Trident Maple Seeds from a Southern state


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I live on the edge of 9b-10a growing zone in SW Florida. It gets below 40 degrees F (4.5 Celsius) a few nights of the year with an occasional frost. I didn't think Japanese or trident maples were an option in this zone but the Miami trident thread has inspired me to try my hand at starting some trident seeds. I thought seeds from a tree in a southern state might give me better odds at getting a trident that is heat tolerant with a short dormancy.

Would anyone have a few seeds to share? Of course I'll pay for shipping and for the seeds.

If I can't get any volunteers from southern states, I'll go with Pitoon's seeds from Maryland.
I live on the edge of 9b-10a growing zone in SW Florida. It gets below 40 degrees F (4.5 Celsius) a few nights of the year with an occasional frost. I didn't think Japanese or trident maples were an option in this zone but the Miami trident thread has inspired me to try my hand at starting some trident seeds. I thought seeds from a tree in a southern state might give me better odds at getting a trident that is heat tolerant with a short dormancy.

Would anyone have a few seeds to share? Of course I'll pay for shipping and for the seeds.

If I can't get any volunteers from southern states, I'll go with Pitoon's seeds from Maryland.
Sheffields will show the origin location of his seeds………maybe has some from california…..

Zone nine and 10 are not that much different …. should be OK.

Trident are good up to zone nine that would include a and B!!!

Also @Smoke has been growing Trident in Fresno? for years.

Maybe he will give tips.
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Thanks for the tips cmeg1!
Damn, I sowed a bunch I collected in NC but gave the seedlings away to someone who will probably kill them. Wish I still had them, I'd send em your way. They do seem to grow pretty far into Southern China. I think sourcing seeds from a similar environment is always worth the effort, but it should be more or less in their DNA to survive a warm climate.
Thanks for all the advice. I’ll give Sheffield’s a try. They have seeds for a few other tree species I’d like to grow.
Consider the Taiwan trident. I don't think it gets below 50 degrees in Taipei although they can go dormant like normal tridents. Thicker leaves do well in direct sun on all but the hottest of days in zone 9b Florida.
I ended up getting trident seeds from Sheffield’s. They are from Tennessee, I have them cold stratifying now. If I can’t get a few that are happy with the climate here, I’ll start the hunt for the Taiwanese variety.
Thank you very much for the suggestion!
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