Back in 2022 we bought our first home, and in the process of moving (new house is about five minutes from old one), someone stole all of my trees out of the backyard. I finally am in a position to slowly start back up and wanted to share what I picked up today.
Juniper wired by Todd Schlafer - I'm a huge fan of his and was stoked to be able to grab this today.

Fun little JBP I get to watch grow.

And this weird project juniper I got for dirt cheap that I plan on bringing to a workshop with Todd Schlafer in January

Juniper wired by Todd Schlafer - I'm a huge fan of his and was stoked to be able to grab this today.

Fun little JBP I get to watch grow.

And this weird project juniper I got for dirt cheap that I plan on bringing to a workshop with Todd Schlafer in January