I've read a few threads on needle cast. Thank you for the advice so far. One thing I'm still trying to understand better: have individuals been able to successfully cure trees of needle cast, or once a tree has needle cast, does it the needle cast stick around as a chronic disease? I've seen people talk about getting needle cast under control, but I haven't been able to determine if needle cast can be eradicated.
My situation: I have a landscape pine (Thunderhead variety of JBP). I have no intention of making this into a bonsai. It's not a great specimen nor is this variety very well suited to bonsai. This spring, the tree developed minor needle cast. It was just planted last year, and I think I stressed it too much by also pruning several branches (don't worry, I'm not this brutal to my bonsai!). I also didn't proactively treat with any fungicides last year. This tree is a mere six feet from my newly completed grow box, which I've filled with several pre-bonsai pines, none of which show signs of needle cast.
I've started treatment of the following on all my landscape and bonsai conifers:
1) Liquid copper (every two weeks, alternating with Daconil)
2) Daconil (every two weeks, alternating with liquid copper)
3) Clearys 3336 (one application in spring, another in summer)
My question for you...can I get needle cast eradicated in my landscape JBP and expect to successfully keep it from spreading to my grow box pines if I am diligent about my treatment plan above? Or, should I dig up the infected JBP and burn it?
My situation: I have a landscape pine (Thunderhead variety of JBP). I have no intention of making this into a bonsai. It's not a great specimen nor is this variety very well suited to bonsai. This spring, the tree developed minor needle cast. It was just planted last year, and I think I stressed it too much by also pruning several branches (don't worry, I'm not this brutal to my bonsai!). I also didn't proactively treat with any fungicides last year. This tree is a mere six feet from my newly completed grow box, which I've filled with several pre-bonsai pines, none of which show signs of needle cast.
I've started treatment of the following on all my landscape and bonsai conifers:
1) Liquid copper (every two weeks, alternating with Daconil)
2) Daconil (every two weeks, alternating with liquid copper)
3) Clearys 3336 (one application in spring, another in summer)
My question for you...can I get needle cast eradicated in my landscape JBP and expect to successfully keep it from spreading to my grow box pines if I am diligent about my treatment plan above? Or, should I dig up the infected JBP and burn it?