Wulfskaar's Afghan Pine


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Southern California
I got this Afghan Pine as a gift 2 years ago. I read somewhere here that they don't make great bonsai, but I've got it and here we are.

I'd like for it to be a formal upright style one day.

It has grown very well here, has plenty of new growth, and is now forming candles on the apex.

So far I have done nothing other than potting it up 2 years ago and I did wire a couple of the lower branches down for a few months as a test.

What steps should I be taking on this tree to achieve a formal upright pine style?

Summer 2022

Spring 2024
Top candles growing.

I'm thinking of chopping the top segment off and wiring up a new leader. Not sure how else to go about it.
Could be a cool experiment. I think if it were me, I'd try a few different things and kind of pioneer the species. How about instead of chopping now, you wait and candle cut one of those top ones, to see if that promotes back budding or, increased vigor around the rest of the tree. This way you'll have some better info to work with moving forward with this tree in the many years to come.
Interesting. Someone just told me about this species recently. Maybe it was you?
Could be a cool experiment. I think if it were me, I'd try a few different things and kind of pioneer the species. How about instead of chopping now, you wait and candle cut one of those top ones, to see if that promotes back budding or, increased vigor around the rest of the tree. This way you'll have some better info to work with moving forward with this tree in the many years to come.

Yeah that's a good idea. Basically follow the rules for JBP and see what happens.

It's basically candle cutting time now, so maybe I'll do that when I cut my JBP candles.

For the record, these candles are developing at the same time and the candles look very similar to JBP, so I think it's a great idea, @CaptColin !
Interesting. Someone just told me about this species recently. Maybe it was you?

Not sure. I think I've mentioned it in a couple other threads while looking for advice.

I've been told it's not a great species for bonsai and there certainly isn't a lot of info on it, but I have it so I'm going to try.
Yea maybe at the proper time the plan could be to wire the current leader out of the way while wiring your new leader up on the correct position for your design. Then - experiment on the candles of your now sacrifice leader. Serves to keep the solar panels pumping while experimenting on different techniques. And if you loose it well, you were going to chop it anyway! I think firstly though I'd go for Eric Schrader's 'coarse Perlite and coco coir' mix in a taller than wide container to try and jump-start this one into speed mode. Following along for the ride!
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