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  1. wireme

    Not long now..

  2. wireme

    A couple Japanese larch.

    I’m guessing they are Japanese larch anyways. I overwinter these for a couple friends. They did an afternoon workshop in Vancouver about 10 years ago and came home with these. I think it was one of their first dates or something, married with kids now. When they moved here they didn’t know...
  3. wireme

    5 year recovery spruce.

    As the title indicates, this one has taken 5 years since collection to get growing. It was very weak when collected, wee yellow needles, stressed. Given the drought years that happened since then I can say with near certainty that this tree would not be alive today if it hadn’t been collected...
  4. wireme

    The rock thread.

    We dont already have one of these do we? I quite like rocks. So I thought maybe a thread like the tree thread may bring more out. You know mandatory to post a picture with reply. Things that can be called suiseki, rocks that look like things or just look cool. Rocks that can be used as...
  5. wireme

    Tempted by topiary

    I mean who isn’t tempted by a 3 ball Pom right? Today was my first time setting foot in a plant nursery all season. There is only one place here but they always have something I’m tempted to buy. Generally I don’t but I’m gonna go back for a second closer look at this. May have debated...
  6. wireme

    Tall spruce

    As collected, best pic I’ve got. Found out in the shade so pretty sparse foliage A couple (few?) years later filling out nicely Repotted in one step (unusual for me, it just worked) from massive box to current pot.
  7. wireme

    Antlers rmj

    Gotta call them something, antlerlike deadwood. Moved this back into full sun today and took a pic, thought maybe I’d make up for the seedling. This was collected probably 2014. Half barerooted while still in the box a couple years after, just removed a panel, cleaned out mountain soil and...
  8. wireme

    Juniper 4:33

  9. wireme

    RMJ #1

    I call it that because I’ve had it longest. One of a couple that survived an early cold that took out the collection in 2010. It was the time capsule tree, never started a thread. First pic 2010, this was the most attractive view at the time The starting pic for the capsule thread, when...
  10. wireme

    Warm forecast

    So I think it’ll go fast. Next pic next weekend and I’ll see where I at.
  11. wireme

    Kanji Hanko, can anyone read this.

    Makers mark on a shakuhachi, if anyone can say anything about what it says would be great, thanks.
  12. wireme

    Fall colours

    Thought it was summer but I must have blinked and it’s gone. Who’s next?
  13. wireme

    Probably a windswept spruce.

    Collected this one just last year but it recovered well. I’ve been looking at it, usually from this side cause the trunk is visible. Had all sorts of ideas of course, trunk reduction possibilities, etc. One day looking from the side I realized there was a windswept pretty much built in. Had...
  14. wireme

    Juniper cutting storage?

    How long can they stay bagged in the fridge? I brought home a bag of twig cuttings off a wild rmj with exceptional foliage qualities. To be grown or used for grafting if the growth habit stays true. Right now I am working, running our small mushroom farm, renovating a house that we’re putting...
  15. wireme

    Rmj repot

    I’ll add text later.
  16. wireme

    Slab or pot? Real-time now, think fast.

    I’m taking five to think about it. Stickroot pot or natural stone?
  17. wireme

    FB autotranslation.

    Looks like a good concert... Please come?..
  18. wireme

    A stoners Easter hunt

    Whole family of stoners actually, that’s right, we all like rocks. My mom and dad and the girls all hunted and helped. First stop, Easter bunny goods in the forest, considerate bunny even stashed beers up there. On to the stone hunt, a rock I found last fall and heaved out of the creek. Had to...
  19. wireme

    Snowpack view.

    Nice snowpack profile view here. Snow is starting to melt away from the fence so I poked my nose in to take a look. That’s a four foot spruce in the front and a seven foot juniper in the back so around six feet of condensed snowpack sitting on the trees. Poor things eh? Hope nothing is too...
  20. wireme

    olympic skier pipe.

    Check it out if you're by a TV. womens finals happening right now. My brother is the Canadian coach standing up top there so cheer Canadian eh!!
  21. wireme


    Putting trees down for winter, last chance for pics. No thread on this one yet. Collected spring of 2015. Repotted this spring. Pretty much full bareroot first go with this one. Decent enough response. Slowed down in spring, shed a fair bit midsummer then started growing again. Repot pics and...
  22. wireme

    Here we go again...

    forecast looks like winter... Packing away.
  23. wireme

    Bonsai shadow thread

    I was just cruising the yard by flashlight. Suddenly thought hmmm, this could be interesting. A couple minutes later a thread started. This is old plywood, flashlight and iPhone. I'll bet some cool and much better images can be made with the concept. I'm sure I've seen some shadow shots on...
  24. wireme

    Nursery juniper long term project

    I picked this up last fall. Figured it would be good for some styling and wiring practice. I kind of hoped to be able to pull off a kind of instant bonsai type deal there actually. Lopped off a few things, looked, moved a few things around. Just couldn't come up with a way to make any kind of...
  25. wireme

    Of misting newly collected conifers

    this screenshot comes from a Facebook discussion about misting collected junipers. This comment seems to indicate that frequent but short mistings could actually make matter worse for a tree with compromised root system due to stomates opening when they shouldn't. I've never thought of that...
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