Donald Trump.

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As a side note, the pictures above reminded me of something I noticed a couple of weeks ago.
As far as I understand it, Islamic women wear/are made to wear the hijab to basically counter potential attraction to men other than their husbands right? They are to appear as modest and uninviting to the opposite sex as possible.
So why then do I see during certain protests by the Islamic community, placards of the most beautiful looking women with full luscious lips smeared with bright red lipstick and eye make up caked on used to prove some point? Are you trying to attract or repel?
Whatever happened to credibility? Talk about self contradictory bullshit. Truth is, it just further proves that anyone using religion to push an idea should be ignored because they are all misguided fools. The whole lot of them. How dare they ask for respect when this kind of crap is placed under your nose.

You mean like the Jehovah Witness coming to my door with the pretty 14 y/o girl in tow?... pppishhh, t'is just a coincidence.
I know you don't see me in the same light that you do, I would be surprised if you did. It is interesting that since this began you have seen it necessary to scare up some names that have disappeared from this forum years ago. Let's agree that this is a fact and abandon this entire shit-house-wall display and go our own way. As for me not only do I not see things your way I think you are a fraud.

I fail to get the gist of 1/2 of what you said, but I have no problem letting this go... "Movin' on!"...
lol... I didn't say I was going anywhere, I just said that I was moving' on...

Except, I just asked B'nut to ban me again... so how knows... it might happen. :P
lol... I didn't say I was going anywhere, I just said that I was moving' on...

Except, I just asked B'nut to ban me again... so how knows... it might happen. :p

dont get yourself banned!!! this thread has hundreds of pages left in it!!!!!
We'll ship you the oil, we'll take the unwanted!... keep the rest of the world out of it.
I appreciate your comments but my post wasn't meant to be humorus...Ivanka & her Husband will help make America Great Again, we are Fortunate to have them Guiding our Country...

Personally I already believe America, USA is number one country on planet Earth, Economically, Militarily, Politically, Socially, and by all other Standards used to Measure GeoPolitical Greatness.....
I am so pleased that Ivanka is now Officially a Govt. Employee and a Top Advisor to her Father Donald, it just keeps getting better....
She cant even sell a pair if shoes. And her husband gets to explain his ties to Russia.
The comedy show just keeps getting funnier all of the time!
You forgot to add humanitarian and itellilectuality to your list of what makes America so great.
It's because we aren't. We are failing dramatically in those areas more than ever now.
And don't forget protectors of the environment.
We aren't going to be that anymore with cutting funding to the EPA,education and things like meals on wheels.
Politically we are a mess now.
The guy in so called charge can't even get his own party to agree on how to fix the health care system.
All I see is nepotism and corruption and greed from the whole Trump clan.
Ivanka and the current Mrs. Trump do look good without clothes on though.
Lighten up Mike, its not that bad...

I just updated my Bathroom with a new High Tech Toilet, 360 degree swirling flush water, Aromatic spray ability, new heated toilet seat, remote control Music, Flush water amount choice of Lo for #1 & Hi for #2, Improved taper toilet seat, Low profile look.....$4000.00 Installed...
and this is for my rec room bathroom, wait til I tell you about my Main Bath room improvements...
America is great isn't it...???
EPA is a massive Bureaurocracy and needs comprehensive overhaul from Obama Administration, talk about graft & corruption...
Increasing the Military Budget from all of the Obama cuts is Mandatory for us, USA, to remain # 1 in our Global GeoPolitical Position on the Great Global Chess Board, you know like staying ahead of North Korea, Iran, Syria, Russia, Chetchnia, California, France and so on....
Its all about the Big Picture & Our Standing Globally, Mike...
EPA is a massive Bureaurocracy

That's what you would probably call "Une usine à gaz": in the early 20th century, coal was used to produce gas to light the streets, and since it implied jobs, but most of all, profits, when other ways of lighting the streets and heating homes, it continued.

Of course it was much less efficient, more costly (and more polluting but at that time it was not a concern for people) and very expensive for everyone.

Hence the phrase "Une usine à gaz" (a gas factory) to refer to a costly, inefficient system.

But coal is not polluting and economically viable, isn't it? (LOL)

Amerik-cough, cough-ka great again!

My late grandfather who died from silicosis would probably applaud...

PS: I understand how it feels when your whole life was shaped by this job. They were very proud to revive the country. And after the war, they were privileged workers, the Poles, the Czechs, the Italians, the Algerians and Moroccans. they even had the "coo-op", actually the company store where they could get into debt.
And medical aid too: the doctor (paid by the company) said my granfather had only 30% silicosis. Good luck, 33% would have him condemned to die in a couple years'time, the limit was 33%.

Coal is not cool, for the people who slave in the mines and for the rest of us. And it's a totally economic nonsense.

The chemicals used for fracking destroy the environment for hundreds of years.

And about Ivanka, this is my contibution to "Macho-men-associated", I don't find her sexy at all. I mean, I've never used a plastic woman.

Have a nice future,

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