Suthin's Nationals willow leaf pictures?

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Eastern MA
I was hoping someone might have good pictures of Suthin's willow leaf shohin from the Nationals this year - still a ways til the book comes, but I wanted to study them a bit and have them kicking around in the back of my head. I have one I'm still early on with after a chop - my initial thought was to grow the leader and make a standard tree-looking tree, first second back branch etc, but his were really unique...

Thanks if you do!
... and he consistently sells 90% + of his stock before lunch on Saturday. Looking at the picture above sort of explains why :) .

He had quite a few that didnt sell. I was helping Nao with his sales table all weekend, which was right across from Suthin. His trees were fantastic.
He had quite a few that didnt sell. I was helping Nao with his sales table all weekend, which was right across from Suthin. His trees were fantastic.
Yeah, I may have exaggerated a bit with 90%... maybe 50% by lunch:D. Regardless, his trees for sale are always fantastic, and actually well priced considering the high quality.
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