The I hate "insert tree" thread


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Downstate New York, Zone 6b
I hate taxus, and no one can convince me otherwise, because it's related to unhappy childhood memories. I grew up in a bad neighborhood in Jackson Heights, Queens, NYC, where all the fugly brick apartment buildings full of us sardines packed together in greasy oil were landscaped with yews and their nasty red berries. Every time I look at an effing taxus it reminds me of that part of my miserable life and I want to pour gasoline on them and burn them all.

Ok, maybe just a liiiiitle excessive; but really, I do hate taxus.

Are there any trees you hate, and why?
Cottonwood. I have one in my back yard and, really the only positive aspect is that it provides some shade (which any other tree could do as well). Every year it dumps it’s cotton-tufted seeds everywhere. It looks like a bunch of mischievous teenagers had the most epic, vicious pillow fight ever all over both my front and back yards. It clogs the air cooling on the lawnmower and I have pick the fuzz off to prevent damage to the mower. It clogs the gutters on the house. It gets stuck in the foliage pads on my bonsai. It’s such a dirty tree.
Fuck buckthorn. Nasty little weed. I loathe it about as much as I do garlic mustard and poison ivy.

I have an aversion to jade and portulacaria afra. The leaves are so thick and gross looking, all full of goo.

But the P. afra's leaves are also tasty!
I hate all trees.
And I believe they hate me back.
I'm a trees worst nightmare.
So, basically this is Marathon Man and you’re the dentist while the trees are Dustin Hoffman?
I hate Hackberry the tree.

Love Hackberry the Bonsai.


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