With the trouble I've had uploading here I've simply made an album (it's curated pretty thoroughly as well
) here
So I'm equal parts psyched & anxious with this guy, I'm a dyed-in-the-wool "tropical bonsai guy", my only experience with Junipers is from walmart-type junipers I've bought over the years, pruning / re-potting / root-pruning them all for-practice so I'd be ready when a day like this came!
Thank you, @choppychoppy , for this amazing gift (and for taking the time to see the garden & "talk shop" with me that weekend, it was the best day of my month for sure!), I'd initially thought the trunking would have a couple silvery-white streaks from the shari it'd had but, upon inspection, there was very extensive soft deadwood (even fully-pulpy deadwood, type you use a hose instead of knife!) through that trunk I was confused at first til I realized pretty much every spot where there's a cavity in the bark, is connected to each other, I wasn't comfortable carving-through any savlageable deadwood just yet so I didn't "connect" some of the shari that I'm sure will get connected down the road, I simply got-rid of any soft/compromised deadwood and then quickly&lightly burnished the remaining deadwood before doing several applications of dilute lime-sulfur
I am especially in-love with the live-vein that separates the two lower, larger shari, over time that should be quite a feature (it's highlighted very well in the last photo in the album actually I'll upload here if it lets me!), for now I've up-potted it by ~25-35% container-volume and my plan is to continue the lines you've started but, by using root-grower/colander-type containers and up-potting as-needed over the coming 2-3yrs, I'm hoping to further-accentuate the callousing/bulging of the live bark against the deadwood areas (especially that "free"/hanging live-vein!) while simultaneously fattening-up the primaries/secondaries, to be sure I'm on the correct path I'm hoping to verify some things:
- for right now, being 2/3rds the way through summer, letting it be in its new container (didn't root-prune / bare-root or anything, just a nice simple "slip-root potting") through spring is the best-bet horticulturally, when spring comes:
- at first signs of spring-growth I'll be doing a minor canopy-reduction insofar as removing ~15-20% of the finer/outer-most branches, both for the resultant increased ramification as-well-as a more-dramatic taper from branch-to-branch as my final-goal for this guy has a small-but-dense canopy (not so much of a spread-out canopy as-is more common w/ junipers)
- I'll leave it in its current pot until I find that it's bound, at which point I'll do a tasteful(~20%?) root-prune to encourage ramification of the root-mass **while** up-potting it yet again. The 2nd up-pot will be the last up-potting, then:
- In year ~3, having had 2-3yrs of good strong growth, I'll begin reduction of the root-mass in a 2 or 3 stage approach over a 1-3yrs period , it is during this time that my work on the canopy will move from "setting bones" and fighting for dramatic taper from primaries-to-secondaries (-to-tertiaries, etc etc onward) and more towards a focus on ramification (ending with a focus solely on ramification!)
Well, that's my plan for this guy, am hoping it's "on-point" for Junipers, feel like a total-beginner all over again ROFL but think junipers are a neat specie so am eager to get myself up-to-snuff on their care&styling!
Thanks for any insight/guidance BN, and thanks a million to @choppychoppy, this tree is great and I'm still going-over a lot of the topics we'd touched upon during your visit but am most-thankful to have met another enthusiast in real life as I'm quite the hermit when it comes to bonsai, have never been to a show or bonsai store or anything like that so when I'm able to converse w/ someone who's into the art, *especially* someone as skilled & knowledgeable as choppy was/is, it's a total treat
(And FWIW, if I'm being blunt, I've always found you to be a smart guy online but, in person, it was clear you were FAR more knowledgeable than I'd presumed you to be, almost caught me off-guard how well versed you were!!)

[^phone-case is to show the hole in the trunking, that 'bridge' isn't deadwood it's a thick live-vein, am so stoked for that area I think it'll look amazing down the road once it's fattened-out, I do fear for its safety as I did jostle it pretty hard while clearing-out the softer deadwood in that area - my intention, right after clicking Post right now, is to go outside and wrap the *entire* trunk with raffia, just as "insurance"/a blanket to help protect it from wind/sun/etc so I can be sure that any insults to the trunk itself [which should be 0 but I don't have that precise a touch, sadly!] can heal-up in short order, I expect the current vigor&season, plus the up-pot, plus loosening the wires, will go a long way to helping this guy show me he's got vigor as he goes-into winterttime! Oh re loosening the wires, yeah I already had some bite from the wiring you'd placed, blew my mind I mean you put that on just weeks ago and I hadn't even up-pottted it yet I only top-dressed it with a rich half-organics soil, the bite caught my eye and was sure I was mistaking it so I pulled the wiring back and sure enough I'd had a couple spots on that branch, so I went and loosened-up the whole works, gotta say I'm curious if most-others do what I do IE simply un-wind the wire in-place and then re-wind it, setting it so that the wire is touching different spots on the bark but otherwise doing the same thing it was before, I find this the simplest way to keep wire on a growing tree!]

