Building a double trunk Telperion Japanese maple

A quick check of @kokufu_maples on instagram brought up a lot of major Japanese show trees that I could potentially mimic, but I only checked 2 years. Lots of interesting ideas

Ooh, I like the 2nd one a lot.

I also like your virt copying the PBM tree. If you keep that left branch theres no way I’d add a trunk on the right. You could add one on the left though…
This is actually my original vision, although I did not convey it well:

For the big sub-trunk to make sense the story is that the larger tree must loom over it.

This would be my vote if I did a "single trunk" style, easily doable with my tree
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Call me lame but I may just make a straight copy of that Kokufu tree. I'm glad you all highlighted issues and made me research more- thanks

I will put it in a big wooden box this spring to grow the new top. I will probably do it in 3 or 4 chops over the next 6-8 years. The box has the benefit of speeding up the scar healing. By then the nebari will be epic

For starters, I think your tree is coming along really nicely. And the Kokufu trees are great inspiration for future ideas. Looking at the side by side comparison of your tree to the Kokufu, it is really crazy how even slight changes in angle and taper is what separates nice trees from world class trees. And therein lies the art of bonsai folks.
Repot this guy over the weekend. The roots are flaring really nicely and well balanced. I put it into a deeper pond liner, plan is to grow aggressively towards goal for 3 years.


The 180 reverse may end up the new front because it has less scars

Repot this guy over the weekend. The roots are flaring really nicely and well balanced. I put it into a deeper pond liner, plan is to grow aggressively towards goal for 3 years.

View attachment 585370

The 180 reverse may end up the new front because it has less scars

View attachment 585371
Nice work. The form will really take a step forward when the lower branch continues to thicken the lower base and improve the flare. Great potential to meet your expectations. Well done.
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