Why Does this Make Me Laugh?

Your crazy Sorce! I call the display at the PBM innovative and creative. You can't really call that a scroll in my opinion. For the record I like your scrolls very much and you have a ton of talent. You can see the eastern influence with your work more than these. That is not a bad thing. I didn't like the PBM skateboard thing so much but this one is really interesting.
These are Scrolls...
They are meant to serve the exact same purpose of adding a visual element to better enhance the Artists work... to tell the story.

A Scroll does not have to be actually mounted as a Scroll. Nor does it have to be Asian in Theme. They can be mounted on a Screen, on board... be a painting, a photograph, etc. It does not matter. They will still be referred to as Scrolls. For this is the generic term for such an element in a display... and they will still serve the same purpose.

Just as stands do not need to be constructed in a traditional manner... or pots, etc. But still serve the exact same function. And will be called a stand, a pot, etc.

A couple of images from the BCI Convention in China 2013

In which the whole backdrop behind everyone's trees was painted with landscape and mountain scenes...

Sorry, there are much better photos out there where you can see the backdrop better... I know Bill Valavanis was there and got some nice one's. ..

But worth the Google search to find them...

This was a nice touch... this was something New and Inventive...

I have since seen images of shows that China does now... that seem to all now have this painted backdrop for the shows display.

And once again... this painted backdrop serves as a Scroll.
I think the trees would have looked much better without the paintings,those pastel colors make you see more painting and less tree.
Ryan at Bonsai Mirai did a video with the curator (is that what he would be called?). Anyway, the video did more justice to those scrolls than still images do. I didn't like all of them but some of them really complemented the tree well. I spent a few minutes looking for the video to link here but I gave up (I should get back to work :) )
I hate it. I don't think the paintings pair with the trees at all. And personally I think the paintings are ugly. That's my own personal opinion.

I struggled with it as well. I think the paintings are interesting. If I had a house in Taos, I'd probably own several :) However in a static display environment, I felt they conflicted, instead of complimented, the trees.

However I listened to the entire Bonsai Mirai stream about the tree and art pairings, and I appreciate the thought and rationale that went into each design. Though I can honestly say it is "not for me", I appreciate the effort and thought that went into the displays... and I would enjoy seeing them.
After looking more here and online I don't like it either it is to disruptive.
I don't like that some items are preplaced or prehung in the display. The display should be created only by the tree owner.
I didn't watch that one- do you have a link?
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Those bold lines overpower the trees and seriously overpower their pots. :eek: The curvy lotus pot really clashes with the sharp bold lines in the painting.

I think the colors work well and the painting without lines looks pretty good.

I like the idea it just needs a little tweaking for my taste. ;)

In Taos you just paint your whole house these colors.
i liked it and would be happy to see it in reality.
i agree not every display compliments the tree well but i dont mind it. after all they are setup as a display where not necessarily the tree is the main focus.
The show is also not setup as a contest with best whatever and such so different concept.
Not quite sure who is being an Internet hulk?

I personally never voiced my opinion one way or another regarding whether or not I thought the work was good... or not.

I merely suggested the absurdity of telling folks not to use them... then all of a sudden using them.

As far as thinking outside the box... and being unique... This is the problem isn't it? There is actually nothing unique or outside of the box with this... that in fact trees have been shown in a similar way for hundreds of years now... but, when all of a sudden folks in Seattle do it... it is all somehow so "New" and "Inventive".

I really enjoy your work & enjoy seeing the trees you make, and especially your videos, and you seem to have a really big heart, but jesus, man ... why do you put so much energy into what other people do and think? Who gives a shit? So somebody on the west coast stuck a tree in front of a painting. What's the big deal?

I think it's an interesting way to display a tree, just like I think lots of different people have come up with lots of interesting other ways to display their trees. I especially like the third one because when I look at it from the right angle, it evokes in my mind a scene of a tree in the foreground overhanging a lake, and it adds an element of realism and a sense of depth to the scene. But whatever, that's just my opinion.

You may not like the approach, or you may just not think it's worthy of the praise it got, or maybe they're just big hypocrites, but it kind of just comes across as sour grapes when you make it personal like this. And once the seeds of drama have been planted, others pile on with more negative comments, and what could have been a great discussion about a presentation style just starts to seem very negative and almost pointless other than to personally attack certain people.

You add a lot to the community when you're showing your work and your projects, when you're teaching us what you've learned, and when you add your unique point of view to many of the discussions. I really do appreciate the perspective and experience you bring to the table. But man, drama just seems to follow you around from thread to thread to thread ... and I have to be honest here - it doesn't seem like a coincidence to me.

Just chill out man ... life's pretty good when you let it be - after all, we have our little trees ... :-)

I hope this lands the way it was intended. Just a little friendly feedback, nothing more. If I'm way off base, feel free to ignore it ... I just learned a long time ago that if I find myself embroiled in drama, to ask myself what I did to contribute to it. Nine times out of ten, I usually discover that I either caused it or contributed to it in some way. I've found that just by asking myself that question consistently and taking 100% responsibility for the drama in my life, that I just don't have a lot of drama in my life any more. And I've found life to be much, much more enjoyable that way.

Anyway, looking forward to more quality content from you in the future.

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