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  1. Brian Van Fleet

    Calling on the Princess Persimmon Experts…

    This persimmon was in fruit when I got it several years ago, so I know it can. Each year it gets to this point or a little better, and then the fruits just drop off. This shot is from today and it looks like it’s on the verge of a bumper crop, maybe.🙃 Quite a few of this group have success...
  2. Brian Van Fleet

    New Bonsai Empire Masterclass: Kimura

    I started in bonsai in 1994, before you could reliably see or share photos on the internet, so I relied on my Bonsai Today subscription to arrive in my mailbox every couple months to see the latest installment of what this guy, Kimura, was up to. The latest masterclass is a fantastic evolution...
  3. Brian Van Fleet

    Shohin Olive

    I bought this olive on eBay in summer of 2019. It’s basically a chunk of wood with a living portion. Old olive stumps have an ability to grow roots where they’re in contact with soil and shoots from living areas above the soil. The back side looks like a piece of firewood, but from this...
  4. Brian Van Fleet

    Bonsai Empire’s Suzuki Masterclass

    If you’re familiar with Oscar’s Bonsai Empire online courses, you know he gets the A-list bonsai artists in their element. This new course is really special because it deals with building bonsai gardens and some of the background and forethought that goes into these endeavors with Shinji Suzuki...
  5. Brian Van Fleet

    Kiyozuru Itoigawa from Chikugo-en

    In the summer of 2019, our family vacation was to the LA area, and I managed to work in a visit to Chikugo-en nursery, owned by Gary Ishii. The elusive ‘Kiyozuru’ variant of the Itoigawa was brought to the USA by Gary’s father, Mas Ishii. Gary really didn’t have any other information about...
  6. Brian Van Fleet

    Alabama Bonsai Society 2024 Spring Show, Birmingham, May 18-19, Celebrating 50 Years

    Come to the Birmingham Botanical Gardens and check out our Spring show! 9-5 Saturday, 5/18 and 10-4 Sunday, 5/19. We’ll have vendors and likely 75 fine bonsai on display. Admission and Parking are free.
  7. Brian Van Fleet

    BVF Vance Wood 4 year memorial mugo contest
  8. Brian Van Fleet

    What it the most you have ever spent on a single bonsai pot? (results will be anonymous)

    Picking up on Greg’s tree price thread, let’s go again with pots. Post a photo of your pot to really make this thread interesting…
  9. Brian Van Fleet

    Alabama Bonsai Society 2023 Spring Show

    We had a great show this weekend. Here are some pix of the event.
  10. Brian Van Fleet

    Bonsai Empire: Developing Bonsai from Seed course

    Oscar and Bonsai Empire have done it again. Bjorn Bjorholm and Michael Hagedorn have tag-teamed from opposite ends of the USA to bring another great course on bonsai, this time working with material accessible to the most frugal bonsai practitioner: seeds, cuttings, and layers. Check it out...
  11. Brian Van Fleet

    Bonsai Empire’s Intermediate 2 Course

    Bonsai Empire has released its new course, and it is fantastic, packed with content and is truly a masterclass taught by Bjorn Bjorholm and Michael Hagedorn. It is now available here: Oscar provided me with early access for...
  12. Brian Van Fleet

    Alabama Bonsai Spring Show, May 14-15, 2022

    The Alabama Bonsai Society’s Spring Show is May 14-15 at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens.
  13. Brian Van Fleet

    Bama Snow ‘22

    It was nearly 80 on New Year’s eve, and it’s 30 now. We have close to our annual snowfall total on the ground. Happy New Year, B’nuts. Kiyozuru Itoigawa: Trident maple: Stewartia: Corkbark JBP, ‘Taihei’ JBP:
  14. Brian Van Fleet

    Ginkgo Pot Preference Poll

    I’ll preface this with a comment that I don’t believe I have found the perfect pairing yet, but here are a bunch I had to choose from. If you were choosing the pot for this ginkgo, which would you pick? Why? 1. Brown rectangle 2. Tan bag-shaped oval 3. Oribe rectangle Koyo 4. Black...
  15. Brian Van Fleet

    A lot can happen in 5 years

    I took this photo recently and was struck with the twigginess the trees were starting to develop. It prompted me to look back at the same trees 5 years ago to see how they’ve come along. It’s good to look back a little to see progress. Let’s see your trees today and 5 years ago.
  16. Brian Van Fleet

    Jupiter-Saturn Convergence

    We have some great photographers here, hopefully we’ll see some spectacular shots. Highlands, NC, Sunset rock. Grainy iPhone photo, but both planets are visible. Pretty cool.
  17. Brian Van Fleet

    Vance Wood turned up in Alabama🤪

    Haven’t seen him around the forum in a while, and he turns up on the news in Alabama this morning...doing a Mike Frary impression!😂
  18. Brian Van Fleet

    Summer Repotting

    Last year, this thread sparked discussion about the merits of late-summer repotting. Instead of replying there again, I thought I’d start a new thread. While that thread’s OP calls it “late summer repotting”, often that process is described/shown as shifting a tree from one vessel to another...
  19. Brian Van Fleet

    Kimura Masterclass on Bonsai Empire

    Our US Nuts can spend Memorial Day weekend with The Magician: Be sure to check it out when it drops; this Masterclass is really something special.
  20. Brian Van Fleet

    Alabama Bonsai Society 2020 (virtual) Spring Show

    Our show was canceled this year, so members photographed trees for a virtual show. Enjoy.
  21. Brian Van Fleet

    Stewartia Monadelpha

    I have always wanted a Stewartia, and in December 2018, I had the opportunity to dig one from a grower’s field in Georgia: Bare-rooted and washed off the Georgia red clay when I got it home: Potted: By late May, 2019, it was pretty strong, and clearly hadn’t skipped a beat from being dug and...
  22. Brian Van Fleet

    Pick a pot for this quince

    Which do you prefer, feel free to add comments.
  23. Brian Van Fleet

    BVF 2020-25 Azalea Contest Entry

    Here is my entry, a random azalea found discarded on the side of the road in my neighborhood. Potted... Good luck to all.
  24. Brian Van Fleet

    2020 New Year’s Bonsai Resolutions

    Merry Christmas Eve, and Happy New Year. Been thinking a little about bonsai goals for 2020. A few I have include: 1. Show again in the USNBE...hopefully get there in person as well. 2. Update the bonsai display area with a few long benches to replace some of the monkey poles. 3. Build a sort...
  25. Brian Van Fleet

    A Friday Funny

    You’re welcome.😜
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