acer palmatum

  1. Gio_TYBG

    Collected this behemoth coral bark JM on Sunday. Just wanted to share it lol

    Got it from someone’s yard for free. Thing has to be atleast 35 years old. May eventually trunk chop it to try making a chonky broom .. but will leave alone for now. Collected an even bigger one a year ago and is doing fine.. so this will def pull through
  2. Maples N More Nursery

    Acer palmatum(green) seeds for sale

    Acer palmatum green Japanese maple seeds for sale: 100 - $8.00 250 - $20.00 500 - $37.50 1000 - $70.00 These have an 80 - 92% germination rate. They generally start sprouting within 60 - 90 days. Germination instructions will be included. Shipping is $5 regardless of amount bought. This is a...
  3. 81Libra

    Katsura Post leaf wilt/defoliation issue

    Hi, I’ll start by saying I’m super new to bonsai I am gradually learning how great this community is and how shared ideas, thoughts and opinions have made me that much more endeared to bonsai. I bought a Katsura back in late April and really fell in love with the cultivar. When I got the try...
  4. BonsaiOnTheBrainTX

    Kabudachi- first Maple Clump

    I’ve been bitten by the Japanese Maple bug…. I really didn’t know anything about them until I started getting into and learning about bonsai. Now I have 7 or 8 varieties and a ton of cuttings I’m propagating. I ordered a pack of 15 regular green acer palmatum seedlings 10-18in tall. They sell...
  5. M

    New to this! Acer Palmatum

    Hello! I recently got an Acer Palmatum Bonsai as a gift and have some questions about it. I was hoping I could get some feedback on what I should do. I have read some posts about it but always end up wondering how to properly take care of mine. Some context: I keep it at home and live in a...
  6. L

    Lorax7 Arakawa #2 progression

    Started a second air layer on the parent plant from which the Arakawa #1 layer was harvested.
  7. RJG2

    JM - Sharp's Pygmy

    Got this at an "intermediate" class at Bonsai West. Wasn't too impressed with the class, information seemed much more beginner. Basically just did a repot and light pruning. This is my first "real" JM, so we'll see how it goes. It is a grafted tree, but the graft isn't bad. At the class...
  8. Kodama

    A Palmatum Leaf Shrivel

    Hmm.. not sure what is causing this emerging new leaf shrivel on this bloodgood a. palmatum. Other leaves have unfolded just fine. It seems just recently that the new ones are shriveled. It has been warmer than usual for time of year. I just now put up the 40% shade cloth in hopes that will...
  9. Palmatum

    Acer Palmatum leaves curling, possible infection?

    I have a green leaf Japanese maple (my first bonsai) whose leaves have been curling. I originally thought it was underwatering, but I'm now afraid it might be an infection. Could it be an infection? :( Timeline: - Mid-December - Bought plant. Watering schedule is once a week, in partial sun. -...
  10. T

    Acer Palmatum 'Beni Maiko', difference between that and standard Acer Palmatum?

    I'm thinking of grabbing some, but have never tried a Japanese maple. Was told the Standard Japanese maple was stronger, faster growing and could handle cold better than others. Is Beni Maiko a good maple tree to start on? What are the differences? Are they cared for/pruned/ built the same...
  11. gapoy

    Japanese Maple Design Help

    Dear bonsai artisans, I would like to ask for your opinions about this tree. How would you design it? Having a very shallow knowledge and experience in bonsai care, any piece of negative or positive feedback is valued. Thank you.
  12. R

    Japanese Maple (Acer Palmatum) Air Layer + Ebihara Progression

    Hi, Long time lurker, first time poster here 👋 Just wanted to share my progression with a Japanese Maple air layer + Ebihara that was started last year. May 24, 2022: July 31, 2022: August 6, 2022 - Air layer separated August 19, 2022 April 7 2023 - First repotting
  13. W

    How should I style this

    Hey I have this Shin deshojo that I've let grow quite uncontrolled through the past few months, as I do not know how I want to style it. Im not looking to make any drastic changes such as chopping a part of the main trunk or anything, im mainly looking for tips on pruning etc. I was think if I...
  14. Rivian

    Are your landscape JMs still full of seeds?

    I was wondering when mature (seed-bearing) Japanese maples lose their seeds. Helps in deciding when to buy large JMs, if you want the seeds too. Have they lost most of their seeds by now, in your area? Also curious how deep a freeze kills exposed, dormant JM seeds.
  15. anthony burce

    Uneven Ramification

    Good Morning, Good Evening wherever you are. My japanese maple, Acer Palmatum, has uneven growth when cutting back to two buds. Usually one grows like crazy and the other does not. How can I get a balance of energy for two buds? My developing lowest branch has never had a balanced...
  16. goth_gardener

    Potting mix/Care for large Weeping Maple bonsai

    Hello nuts ! I rescued this beautiful maple tree on sale from my local nursery today and am curious about doing a larger bonsai situation in this pot… here is the tree resting on some previous potting soil in the container (will be acid loving later ofc), a larger pic of location just for fun...
  17. S

    Taking on a Shishio/Chishio Improved Cutting

    I purchased this young cutting online as a new project. This will be my second maple and I am definitely still a bonsai rookie. I’ve posted a pic of the tree as well as the planter I intend on using for the next couple of years. Reason for my post is that I want to make sure I do this very...
  18. J

    Odd Palmatum (Sango Kaku) air layering behavior??

    I'm lucky to have a rather large Palmatum in my backyard, and i started to air layer it this season. I took 6 air layerings to test how the tree responds. The tree has good genetics, roots rather quick and 5 of the air layers took, even the rather thick ones. However, the strangeness happened...
  19. SeanS

    SeanS shohin clump

    Here’s the progression of a shohin clump I have on the go. I air layered a cluster of 5 branches from a nursery tree during the 2020/21 growing season. Here’s the section I layered Here’s the tree separated and growing nicely Yesterday I did the initial cut back and wiring. I’ll repot...
  20. SeanS

    SeanS Maple 1

    Time to start a thread for my biggest JM. This is standard acer palmatum I picked up from a local garden nursery in July 2020 for ~$14 (R200). In the following August as the buds were swelling I trunk chopped and repotted the tree, and wired the primary branches. I chopped much higher than my...
  21. cbroad

    J.M. clump air layer

    Here's a Japanese maple clump air layer I've been growing since fall of 2016. It came off of a tree in my yard and unfortunately I don't know the variety. It gets a nice orange fall color which is a little unique with palmatums. I repotted it last Wednesday and took off the biggest trunk which...
  22. Jan JC

    Acer palmatum in "hot" weather ?

    Hey everyone! First of all, I'd like to apologize if my english isn't correct, I'm from Spain so it's not my maternal language... Anyway, I have a Japanese Maple (actually two of them), varieties are 'Seiryu' and 'Yamamomiji' (common Japanese Maple), since this spring-summer (2020). They've been...
  23. Thumbsaway

    Seedlings in 2x2x6 planters...

    i found some more exotic cultivars on Amazon (shh I know). They’re being shipped as 2 year grafted seedlings. Not a problem. the Problem came up when I went to repot from the nursery soil. Especially since they came in those tube pots. They each had 4 large roots and only had feeder roots...
  24. Z

    Japanese maple winter in a fridge

    I figured I would share this experiment with the forum incase anyone else is like me. I love the look of Japanese Maples, but I live in an area with a climate that easily kills Japanese Maples. We often get 1-2 months of -20 to -40. My unheated garage is usually about -10 inside when its -20...
  25. Rivian

    Acer palmatum Bi-Hoo turning black

    What exactly is happening here and why and can I prevent this in the future?
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