Queen of the Nuts
Did you see the ant low on one of the right hand side trunks? So cool! Great job John.
Did you see the ant low on one of the right hand side trunks? So cool! Great job John.
This one was my fav. I could look at this one all day long...View attachment 576456
I hope this wins best in show, definitely one of top 3 Arakawa in America. @MACH5 Great job on your display and great meeting you in person.
I always thought this tree was larger than it actually is. But super cool that it's not!
Now that's one for the scrapbook!
So nice to have met a couple nuts, wish I could have identified more and been there longer, but was a good time though short.
This one was a covet tree for me...
There is no wire on this tree, that was refreshing to see. Such great bark on this one.
There was a guy wire. He didn't believe me until I pointed it out to him. I don't the he was intending to show this tree, but took all the wire off it and liked how it looked after it had relaxed so decided to show it.There is no wire on this tree, that was refreshing to see. Such great bark on this one.
The show ends at 3 pm, usually all the best stuff is gone by noon on Saturday however on Sundays the vendors are usually more willing to cut a deal on anything they have left closer to 3 pm.
When I left today @4pm most of the potters had 40-60% of their inventory left and the tree vendors had 50-70% of inventory. Some of the vendors told me the foot traffic on Saturday hasn't been as consistent as in recent years, hopefully that changes for Sunday because it seemed there were more trees and pots this year than any other year.
Make sure you hit up Mark Comstock in the back left of the tree selling area, he still had quite a few really nice prebonsai for sale. I scooped up a beautiful triple trunk Kashima Japanese Maple from him.
I imagine someone will post them tonightAnyone have a rundown on awards? I know it was to have been judged by Bill Valavanis, but as he had flu and didn’t make it wondered if they even did them.
As someone that is very deciduous biased in my craft, I would agree with you, but I am not a judge or an exhibitor, so I don't think my opinion holds much clout.Makes no sense to me that a conifer wins for best in show in a “winter silhouette” show. But whatever.nice trees either way.
@MACH5 arakawa should have gotten something. But I wasn’t there, so again, I’m not one to say anything.
Judy gets the prize...only one other person mentioned seeing it without being prompted to look. My wife always encourages me to include an easter egg in my displays. Sometimes it is harder to do than other times. The ant was well out of scale but seemed to work ok... Funny story...while Joe Noga was trying to photograph this extremely difficult to photograph composition he was checking for focus deeper into the planting and discovered the hidden ant!Did you see the ant low on one of the right hand side trunks? So cool! Great job John.