The smallest tree I own

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Here is one of the smallest trees I own...
I have had it for some time, and I am currently growing
out all the main branches that have been wired to get
them in correct proportions to the trunk. This year will
be spent doing mostly this and hopefully adding a few
more branches in certain areas along the way.

I am not concerned for now about flowering, but left a
couple on so you could see the color. The pot will end up
maybe being changed this year... if not definitetly next.
Couple more pics...
One of the pot it will eventually go into.
Interesting. I thought some of your others were smaller. This puts things into perspective.
What do the big ones look like?
Is that a mini-drill?
Thats a man sized Dewalt drill.


Yeah... this tree is very heavy.
It is definitely a 2 person tree... only problem, I don't have
another person to help lift. This is the reason why I haven't
posted pics of it before now of it... was waiting till the next time
I had to pick it up.
I personally think one of the hardest things to learn about Bonsai
is being patient and letting things grow sometimes !!! I still often find
myself wishing I had let something grow a little thicker before cutting back.
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