Do Like butons kill discussion?


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The netherlands Zone 8b
hello fellow bnuts!
just a tought that passed my mind multiple times so i just write it down...
ever since introduction of like buttons on social media and forums (not only this one) i have the feeling people are using the like button allot but hardly comment anymore, ofcourse a comment with only i like what you have done will be of similar value then a thumbs up but for me it feels like that before the like button was there people would often write down what they like or what they think could be done different and so start a conversation/discussion with the poster i was reading trough my old threads and some of them have 8 pages of people discussing the posted tree's and if i compare it with threads created in the "like button" era often have way less conversation going.
ofcourse i am guilty too in some cases and have to remind myself also to drop some messages instead of a like or at least explain what i like and what made me press the button.
reading trough my old threads i remind myself i should comment more also, ive learned so much in the past by talking with others about my projects even if online based on pictures it helped me grow and sometimes look at an different angle then i was doing.
i am not asking to change things or remove the like buttons but i simply wanted to write down my toughts about it to see if others have noticed the same or have toughts about this matter too.
The like button gives you a rough idea of how much you can trust the advice of an unknown commenter. When in doubt, take advice from commenters with a high ratio of likes to posts.

That said, at the time of this post, there are five likes and only two comments. Where are the comments from the others who liked the original post? Also, should it even be our goal to maximize post count? Would that prioritize quantity over quality?
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I'd say the main function of the like button is to just click a post you like, so you either don't have to reply and say 'I like your post' or 'That is a nice tree', or not say anything at all. So yes, they can stifle posting.
There used to be some animosity toward all the "Great tree" posts. I think the Like button cuts down on those posts without cluttering threads.
Perhaps this is True i see older threads with 2-3 ] pages of comments/conversation wich are often also educational discussions.
If i look at some newer threads people show a picture they get 20 likes from those 20 people no one post a message and i cant believe none of those 20 people see nothing they would improve if it was their tree.
Its fine either way but its a observation from my side i made this thread to see what others think about this subject
The like button gives you a rough idea of how much you can trust the advice of an unknown commenter. When in doubt, take advice from commenters with a high ratio of likes to posts.

That said, at the time of this post, there are five likes and only two comments. Where are the comments from the others who liked the original post? Also, should it even be our goal to maximize post count? Would that prioritize quantity over quality?
Yes i agree, posting to get a post count is ofcourse not the way either.
For me its about sharing opinions and learn from different peoples perspective and the discussions that it creates.
I mean if i post a picture or video of one of my trees i get 20 likes but i wonder then what do they actualy like about it or not..
I use the like button when I either appreciate a tree or agree with the viewpoint of the author of the post. I would not have commented on those posts likely as I do not have anything useful to add. I save comments for when I actually have something that may move the conversation along--a question, an observation that has not been raised, or a disagreement that I think may be relevant. Comments take time and I dedicate about 30 minutes a day for this forum as I have a day job, so I am going to be sparse with those (for which some may thank me)
The more I think about it, the more I think the like button is good for keeping threads clean. I don't want to visit a progression thread, only to scroll through pages of redundant comments that say, "Great tree!" Yes, the like button reduces the number of comments, but it's in a good way.
I don't think the like button detracts from discussion nor does it add engagement to the topic.

What I value with the like button is being able to know that your post was seen by others even if they have nothing to say or add.

As someone who doesn't really talk a lot in general, there is a slight emotional pain where I feel like I was ignored when I do have something to say. I am sure others can empathize.
I try to leave a comment under every post that I interact with. Because I feel like saying 'nice tree, good job' is more affirming than just a like.
My likes mean the same thing, but I try to treat others as I want to be treated myself. Some kind words can go a long way.

When I first visited forums in '06, I was very happy when people took me as serious as the forum veterans. It made me feel welcome and accepted. If I can spread that joy, if only for a second or two, I'll make the effort.
This thread had a lot of potential when I left the first like and no comment! I'm sorry that's my sense of humour.

Trying again with post #13 :)

More seriously, I like to think I comment when I have something to add, not just fluff. Bonsainut is my favourite bonsai resource, but I also know I've been negligent in engaging as much as I would like.
I like posts/threads in passing that I dont want to follow/get notifications on.

I post when I want to get notifications/updates on a thread I see content in that I like.

PS: I have no other social media.

PPS: Now I will get updates/notifications on this thread when I didnt want them but wanted to say my peace and am too lazy to turn off the notifications on it. lol.
In my opinion:

Posts are for stating one's thoughts, giving instruction, and/or providing advice to the previous poster(s)
The Like button is for agreeing with someone's posted content in addition to the obviously "liking" the content of a post
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