone. I have been into bonsai for about 4 or 5 years now and have been wanting a Japanese Maple for a while. I bought some seedlings a few years ago or so from a garden center for around 2 dollars a piece, but killed them over the winter because I didn't water them. For some reason I...
  18. Kidkidsupreme

    Malus Domestica: Repotting and styling advice

    Hi all, This is my first post here. I managed to buy this Malus Domestica for just €20,- through a Dutch webshop (happy to share a link if it's allowed). As this is my first pre-bonsai to bonsai project, I seek for some advice. Attached you can find two pictures of what I could consider the...
  19. B

    Reviews on Stone Lantern Bonsai Tool Set?

    Hello I was looking to buy my first tool set for bonsai and wanted to know if anyone has experience with Stone Lantern, in particular this tool set: It appears to have all the basic tools...
  20. Storm87

    Deadwood features / rot on the main trunk (advice needed)

    Hi all, Last spring I managed to acquire a nice hedge maple (urban) yamadori. It doing oke, it survived a pretty dry and hot summer here in the Netherlands. The tree has some nice deadwood features on the main trunk, but also quite a deep hole. I would really like some general advice on how...
  21. P

    Not sure what to do for my maple

    Hi everyone! I’m new to bonsai (honestly new to long term plant care in general) and I’m not sure what to do for my maple sapling. My boyfriend gave this one to me at the beginning of August and we potted it in this pot at that time. I’m worried about drainage as I live in the PNW in a North...
  22. DonovanC

    Juniper wiring tips? Guidelines? Rules of thumb? Personal spins?

    I’m pretty much new to wiring junipers... I mean I’ve done it, but I’ve never really known what I’m doing. And I’ve really only started taking the practice more seriously this year. I have a number of cuttings from the last 2 years and a few of them have grown enough to start working on - or at...
  23. T

    Aiming for graceful trident

    Trident maple under my care. Caliper is maybe 1.5-1.75 below soil surface. Nice flare at base especially right side. Nearly inverse taper on left but essentially flat down to the roots. Trying to think about how low to chop and being new to this, when specifically to do so. The most...
  24. Deep Sea Diver

    Lonely Zundert Mugo - Thoughts on design and a couple questions.

    Last Christmas I spotted a lonely Mugo Pine in the 1/2 price nursery section of the locally owned hardware store. It was almost nightfall, but I thought there might be some possibilities in this tree. I knew something was up when the gardener thanked me for buying the tree. It seems it had...
  25. D

    Pseudotsuga menziesii (I think), style suggestions

    I got this Douglas Fir for $20. Its 2.5ft (3ft to apex), In WA state. Any suggestions on styling and care (soil, watering, etc) or advice? Fairly new to the game. This is my first post btw. I know this needs to be outside but there is renovation on patio starting tomorrow and next day, so I had...
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