Do Like butons kill discussion?

I think it is not the like button. For a few years now I have felt that the more knowledgable members are less on the platform and/or post less. We had a few members who would gladly discuss pros and cons of methods (say, use lower buds or upper buds to develop branches). Those discussions fed the rest of the forum.
I think it is not the like button. For a few years now I have felt that the more knowledgable members are less on the platform and/or post less. We had a few members who would gladly discuss pros and cons of methods (say, use lower buds or upper buds to develop branches). Those discussions fed the rest of the forum.
People come and go. Real life intrudes... and sometimes people take time off bonsai. After 18 years I'm actually surprised how many of the earliest members are still here!

On the plus side, we have a constant stream of new members - some of whom already are quite accomplished, or who have become so with time.
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