Ulmus pumila

Can't wait to see how these develop. My first year in bonsai (four years ago), I dug a neighbor's leafed-out pumila that would have taken over his driveway, eventually. I managed to kill it in short order. Didn't know about modern substrates at the time, guess I just "noobed" it to death! There's one growing wild in my neighborhood that I want to air layer next year (couldn't do it this year due to inoportune timing of vacation). The biggest criticism I've heard about them is that they can drop branches.
Can't wait to see how these develop. My first year in bonsai (four years ago), I dug a neighbor's leafed-out pumila that would have taken over his driveway, eventually. I managed to kill it in short order. Didn't know about modern substrates at the time, guess I just "noobed" it to death! There's one growing wild in my neighborhood that I want to air layer next year (couldn't do it this year due to inoportune timing of vacation). The biggest criticism I've heard about them is that they can drop branches.
I had a somewhat accidental experiment this last year with the whole branch dropping issue. Ive got tons of these things and last winter didn't have the space to protect them all in my tree house. A little more then half were protected and the others were left to nature's furry. In spring when they all leafed out, the ones protected had branches die back and yes, certain branches just died. But the trees left outdoors came out perfectly this spring with no die back, they also have been noticeably more vigorous then the protected trees. I think their care is all in their name, Siberia is one cold ass place and I bet these trees benefit from more cold then we generally allow our trees to get.

In spring when they all leafed out, the ones protected had branches die back and yes, certain branches just died. But the trees left outdoors came out perfectly this spring with no die back, they also have been noticeably more vigorous then the protected trees.

It's these bits of information that you can take to the bank with a new understanding on how to fill out the deposit form.


Finally an update on the first tree in this thread. It budded out all over the place and branches began to grow. They ALL stopped at about 3inches long for some reason. The tree just absolutely stalled out.
I put it in a shady area with my maples and stopped watering it, most if the water it received was just over spray from watering other trees.
Well, finally about 3 days ago I noticed new growth everywhere beginning so I moved it to a more sunny location and have watered it once a day since I noticed the growth. I'd say it finally wants to live and is quite happy, it just took a while for the damn thing to decide that lol20160729_131606.jpg 20160729_131612.jpg
You can see where the first flush of growth just stopped, and where the new flush of growth began.

Update on everyone.
Just mowed this one back by about 2/3s it was beginning to shade out buds that iday like to keep.20160807_090741.jpg
The important buds20160807_090801.jpg
Next up is the smaller one that was collected very late in the season.20160807_090913.jpg
And here's the only one NOT collected in full leaf and took forever to do anything lol20160807_090954.jpg
The root cutting has been happy all year though20160807_091031.jpg
All in all, I only lost one elm to collection this year, not to bad considering all but one were collected in full leaf.

Put some wire on that root cutting and finally measured it. 2.2" base and 3 " tall, could make a nice mame if I really tried lol20160815_071134.jpg
Could make a nice slant style tree in my opinion, for being a root cutting it actually has a nice nebari which is really weird.

First styling, the vigorous branches up top began shading out inner shoots.20160907_082556.jpg 20160907_095628.jpg
I'll have to take a better pic and do fine wiring come leaf drop.

So I sold 2 traded 1ad I'm now left with the first tree collected this spring, and the last one collected in early summer.
Here's the first one with some fall color.20161205_081908.jpg
And about an hour later, it's naked!20161205_083636.jpg
Sorry about my finger in the pic lol
Now I'll prune and wire it over the coming week.
Here's the big guy.20161205_091614.jpg
Here's the other side20161205_091652.jpg
The 2 smaller trees will be separated I'm spring when I dig this one back up, root prune, and put it in a training box.20161205_091629.jpg
Oh I can't wait for spring to come!

Pruned and ready for bedtime.20161206_063520.jpg I figured it wasnt ready for an autumn wiring yet. I plan to employ the ebihara technique on this guy come spring, it already has a nice root spread and it should only get better that way.

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