Second smallest tree I own

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Here is the second smallest tree... Well.. in all actuality this is my third.
Cause I lied... My other post regarding my bougie which I claimed was my
smallest, is actully my second smallest and this is my third smallest...
If that makes any sense ???

My first smallest I will be unable to post up because I am under obligations
not to do so for the moment... Will however post up when I am able.

In the mean time... this is a Buttonwood that I have been working on for
the last 2 yrs... It is in a Sara Raynor pot. And sadly I think I have a branch
major branch or 2 at the bottom of the tree that does not seem to be wanting
to awaken from it's winter slumber... So, it might be back to the ol' drawing board.

Sometimes it is hard to devert the energy with these back down towards the
bottom, especially on old material such as this... Also, sorry for it looking so
ratty, I have some branches that were being allowed to run free to thicken up,
and this is that transitional time where all the old leaves are dropping and being
replaced with new.
Are using reverse “psychology” on wording for your confusing me...For that Bougie seemed large to me...nice thick trunk. So I didn't comment...unsure what I was missing. Went to the mame and Shohin forum area and seen you indeed posted small "trees" there. So...I am thinking your talking opposite...referring to the ones your listing as smallest...
IMG_2637.jpglg button idea.jpg
Ok... So here is where I see my tree heading towards.
I did this virt to try and see here I should aim for with it,
seeing that I do think I have a couple of lower main branches
that might not come it.

Let me know what you think... Aiming for that "World Class Tree",
with about 30 pounds of wire on it !!! First pic is obviously where it
is now.
lg button idea2.jpg
I'm thinking actually a little more like this...
Now that I look at it. I little bit more reigned in.
I think I like the third picture in your first post as the front. As it stands in your last post, I feel like the apex is leaning too hard to the left making the whole composition off balance. Just my 2 cents.
I think I like the third picture in your first post as the front. As it stands in your last post, I feel like the apex is leaning too hard to the left making the whole composition off balance. Just my 2 cents.
Thanks for you reply... I understand where you
are going with this, the tree could probably
have a couple of fronts, I just chose this one because
it is the most dramatic... now, it could easily be
turned a little to the right compromising between the two.
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I like the front you've chosen. I saw a couple of deciduous trees from the highway that had this same type of movement yesterday. At that time I thought how nice it'd be for a twin trunk to go together like those two trees with that same type of movement. Revisitng this thread, I find your tree with similar movement, and I like it.
Thanks for you reply... I understand where you
are going with this, the tree could probably
have a couple of fronts, I just chose this one because
it is the most dramatic... now, it could easily be
turned a little to the right compromising between the two.

Don't compromise. Your first choice is superior.

Going from sweeping movement to a stovepipe would be a loss, not a net gain. The apex in your virt is actually correctly placed as it should end up virtually center over your base. But you knew that... which is why you envisioned it that way. I only say it out loud for the benefit of others. :cool:

Thanks the both of you for your replies !!!
Sometimes it is hard find the precise front on
Certain trees... And often is subjective to one's
Personal taste, this is why I chose the round pot
For the tree. Which leads to another question...

What does everyone think of the pot ???
I wish it was a larger size, but it really starts
Getting hard to find an appropriate pot size
When you start getting into very large sizes...
Everything is rectangle, or square...
Which I don't think would suit the tree, too
I think a round pot looks right, but the round pot you have it in just might not be the right one. Have you considered oval or rounded edge rectangular ones?
I think a round pot looks right, but the round pot you have it in just might not be the right one. Have you considered oval or rounded edge rectangular ones?
Ummm... not trying to be insulting, but oval or rounded edge rectangular pots, wouldn't be a round pot...
I think you are right about the pot. The tree looks like it was shoe-horned into the pot. I would go wider. If your worried about seeing too much pot then maybe a little more shallow, or a fat-bellied round that gives a wider lip, but the taper decreases the visual weight of the pot.
I think you are right about the pot. The tree looks like it was shoe-horned into the pot. I would go wider. If your worried about seeing too much pot then maybe a little more shallow, or a fat-bellied round that gives a wider lip, but the taper decreases the visual weight of the pot.

Thanks for the reply... I love the pot and actually think it really
Works rather well with the tree, I just wish it was about 5 or 6 inches
Bigger. As mentioned, just hard to find pots in the larger sizes, that
You like. This pot is 18 inches wide, which means I will be looking for
24 inches, and the style and variety get to be slimmer pickings...

Since it is a Sara Raynor, more than likely I will just end up contacting
Her to do a larger version... just means I am going to end up forking out
Alot of dough !!! Oh, well good thing is that I have a couple more years
Before ready to show, so I have some time to work on it.
The tree is doing fine in the pot that it is in, so for now it will continue to
Reside in it, more a matter of aesthetics. Tree just looks to big for it.
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