
Colorado Blue Spruce

Collected 400 year old Colorado Blue Spruce
I like this spruce. Any chance you could share more photos? Does it have a big cut-down scar in the back?
I'll post more today. As far as a cut down scar .....none , nada, zip, zilch. This spruce was collected high up in the rockies and this is as big as its gotten in some 400 years. I about wet my pants when I came across this great little fella. BTW...the age was estimated by a fella with an extremely large and powerful micrscope who actually counted the rings of one of the pruned branches after the intial styling
Sweet Spruce!!! I think I would have soiled my brithces too!!!!
Looks like it has a nice fat, wide base on it, can you give us some dimesnions?

Thanks, Jason
What an amazing little tree! It tells a story pre-dating nearly all of American History. I hope you can find someone who will appreciate it in future generations, (not to sound morbid). What a treasure
Gorgeous tree, probably the best Blue I have seen. If you need any suggestions for pinching this tree drop me a private email, pinching Spruce is not covered very well in the books.
Thank you for the offer. I will most definately take you up on it as we get closer to spring.

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Bonsai (work-in-progress)
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