So I'm equal parts psyched & anxious with this guy, I'm a dyed-in-the-wool "tropical bonsai guy", my only experience with Junipers is from walmart-type junipers I've bought over the years, pruning / re-potting / root-pruning them all for-practice so I'd be ready when a day like this came!
Thank you, @choppychoppy , for this amazing gift (and for taking the time to see the garden & "talk shop" with me that weekend, it was the best day of my month for sure!), I'd initially thought the trunking would have a couple silvery-white streaks from the shari it'd had but, upon inspection, there was very extensive soft deadwood (even fully-pulpy deadwood, type you use a hose instead of knife!) through that trunk I was confused at first til I realized pretty much every spot where there's a cavity in the bark, is connected to each other, I wasn't comfortable carving-through any savlageable deadwood just yet so I didn't "connect" some of the shari that I'm sure will get connected down the road, I simply got-rid of any soft/compromised deadwood and then quickly&lightly burnished the remaining deadwood before doing several applications of dilute lime-sulfur

I am especially in-love with the live-vein that separates the two lower, larger shari, over time that should be quite a feature (it's highlighted very well in the last photo in the album actually I'll upload here if it lets me!), for now I've up-potted it by ~25-35% container-volume and my plan is to continue the lines you've started but, by using root-grower/colander-type containers and up-potting as-needed over the coming 2-3yrs, I'm hoping to further-accentuate the callousing/bulging of the live bark against the deadwood areas (especially that "free"/hanging live-vein!) while simultaneously fattening-up the primaries/secondaries, to be sure I'm on the correct path I'm hoping to verify some things:
- for right now, being 2/3rds the way through summer, letting it be in its new container (didn't root-prune / bare-root or anything, just a nice simple "slip-root potting") through spring is the best-bet horticulturally, when spring comes:
- at first signs of spring-growth I'll be doing a minor canopy-reduction insofar as removing ~15-20% of the finer/outer-most branches, both for the resultant increased ramification as-well-as a more-dramatic taper from branch-to-branch as my final-goal for this guy has a small-but-dense canopy (not so much of a spread-out canopy as-is more common w/ junipers)
- I'll leave it in its current pot until I find that it's bound, at which point I'll do a tasteful(~20%?) root-prune to encourage ramification of the root-mass **while** up-potting it yet again. The 2nd up-pot will be the last up-potting, then:
- In year ~3, having had 2-3yrs of good strong growth, I'll begin reduction of the root-mass in a 2 or 3 stage approach over a 1-3yrs period , it is during this time that my work on the canopy will move from "setting bones" and fighting for dramatic taper from primaries-to-secondaries (-to-tertiaries, etc etc onward) and more towards a focus on ramification (ending with a focus solely on ramification!)
Well, that's my plan for this guy, am hoping it's "on-point" for Junipers, feel like a total-beginner all over again ROFL but think junipers are a neat specie so am eager to get myself up-to-snuff on their care&styling!
Thanks for any insight/guidance BN, and thanks a million to @choppychoppy, this tree is great and I'm still going-over a lot of the topics we'd touched upon during your visit but am most-thankful to have met another enthusiast in real life as I'm quite the hermit when it comes to bonsai, have never been to a show or bonsai store or anything like that so when I'm able to converse w/ someone who's into the art, *especially* someone as skilled & knowledgeable as choppy was/is, it's a total treat

[^phone-case is to show the hole in the trunking, that 'bridge' isn't deadwood it's a thick live-vein, am so stoked for that area I think it'll look amazing down the road once it's fattened-out, I do fear for its safety as I did jostle it pretty hard while clearing-out the softer deadwood in that area - my intention, right after clicking Post right now, is to go outside and wrap the *entire* trunk with raffia, just as "insurance"/a blanket to help protect it from wind/sun/etc so I can be sure that any insults to the trunk itself [which should be 0 but I don't have that precise a touch, sadly!] can heal-up in short order, I expect the current vigor&season, plus the up-pot, plus loosening the wires, will go a long way to helping this guy show me he's got vigor as he goes-into winterttime! Oh re loosening the wires, yeah I already had some bite from the wiring you'd placed, blew my mind I mean you put that on just weeks ago and I hadn't even up-pottted it yet I only top-dressed it with a rich half-organics soil, the bite caught my eye and was sure I was mistaking it so I pulled the wiring back and sure enough I'd had a couple spots on that branch, so I went and loosened-up the whole works, gotta say I'm curious if most-others do what I do IE simply un-wind the wire in-place and then re-wind it, setting it so that the wire is touching different spots on the bark but otherwise doing the same thing it was before, I find this the simplest way to keep wire on a growing tree!]